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"The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance: Falun Gong's Peaceful Disposition" by a practitioner in Germany
2001-12-26Never before has a campaign persecuted so many thousands of innocent people who upheld the truth in such a non-violent way, and who stood up against evil and State-sanctioned domestic terror with their own lives. Falun Gong has long since spread beyond Chinese borders and is now practised in more than 50 different countries. About 100 million people around the world are conducting themselves according to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The stability of society does not depend on material wealth, but rather on human beings who genuinely want to become good people.
“Mum Is a Good Person But They Sent Her to Jail” by a 13-year-old high school student in China
2001-12-25During the Chinese New Year, 2001 (January 24, 2001) a squad of policemen forcefully took my mum away and sent her to the Jinan Labour Camp in Shandong Province. She was illegally sentenced to 3 years of hard labour. I could not describe the pain I went through when this happened. I had no choice but to live by myself. No one cared about me, and no one could pay my school's tuition. I lost all hope. What could I do?
The Voice of Germans: SOS call to the whole world!
2001-12-19German people's voices say Let everyone who knows about the truth to help us, and therefore increase the Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance in the world.
Ukraine: The evil is afraid of the Truth
2001-12-19I awakened that when I can reveal the truth to people with a compassionate heart, and when I can do this without any pursuit of achieving some results, people will naturally see the positive aspects of Dafa and understand that the Chinese government has been suppressing Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Revealing the truth to people is to bring them out of the maze of the human world. It is also a course for us to cultivate ourselves and to upgrade our Xinxing [heart/mind nature]. When we overcome the evil within ourselves, we are able to see how the evil forces affect other people and how the evil forces manifest themselves in reality.
Switzerland: Why did Falun Gong participate in the Health-and-Esoteric Fair?
2001-12-14I told her about one of my male friends who always said that he was not like all the others, but lives according to the teachings of Jesus. He reads the bible frequently. When I participated in a sympathy march to create awareness about the Falun Gong persecution in China, he told me that he could not participate in it because it had to do with Falun Gong. I was surprised and sad. I told the woman an example: If someone is about to drown and cries for help, before you come to the aid of that person, do first ask whether the victim is Christian or Buddhist or any other religion before you save that person? I explained to her further that the compassion Falun Gong teaches does not target certain people or only those who think as you do, but involves the whole cosmos, something noble and beautiful.
Luxembourg: Clarifying the Truth to the Chinese People at all Times
2001-12-13 -
An Over 80-Year-Old Practitioner Appeals in Beijing
2001-12-06 -
An Elderly Woman's Story of Resisting Persecution
2001-12-06 -
Standing Up Against The Persecution
2001-12-06 -
The Trip to Tiananmen Square by a Western Practitioner
2001-12-04The saddest thing was that these people didn’t know the truth, didn’t know that they took part in the things that were happening, since they were passively following suit. They didn’t even know what Falun Gong is. What they did was to forbid humanity to be good people. This is not only the concern of China but the concern of all of us, all over the world. It is important that we care for each other. It was very frightening when I realised this. I wept in my heart, wept for all the human beings who would lose their chance if I didn’t step forward and stand up for Truth Compassion Tolerance. I realised that this was an emergency situation.
Russian Practitioners are Making Great Progress
2001-12-03 -
Dafa Reveals Its Power on a 72-Year-Old Elderly Woman
2001-12-03 -
Western Practitioners Place Phone Calls Directly to Chinese Officials
2001-12-01 -
Totalitarianism and Terrorism
2001-11-29 -
The Invisible Terror
2001-11-26This kind of hidden, invisible terror has become the typical mental state of the Chinese people and has become an evil force that is chipping away the soul, the willpower and the sense of justice of the nation.