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We Cannot Be Passive in Cultivation
2008-09-28Why do we only look inward when we feel uncomfortable? Some fellow practitioners don't look inward as the key to upgrading themselves in everyday life, but wait until bad things happen and then look inward. Although they upgrade somewhat, losses still result.
Eliminating the Attachment of Elation
2008-09-28Based on my experience, I thought it would be hard to clarify the truth to him and I would normally have just passed him by. But this day, I thought that if I didn't try to explain the facts about Falun Gong to him, he may not have another opportunity. So I went to his cart to look at the plumbs and started talking with him.
Let's Not Get Lost on Our Way Home
2008-09-27Human society really is a big dye vat. If I slack off and become less strict with myself, I will get lost on my cultivation way. To constantly maintain a clear mind, I must firmly listen to Master and study the Fa more frequently, and with attentiveness.
Keeping the Fa Study Group Alive
2008-09-27Studying the Fa diligently and cultivating well over the past few years brought home the importance of group study. Through Fa study our moral and ethical behaviour steadily improved. We became more and more diligent and we were able to do the three things in a down-to-earth manner.
Poet's Life Threatening Illness Disappears after Practising Falun Gong
2008-09-24One day, after the first three months and 17 days of practising Falun Gong, she was able to cross her legs in the lotus posture. "I remember that moment, I felt as if there was an earthquake inside my body. All my pores were open, and my whole body was sweating. My head seemed to crack open. I had a mixture of feelings. The longer I sat, the more comfortable I felt." The next day, the flu-like symptoms were gone.
Purge Hatred and Validate the Fa in an Upright Manner
2008-09-24I was thankful that my work organization rarely participated in the persecution of Falun Gong during all these years, but if I should comply with the demand to guarantee in writing not to practice Falun Gong, I would be giving my consent to the persecution. I urged them not to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong and told them that one day they will understand.
Discard the Mentality of Looking Outward, Take the Initiative to Eliminate the Evil
2008-09-24conclude. A fellow practitioner had a dream and told me that in this dream he saw me holding my arms together, squatting on the ground and shouting loudly, "I must hold on to the end!" I looked like I having a very hard time in his dream. The practitioner asked me, "Are you attached to the time when the conclusion will come?" I looked carefully at my mindset and saw that because my family members and I had suffered from the persecution, I no longer wanted to suffer and looked forward to the end. I placed that feeling before offering salvation to all sentient beings. It was my selfishness at work. I only thought about freeing myself from suffering, and I forgot that my mission in coming to this world was to save all beings.Eventually I discarded a significant portion of this attachment and I knew that I should treasure every minute to do the three things ( study the Fa [the teachings of Falun Dafa], send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the truth about Falun Dafa and about the persecution to the world's people) well, but I was anxious before the Olympic Games. I was convinced that my attachment to time had been dealt with, and the anxiety arose because I wanted to give people a warning. I thought of the many Chinese people that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) had brainwashed and how they had become atheists, and I thought that a manifestation of extraordinary power would help awaken them. I considered my thought to be a righteous one at the time.What I had expected did not happen, and I was somewhat disappointed. Of course the result would not depend on my individual state, but rather on the situation of the practitioners as a whole body. Looking inward, I found that my thought was not very righteous. I was thinking like an ordinary person, as I paid a lot of attention to prophecies. It was actually a manifestation of my mindset of looking for external things, depending on others, and laziness.In my efforts to clarify the truth, I counted on prophecies to get the points across and often used them as a jolt to people's thinking. In addition, I often thought that if a significant event happened, I could use it to convince people and my efforts would be a lot easier, "Look, wasn't what I told you true? Hurry up and withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations!"
Handling the Relationship Between Work and Cultivation Correctly
2008-09-23. We must really take our jobs seriously, even if it's just short-term or temporary work. We are Dafa disciples, and we represent the image of Dafa to some extent, and people will understand Dafa through our words and actions. This has a lot to do with the issue of whether they will be saved.
Talking to People During the Republican National Convention
2008-09-23Then it dawned on her that wearing a Dafa T-shirt actually serves to introduce the facts, and it provides a great way to start a conversation. Although she was trying to collect signatures to support NTDTV, many people would learn about the persecution of Falun Gong in the process. She put the Dafa T-shirt back on and strengthened her righteous thoughts. Over time, many people took flyers from her, listened to her explain matters and offered their signatures
Practicing Openly and Nobly, Avoiding Extremes
2008-09-22I did not recognize my extreme views for a long time and thus couldn't calm down when meditating. I was puzzled how come I had given up everything and was such a diligent practitioner for so long and yet I had so many distracting thoughts when I meditated. Not until a few days ago did I realize that I was going to the extreme.
Helping Our Children Practitioners Cultivate
2008-09-22We should also be careful how we conduct ourselves in front of children. If I do something wrong, I apologize to him. I allow him to remind me of any mistakes I make and thank him for it. In dealing with other people in front children, we must make sure that we behave like practitioners
Solidly Cultivate This Life Given by Falun Dafa
2008-09-21It's not just my family. Several other practitioners are being brutally persecuted in my county. Ms. Liu Dongxue and Ms. Wang Jinling died because of the constant harassment. Several practitioners were illegally sentenced to forced labor or prison. Some had to wander about to avoid further persecution. They all used to have a very good family lives.
Thoughts after Studying Master's Lecture "Fa Teaching at the 2008 New York Conference"
2008-09-21After exchanging views with fellow practitioners, we realized that many practitioners think that as long as they study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts, and clarify the truth, they will definitely achieve consummation. Thus, many practitioners only do the three things required of them and neglect to cultivate themselves.
Supervisors Stand Up for Dafa Practitioners after Understanding the Truth
2008-09-20Because of this, she had the thought that she wanted to read more about Falun Dafa. A few days later, the practitioner obtained a copy of Zhuan Falun for her. The teacher was extremely happy and also agreed to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.
A Reminder to Practitioners Who Have Their Own Businesses
2008-09-20If your business is doing so well to the point that you don't have time for Fa-study and exercises, think about it: Isn't this another type of old force persecution? But this type of persecution is more discreet and hard to detect. Your attachment to financial gain is made ever larger, interfering with your cultivation.