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Have We Reached the Realm of "The Next Person's Things Are Your Things"?
2009-08-22. I am far from the realm of "the next person's things are your things, and your things are his things." I didn't even realize my selfishness until today. I wasn't compassionate toward fellow practitioners. I have been wondering these years, why I am not compassionate and why are my righteous thoughts not powerful?
Don't Use Human Notions to Weigh Our Actions
2009-08-21It is not my intention to suggest that practitioners who are not doing enough to go to the extremes and put aside all everyday activities to do the three-things well, but to hope that human notions can be cast aside, and that they can treat themselves as true cultivators
My Thoughts After Reading Experience-Sharing Articles from the Fa Conference Commemorating the Ten Year Anniversary of Minghui Website
2009-08-21When I had strong attachments and weak determination and felt low, I was usually moved by articles about how practitioners passed their tests. Compared to what they had gone through, my tribulations were nothing. When I could not find my own attachments even though I looked inward, I would read an article that was related to my situation, which helped me improve and find my own attachments.
The Story of a Practitioner Who Started to Practice Falun Gong in Prison
2009-08-20He clarifies the truth to everyone he encounters, whether it is a police guard, inmate or visitor. He also asks everyone in his division, one by one, to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Most of the people he talks to have agreed. As time went on, more and more people have come to know the truth.
Looking Within and Seeing Things Take a Turn for the Better
2009-08-20Why did it happen? Whatever a cultivator encounters is not accidental or without reason. Was it because I had attachments that I had not relinquished? It turned out that it was, because I was so attached to my children and grandchildren. Plus, I had the vanity of saving face, which is an attachment that I had not gotten rid of.
Once an Atheist, Now a Falun Dafa Practitioner
2009-08-19The hardest test to face is when a practitioner has to part with their fundamental attachments. But, at crucial moments, if we can remind ourselves that we are cultivators, we can elevate our Xinxing (heart and mind nature, character) and remain on a righteous path.
Eliminating the Pursuit of Fame and Self-Interest
2009-08-19Upon returning home and studying the Fa, I calmed down and came to the conclusion that, as a practitioner, I had acted very poorly. How could these situations be mere coincidences? How could I quibble over such conflicts like an everyday person? Was my Xinxing that low?
My Experience Clarifying the Truth at Sun Moon Lake
2009-08-18During that afternoon, a group of the tourists from China arrived, and they were young people. Everyone took lots of photos of us. One Chinese tourist asked us if he could stand among our banners and have a photo taken together with us. We replied, "Sure!" After he took the photo, he told us happily, "Thank you! In China, we can no longer see this."
Am I Truly Cultivating Diligently Every Day?
2009-08-18Lastly, the incident exposed my attachment to sentiment. When I saw how fearful my husband was, I was afraid to worry him. All of these human thoughts attracted the evil test, and my attachment was exploited by the evil forces.
Experiences Making Group Truth-Clarification Phone Calls to Mainland China
2009-08-17We would encounter all kinds of call recipients: Some would quit the Party, some would remain silent, some would refuse to quit, some would simply start to curse, some would speak in a heavy accent and some would suggest that text messaging would be more convenient.
My Thoughts about Fellow Practitioners Being Persecuted
2009-08-17After reading many articles on the website about practitioners who have been persecuted, I was heartbroken. However, in their articles, some practitioners never mentioned their righteous thoughts when they were tortured. Of course, shouting "Falun Dafa is good" is an act of righteous thought. However, I believe that true righteous thought is more than shouting this sentence, but rather eliminating the evil.
People Are Awaiting the Truth
2009-08-16Another person then asked, "Can I have them, too?" A woman in her 60s said, "I don't want to buy anything, but I want the handouts you have." I gave her a Minghui Weekly printout. "Can I have that Nine Commentaries booklet, too?" I asked her, "You do not seem like a person who likes to read lengthy materials. Why do you want that?" She said, "I want it for my child to read."
Keep Sentient Beings in Mind and Clarify the Truth Wherever You Go
2009-08-16We arrived at an elderly woman's home, told her about the beauty of Falun Dafa, and taught her to recite "Falun Dafa is good." She asked me to write down the words, so that she could have her son read them, since he was ill. She said repeatedly as she unexpectedly bowed to us, "You are the Bodhisattvas. No wonder I dreamed the Bodhisattvas came to my home."
A Young Falun Dafa Practitioner's Cultivation Experiences
2009-08-15When the persecution started on July 20, 1999, the television, radio stations, newspapers and all the media came out with redundant reports slandering Dafa and Dafa's Teacher. Although I was very young, I was in too much pain to express my feelings with words, while listening to or watching that news.
Being Truly Benevolent and Saving More People
2009-08-15When the police ransacked our home, for example, my wife held a copy of Zhuan Falun to her chest, and with no fear, she reasoned unyieldingly with the police. I, on the other hand, because I felt my wife had been working too hard and I had not done my part in raising our son, spent all my time at home and in the factory making more money.