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The Netherlands: A Chinese Lady Who Realized the Truth Was Gratified to Know Falun Dafa
2002-01-29My father was persecuted to death with a fabricated accusation during that period of time. At the instigation of the XX Party, the Chinese people came to fight against each other. Many people felt proud when they hurt others, but it was beyond their imagination that their punishment would come soon. In fact, it is retribution. They deserve to be punished with evil as they hurt others first. I always believe that benevolent deeds will be rewarded with good. It is a lucky coincidence to meet you today, as I have long been anxious to figure out the truth of the Falun Gong incident. I was told that there is a book on Falun Gong. Can I borrow this book to read? I am determined to read this book thoroughly with my own eyes.
Is it right to say “Seeing is believing”?
2002-01-28Thousands of years ago, Chinese could accurately gauge the celestial body, predict the weather, detect tumours in human brains and remove them without any equipment.
Germany: My Six Year Old Daughter’s Story
2002-01-21I have a six-year-old daughter. Even when she was first born, the look in her eyes was totally clear. At that time I could not help but think that this child looks at me as if she knew everything, an impression of her that intensified over time.
Dafa Practitioners' Righteous Thoughts Stop Illegal Trial in Changchun
2002-01-19 -
Travels to Tiananmen: A Westerner's Appeal For Justice
2002-01-17 -
A Mother Appeals for Justice for Son Sent to Labour Camp
2002-01-10Liu's mother has started to appeal for Liu. She asserted, "My son did not break the law, since the constitution grants a citizen the right to appeal and freedom of speech. On the other hand, the police department is the executor of the law and they are breaking it. By flaunting the banner of the government while overriding the constitution, they have done the most vicious thing. My son is one of the best people around, he is not corrupt or dishonest, nor has he beaten or robbed anyone. A government is supposed to serve its people, not bully them."
Beethoven’s Opera “Fidelio”: A Methaphor for the World-wide Effort of Practitioners to Stop the Persecution in China
2002-01-09We want people all over the world to know that the efforts of us practitioners for the suppressed practitioners in China comes from a feeling of deep compassion and that this compassion is bigger than us, just like Leonore’s who stood protectively in front of Florestan and risked her life at the moment when Don Pizarro wanted to knife him to death.
The Experiences of a Practitioner, one of the 36 Westerners who went to Appeal in Tiananmen Square
2002-01-07My fellow Swede lay motionless on the floor of the police car. The police waited for me to step over the swede. Before I figured out how to avoid stepping on him, I was punched hard on the face. I was thrown off balance and fell right on top of the Swede. I bumped into the seat. Bruises are everywhere on my arms and legs. In the mean time, a female practitioner stretched out her head from the window and shouted “Falun Gong is good!” Two policemen and the driver in the car grabbed her hair and threw her to the floor in front of me. The driver was the one who beat us. I saw him raise his hand to hit her.
Where are China's Human Rights?
2002-01-05In 2000, the United Nations passed a resolution in Geneva: human rights issues are not domestic affairs. However, since then cases of human rights violations are still not uncommon. The International Human Rights Organization has been deluged with tens of thousands of accusations of vast abuses of human rights in China, ranging from individual appeals to group protests.
Letter from Five Western Practitioners to Hong Kong Officials
2002-01-05"We love China, we respect the Chinese people, and we admire the Chinese culture"
A German Practitioner's Experience of Going to Tiananmen
2002-01-03On November 20, 36 western Falun Gong practitioners went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to peacefully protest about the treatment of practitioners in China, where they were arrested and badly treated by the Chinese authorities. This is a German practitioner's speech regarding the events of that day.
Truth Clarifying VCDs Have a Large Impact, Even Among Chinese Police
2002-01-01 -
Compassion: A Western Practitioner’s Understanding from His Experiences in Tiananmen Square
2001-12-31When I was put in the police van I placed my hand on the driver´s shoulder and said to him from my heart: “you know that Falun Dafa is good, why are you doing these things?“ His silence spoke volumes. I knew he understood. I felt that this was a moment of genuine compassion. In the police station, however, I got caught up in the situation. I was rather hyperactive and not very calm. I bounced from one policeman to the next trying to quickly move their hearts and tell them the truth. My combativeness opened the door for my being beaten. I
A Peasant Dafa Practitioner's Appeal to be Allowed to Support his Family
2001-12-30We are all peasants, living off farming, and we need to support our whole families, young and old. By keeping us in the detention centre for so long, we were forced to miss the farming season. How could our families survive? What was happening to the authorities? Why have they scattered and ruined good peoples' families? We ask for an immediate end to the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners, and the unconditional release of all Dafa practitioners being unlawfully detained.
“Guilt by Association:” The Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan Terrorist Regime's Comprehensive Policy of Implication
2001-12-29In ancient Chinese feudal society, there was an "implication law," which meant that if one person violated the law, all of his family members and friends would be punished. The punishment ranged from exile to the execution of entire families. However, now in the 21st century, Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan's brutal persecution of Falun Gong involves far more than the practitioners' family and friends. Not only have the Chinese people been implicated, but even some foreigners from other countries have also been affected.