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Photos Before the Persecution: Practitioners from Anshan City, Liaoning Province Exercise Together to Promote Falun Dafa
2006-02-04 -
My Husband Comments, "This Book of Yours is Really Miraculous!"
2006-02-03From that time on, I read Falun Dafa books and did the exercises every day. Not long after that, my health condition had improved to a disease-free state. During my stays in the hospital, the doctors had told me not to eat so many things. Now that I am practising Falun Gong, I am no longer restricted. My husband is now convinced. He said, "This book of yours is really miraculous. You don't take medicine or injections and you have no diseases. Amazingly, you haven't even caught a cold the entire year!"
The Head of the "Preserving Political Vitality" Office Declares That the Chinse Communist Party Is Doomed
2006-02-03He said, "Nothing done by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is true. Everything is fabricated. When the CCP makes everyone write notes 30,000 words long, everyone simply copies from what has already been written. Isn't this a deception? When the provincial level cadres meet for dinner, they often spend more than 10,000 yuan. If they could use the money to help the poor, how great that would be! The CCP is completely doomed."
Instances of Karmic Retribution for Evil Deeds in Hunan, Anhui, and Shaanxi Provinces, and Beijing
2006-02-03The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing.
Corner the Evil - Thoughts from a Practitioner in China on the "Same Song" Incident in the U.S
2006-02-02Although I didn't experience the brainwashing and torture associated with the "Same Song," when I first heard that CCTV was going to sponsor a show in North America, I immediately knew it was targeting the NTDTV New Year's Gala. I knew the evil wanted to counteract our efforts and the effect of our gala, and it wants to continue poisoning the minds of people in North America.
Allocating Time Appropriately for Study, Work and Exposing the Persecution
2006-02-02Take translating articles as an example. We should pay attention on how to improve the quality and speed of our translation, and not be satisfied with our current level of translation. We also must learn more knowledge to better clarify the truth. Such learning does not have time restriction. The more we learn the more we improve. We should constantly learn and improve.
Falun Dafa Granted Me a Second Life
2006-02-01During the 10 years I took care of my husband, I was also ill. Since I started practising Falun Gong, I have not had to use my hospital card. I also no longer need medicine and supplements for menopause. I previously had surgery on my knees, and the doctor said I would not be able to walk upstairs. After practising Falun Gong, I could walk and run upstairs.
Stories of a Falun Dafa Practitioner's Wife Standing Up For the Truth
2006-02-01She immediately walked over and told him sternly, "As a security officer, you should not talk nonsense. People practising Falun Gong are all good people; how can they be the ones that polluted the river? This was an accident caused by the Jilin Chemical Plant. It was written up in the newspaper." Upon hearing these words, the security guard immediately lowered his head and became silent. The people at the scene all agreed with her.
Council of Europe Passes Resolution to Condemn the Crimes of Totalitarian Communist Regimes
2006-01-31The resolution passed at PACE emphasised its practical significance, because "the communist regimes are still active in some countries of the world, and the crimes committed under these regimes continue to take place." Göran Lindblad said that we can see similar phenomena in today's China.
One Must Persevere in Cultivation Practise
2006-01-31There are some Falun Dafa practitioners who have been neglecting studying the Falun Gong teachings for a long time, studying on and off. However, as soon as they see one of Teacher's new articles published, their enthusiasm returns, followed by a few days of diligent study and hard work. They promise themselves that they will continue to work hard to upgrade themselves, yet every time they fail to keep up with the promise they made. They feel terrible themselves, yet are unable to persist.
Are You Doing All You Can to Expose the Persecution
2006-01-31But she said, "Don't always think that you are above others. You don't like those songs, but I like them! Don't force your opinion on others." After several confrontations, I realised that I didn't put myself in her shoes. Instead, I wanted to impose my opinion on her. In doing so, she couldn't feel my compassion, only orders. How could she accept my words?
Understand from the Big Picture Promoting the Nine Commentaries and the New Year Gala, and Negating the Harmful Show
2006-01-30Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spent a large sum of money to put on a show named after the "theme song" of the persecution - "The Same Song." The goal behind its wicked arrangements is not only to interfere with NTDTV's New Year Gala, the success of which rendered the evil's attempts in vain, but more importantly, to "recharge" their own energy. Here are some of my personal understandings.
On the Path of Cultivation
2006-01-30Then, practitioners decided to build a more appropriate infrastructure in order to have SOH run more smoothly. I expressed some opinions on the draft plan, arguing that things should be this way or that way. My words triggered other practitioners' unhappiness and emotional reactions. I was also criticised. How come things went as they did? I thought it over, still feeling that other practitioners had some problems and my intention was just to do things well.
Demons Live Next Door to Angels
2006-01-29Volunteers who did not know the true purpose of the experiment were allowed to punish another group of volunteers with electric shocks. Those who were shocked were told the purpose of the experiment in advance, and were told not to cooperate with the volunteers who were administering the shocks. The main purpose of this experiment was to explore the influence of "authority" on an individual. In other words, to test how much a normal person's behaviour could "deviate" under the protection of "authority".
The Story of a Local Mobster Who Turned over a New Leaf and Stepped onto the Path of Cultivation
2006-01-29Those who worked for the mobster could not believe the changes in him. They thought that he might be mentally confused and they wondered how they might help him. "I have started practising cultivation," he told his workers in a quite serious manner, "please do not try to find me so I may go the right way. I hope you guys do your own good things."