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Coming Here With the Grand Wish to Start My Cultivation and Fulfil My Vows
2006-10-06My name is Tomek; I'm a Polish Falun Dafa practitioner. Even before I started to practise Falun Gong, I felt that nothing happens without a reason, and I saw my life as a chain of events which were leading me to the one righteous direction. I didn't see at first, however, the reason for being born in the city of Skierniewice. Some time after starting my cultivation, I came to realise how long ago I had actually started to search for Falun Dafa and the opportunity to fulfil my vows
Zhuan Falun, My Constant Companion
2006-10-06Before I became acquainted with Falun Gong, I was interested in different esoteric practices and had spent a lot of money looking for an answer to my many questions. Over time, I had begun to notice more and more that these meditation techniques were not satisfactory, and I had the feeling that I was not evolving anymore. I eventually distanced myself from all those practices, and I ended up feeling very empty and in search of a real profound meditation practice.
My Cultivation Experiences in the Ukraine
2006-10-04One high ranking official stopped and told me, that what he read in the 6th issue of “Falun Gong Around the World” newspaper, he sees as a program for cultivation and reflection of the principles according to which we cultivate. He thanked us for clarifying the truth with our posters and our own explanations about the horrors of the persecution. He told us that after such explanations he called the Chinese ambassador in the Ukraine, on his own initiative, and asked for an appointment at an important political meeting.
Always Look at People with Loving-Kindness, Trying Not to Miss Anyone
2006-10-04I continued to hand out leaflets to the passers-by, when I suddenly saw the elderly woman again. She was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, not moving, with her back towards me, approximately 100 meters away from where we were practising. At first I was surprised thinking to myself, “Why is she standing in the middle of the sidewalk and not going anywhere. Maybe she has lost her way, or has forgotten something”. Nevertheless, it seemed very strange to see her standing there for so long.
A Dancer Shares Her Experiences
2006-10-01I enjoy dancing because I like to present its beauty and grace, and I find that it is a powerful way to give people a chance to learn more about Falun Gong, clearly highlighting the evilness of the persecution. Through almost one hundred performances that I have been involved in, we have reached thousands of people in many communities.
Moved to the Core
2006-10-01When I first took the flute from Teacher's hand, I felt very timid. Why? I had been in musical circles for decades, and I knew it was not a simple matter to master a musical instrument. You have to start training every day from childhood, year after year, with strict discipline, and even if you do that, you may not have much success, much less a 60-year-old person like me with crooked teeth and unable to hold in air. It was not an issue of whether I could play well or not. I was not sure if I could even make a sound.
My Cultivation Experiences with the Celestial Band
2006-09-30During the past four months I learnt that the band was not for the entertainment of ordinary people or for entertaining ourselves. Instead, it is a serious part of cultivation. We need to keep cultivating ourselves and give up all of our attachments in this special environment. Meanwhile, I also encountered some conflicts that I had not encountered before. I gained a much deeper understanding from these conflicts of certain aspects of Master's Teachings that relate to "checking inside," "always thinking of others first" and "tolerating and forgiving."
Our Mornings and Evenings Are Extremely Precious
2006-09-30We are cultivating amidst ordinary society, so mornings and evenings are extremely precious to us. They are chunks of time that we have full control over without affecting our daily work and life. Diligent practitioners normally can utilise this time to study the Falun Gong teachings, practise the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts.
Denying the Interference from Affecting with Our Family Members
2006-09-27On the other hand, although the entire family will benefit if a person practises Falun Gong, it does not mean that when a person practises Falun Gong, his entire family will become perfectly healthy and immortal or will no longer meet any karmic retribution when they do bad deeds. That would be a misinterpretation of the Fa. Everyday people will enjoy good fortune and pay back their karma based on the virtue and karma they accumulate.
Recalling the Days When Master Li Lectured on the Falun Gong Teachings in Shijiazhuang City, China
2006-09-27From March 3rd to 10th, 1994, I was very fortunate to attend Master’s lecture held in Shijiazhuang City. Witnessing our Teacher teach the principles of Falun Gong and the exercises is the most precious memory of my life, something that I will forever remember
Family Experiences Miracles After Starting to Practise Falun Gong
2006-09-25Ms. He, in her sixties, looks like a woman in her twenties. She is exuberant with relaxed yet dynamic movements. Many people envy her prolonged youth. Her whole family practises Falun Gong, and in fact, they started practising after the persecution, which started in 1999, had begun. This family has experienced many miracles.
Righteous Thoughts Show Mighty Power and Pure Hearts Manifest Wondrous Occurrences
2006-09-25After sending forth righteous thoughts toward the clock for a couple days, I heard the sound of the clock in the afternoon. I checked my watch and saw that the time was not correct. I realised that because I had sent forth the righteous thoughts, the clock's program was no longer working correctly. The clock was broken and never produced another sound.
Cultivating Amidst Teacher's Infinite Grace
2006-09-24Though my experiences look very ordinary and trivial, they clearly show the concerns and the difficulty Teacher has encountered in saving all lives in the cosmos. This knowledge gives me great strength and encouragement and makes it possible for me to walk firmly on the path of cultivation. It also helps me to strive forward diligently. I will definitely not betray Teacher's compassionate salvation.
My Understanding on "Gaining without Pursuit"
2006-09-24Through this, I have realised that in the past, I was reading the Falun Gong teachings for my father with a heart of pursuit. What a dirty attachment it was! This was doing things with pursuit, for the sake of treating an illness, and it was to gain something from Falun Dafa. Later, when I no longer had the attachment of pursuing treatment from Dafa, or the attachment of doing this or that, when I let go of various attachments and studied the Fa with a pure heart and mind, the effect was naturally different.
Communincation and Co-operation are Key
2006-09-22When the conflicts grew, the coordinators did not communicate kindly with each other in order to resolve the problems, but rather rejected the advice from fellow practitioners and spread negative comments about the other coordinator among practitioners. Unknowingly, the unrighteous field was strengthened. In fact, all of these are barriers that the old forces have created by abusing practitioners' attachments. They are also internal conflicts.