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A Flier Leads a Couple to Falun Gong
2009-07-09One night, my husband read an article on the Internet. It was about Falun Gong being persecuted in China and about how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. At the same time, we found that Falun Gong was persecuted only by the Communist regime. Then we became very interested in Falun Gong, which provided us a good opportunity to learn more about it.
Fa Study and Cultivation
2009-07-09Recently, Master has reminded us again in "Greetings", to study the Fa and cultivate ourselves well. If we neglect personal cultivation, our Fa-study will be superficial, and what we do will merely be completing a task.
The Consequences of My Failure to Cultivate Speech
2009-07-08I felt I was better than she was and didn't realize that every incident was to help me cultivate. I didn't cultivate my speech and caused other practitioners to have negative opinions about Practitioner A. I didn't realize my selfishness was protecting my notions.
Sharing My Understanding on Group Fa-Study
2009-07-08Therefore, isn't it true that all of us are reading and studying Master's Fa no matter if we are fluent or well spoken? How can one say that fellow practitioners who don't read fluently or are not well spoken cannot read out the inner meaning of the Fa?
Benefits I Received from Practicing Falun Gong
2009-07-07I have practiced Falun Gong for over twelve years. I would like to give my reasons for practicing and share how Falun Gong has helped improve my physical health.
Progress on Getting Rid of My Obsession for Cleanliness
2009-07-07If other people's kids came to my house and touched anything, I would feel sick to my stomach. I detested them, even when the kids were from my own family. Finally with other people's help, I realized that my need to be extremely clean was an obsession. In order to get rid of this attachment, Master arranged chances for me to improve again and again.
Giving Up Self and Obtaining a Righteous Cultivation Field
2009-07-06Through studying the Fa and sharing with fellow practitioners, I truly see how those practitioners who solidly cultivate themselves always accept others' views and think of others with compassion. Their understanding and forgiveness deeply moved me and made me see the gaps I have.
My Miraculous Experiences Validating Dafa
2009-07-06Miracles happened - within one week, all of my family members' diseases were cured. In addition, our complexions turned from pale to rosy. Seeing such miraculous changes, many of my colleagues started practicing Falun Gong.
Falun Dafa Healed Me and My Friends
2009-07-04His body has since recovered, and he practices the exercises every day. He firmly believes in Dafa and clarifies the truth when he meets predestined people. Witnessing his experience, his mother started to cultivate Dafa again. His younger brother had cirrhosis and got well after practicing Dafa. Now he practices Dafa every day.
Cultivation Experiences of a Practitioner Who Learned Falun Dafa in Prison
2009-07-04Later I was transferred to prison. I could not practice the exercises in that environment, so I could not relax on my Fa study. I recited the book while I worked, improved my inner nature, and unceasingly told others about Dafa.
Some Understandings After Studying Master's New Article "Greetings"
2009-07-04I thought it would be enough to only do things to validate the Fa and save sentient beings. I was not strict with myself about cultivating xinxing (character) and doing the exercises. As a result, I had some detours on my cultivation path and I am very regretful.
Finding the Attachment to Fame
2009-07-03When I do a good deed, I have a strong desire for fame. And when my desire isn't satisfied, I am disappointed. Sometimes, I've even given up on myself and fallen into low spirits. In my daily life, I seek my parent's approval, my colleagues' approval, and my superior's approval.
Competing for a Job Promotion in China
2009-07-03In the end, they agreed to push me forward in the process because I was the only one in the school that "never accepted any money or gifts from parents." Even then, the principal was still unwilling to have me promoted. He gave me a half endorsement and asked me to go to another school to compete further.
My Understanding About Practicing the Exercises
2009-07-02By the third month of these exercises, I felt my body changing each day. My skin was becoming delicate and reddish-white, and my white hair started turning black. While doing these coordinated exercises, I could sense the energy mechanisms and systems that Teacher had provided us become stronger and larger.
Read the Fa Out Loud and Express the Holiness of Dafa
2009-07-02When we read the Fa, we should also have a solemn manner and a respectful heart. We should also slow down and read out every word aloud and clearly, and demonstrate the holiness, greatness, magnificence, and powerfulness of Dafa.