Practitioner Forum

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  • An Elderly Practitioner Learns How to Use a Computer

    One day during group Fa study, I mentioned that I wanted to learn how to use a computer so I that could read the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, but that I was afraid that I would never be able to learn it because I was too old and illiterate. Everyone encouraged me,
  • Using Every Opportunity to Offer People Salvation

    "Even when in your daily life you pass by people so quickly that you don't have a chance to talk to them, you should still leave them with your compassion and kindness. Don't lose those who should be saved, especially those with predestined connections." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")
  • Studying the Fa Well Is the Foundation of Cultivation

    One morning my husband saw that I was doing the exercises. He was rude to me and complained, but I ignored him and continued to do the meditation. He started to kick me, but still I did not move. He decided he could not stop me, so he left
  • We Must Genuinely Study the Fa

    At that moment I felt that the day grew brighter, as I had found the root cause of my problem. I realized that when studying the Fa, I didn't have a pure mind and it was not genuine Fa study! As practitioners, we must be genuine and earnest when studying the Fa and only by doing that can we truly study the Fa well.
  • Whether Right or Wrong, One Should Look at the Root Cause and Not Just the Surface

    I felt that I was wronged and was very upset. I had spent all my energy writing many articles to explain the truth about Falun Gong and to save sentient beings. I risked everything to do Dafa work and I contributed greatly. How could this practitioner say that I was following the old forces arrangements?
  • Saving People Without Any Human Notions

    Regardless of where I am, I talk to people about Dafa and about withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. After running into an acquaintance on the street, I try to chat with the person in a friendly way and then clarify the truth to her. During the process, all I wish for is good future for that person, nothing else.
  • Progressing Together In Group Fa Study

    The elderly practitioner asked in bemusement, "Why is there no reaction on your part?" A practitioner replied, "Over the past nine years, not a day has gone by without the evil CCP arresting people. This time around, it has only found another excuse. As Fa-rectification Dafa practitioners, why should we fear it?"
  • Do Not Be Attached to Eloquence

    If we reach this realm and have compassionate and selfless hearts that persist in saving people, their bad sides will be restricted in our energy field. How can people's knowing sides not be moved and not accept the truth? At that time perhaps just saying one sentence is enough to save a person, and it doesn't matter if you are eloquent or not.
  • Changing My Notions and Saving People with Compassion

    During truth clarification and persuading people to do the "three withdrawals" and saving sentient beings, I always tried to change others' notions. I was attached to what I wanted to say and what I was thinking. I did not consider others' attitudes and how much they could accept my words.
  • Rectifying Myself While Assisting in Fa-Rectification

    I persist in sending forth the righteous thoughts four times each day, regardless of what kind of work I have to do. I always put my work aside to do it. I understand that nothing is more important than to rectify the Fa and to save people, because all human beings have come for this Fa.
  • To Fellow Practitioners in China Who Are Addicted to Internet Games

    Some of the games are about killing, starting fires, alchemy cultivation, evil curses, levels of cultivation, or getting married and having children. To accept the things in the games is a way to gratify the desires they can't achieve in real life. They are not based on the Fa. To put it more seriously, haven't these practitioners already taken a side way and are on an evil path?
  • Solidly Cultivating Myself in Dafa

    As a Dafa cultivator, the most important thing is to first solidly cultivate oneself. Without cultivating oneself well and without a high level xinxing coupled with mighty virtue, how could one rectify the Fa and save sentient beings? To tell it like it is, cultivation is for cultivating oneself, but not solely for the purpose of consummation.
  • My Understanding of "Taking the Fa as Teacher"

    The basic reason was that on my cultivation path, I didn't take the Fa as the Teacher. Instead, I took human thinking and matters as my Teacher. I was using a everyday people's conduct to measure the Fa and not using the Fa to measure human behavior. What kind of logic was this? It was simply absurd.
  • My Understanding of the Power of Compassion

    One day, I could not contain my anger, so much so that not only could I not memorize the Fa, but my feelings of hatred magnified and completely engulfed me. Bad thoughts kept churning up and swirling around in my mind, making my head heavy.
  • Reflections on Cultivation: Learning Patience, Seeing Through the Tricks of the Mind

    Sometimes I see an attachment of control revealing itself. Wanting to control is a form of aggression. Now whenever I feel a slight form of aggression coming up, I tell myself to surrender and let go. My life belongs to the Fa and I only wish to follow Master's plan, what he has planned for me, so what is there to worry about? What is there to control?