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Walking a Smooth Path by Refusing to Acknowledge the Old Forces
2008-07-13I have practised Falun Gong for more than ten years, and have walked a smooth path due to Master's protection. I have not suffered severely from the persecution, but I encounter small tribulations and difficulties. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its persecution of Falun Gong, the cultivation environment changed, but I never thought that I would be arrested or persecuted. Whenever important holidays and sensitive dates occurred, negative notions never existed in my heart.
Harmonise Everything that Comes from Dafa
2008-07-13A few days ago, while I was again reading this part of Zhuan Falun with a quiet mind, I came to an understanding: Why did I sometimes not do well in passing tests related to interpersonal conflicts? It was because oftentimes I didn't base my thoughts using the principles of Dafa as guidance. Incorrect thoughts were therefore formed. When going through trials, I wasn't able to maintain my xinxing even though I knew what I was doing was wrong. At that time it was too late for correction, because I couldn't let go of my attachments.
A Special Reunion of Classmates
2008-07-11After listening to what I said, they were amazed, and two of them wanted to learn Dafa right then. One of the classmates from the urban area mentioned that she also wanted to practice Dafa. The other classmates all admired us. I also clarified the truth to them about why the Chinese Communist Party persecutes Falun Gong. I told them that the self-immolation was staged by the government and also about the appearance of the stone with the words saying that the Chinese Communist Party is dying.
Don't Use the Persecution as the Criterion to Evaluate Fellow Practitioners
2008-07-11Master has taught us the Fa in this respect. I realize that although a practitioner does something well we should not immediately think that he has cultivated well; conversely, if he does not do something well, then we should not immediately think that he has not cultivated well. We should look at things from all aspects. In this way, we can conform to the Fa principle of taking the middle way and being harmonized
Enlightening to Teacher's Fa on "Pulling Teeth"
2008-07-10Our eliminating the evil is like pulling teeth from a tiger's jaw. It appears to be difficult, but we can indeed completely destroy the dark minions, the evil party and the evil spirit that props it up, along with the rotten ghosts with our righteous thoughts. The power of our righteous thoughts finds no match in modern warplanes or missiles
The Story of the Blind Doctor, a Dafa Practitioner
2008-07-10Sitting in his hopeless state, with nothing else to do, the doctor started listening to Master's lectures. After he had finished listening to the recordings from beginning to end, he felt that he completely understood the meaning of his life. As the blind doctor began his cultivation in Dafa, the lantern of his life that he felt had been blown out was lit once again.
Unusual Recoveries from Lupus and Late Stage Kidney Cancer
2008-07-09Every day, over and over again, Father repeatedly recited, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Zhen-Shan-Ren [Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance] is good." A month later, father's swollen leg miraculously returned to normal. He had relied on medications to control his blood pressure, but now his blood pressure stayed normal without his taking any medicine.
Strong Righteous Thoughts Whatever the Weather
2008-07-09It began to rain again when it was close to the time for me to again send forth righteous thoughts. The sky turned dark and the rain came very suddenly. A thought of going back home early flashed in my mind. "No," I said to myself, "a practitioner's decision cannot be changed so casually."
Explaining the Facts to Students
2008-07-09Those of us Dafa practitioners that live near schools go there often to hand out information about Falun Gong and the Nine Commentaries. Before leaving home, I send righteous thoughts to put my mind in a peaceful state and dress neatly and appropriately to make myself look more like a teacher--showing up in this way ensures my safety. As soon as I finish distributing materials, I quickly leave.
I Found My Well-Hidden Selfishness
2008-07-08What was the real reason behind this? I slacked off because of selfishness that was very well hidden. It was even hidden behind the reason to cultivate. My selfishness had determined that I live in a way that is beneficial to myself. I cultivate because cultivation is good for me. I picked the means of clarifying the truth that was beneficial to me. When I worked on a certain Dafa project, it was because this certain project was beneficial to me. I did not do it on the basis of altruism.
A Letter to Practitioners Who Work for NTDTV
2008-07-07If we can bring this situation to the attention of the public and Eutelsat's peers, public opinion could hasten the progress of the situation. On the other hand, we should take the opportunity to thoroughly clarify the truth on a large scale and to save sentient beings. People should also establish their position with this opportunity. Look how many "chess pieces" we could save.
Eliminating the Attachment of Jealousy
2008-07-07I understood the Fa principle that jealousy must be eliminated, and looked inward for this attachment. First, I understood that I did not respect my mother, and judged that I possessed more technical skills and knowledge. Having my mother work on the project caused me to feel that the validating Fa project was being taken away from me. In fact, this was the attachment of validating myself.
Falun Dafa Saved My Family From the Brink of Death
2008-07-06The third time, they took me to a family's home where Master Li's lecture was being played. When we arrived, there were many people there, sitting on the beds and floor. I don't know why, but I suddenly began crying so hard, and I felt like a child who had been separated from his parents, and after suffering so much, finally found my parents again. I felt very comfortable after crying.
An Unclean Mind Prevented Me from Achieving Tranquility
2008-07-06I had learned a lesson from my previous attempts to memorize the Fa, which met with failure. This time I would not try to recite the paragraphs I had memorized the previous day. I made sure that I memorized new paragraphs daily. My goal was to memorize the paragraphs for the day. Thus I finally finished reciting Zhuan Falun for the first time.
From Tsinghua University to Flushing, New York: A Reunion after Nine Years
2008-07-06Suddenly, the unprecedented persecution began. On the morning of July 20, 1999, when we went to group exercise as usual, we noticed several police vehicles. That afternoon, we heard about the massive arrests of Falun Gong practitioners all over China. We were going to exercise again the next day but decided not to go to the same place--we wanted to go and appeal for Falun Gong. I did not see Gu Mengsheng after that.