Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • Haven't I Seen You Before?

    Her neighbours greatly admired her when they witnessed Fumei get up early to practise the exercises and hold Falun Gong activities with a radiant look on her face. They said that Fumei had been looking quite emaciated and sickly before she began her practise. They had felt anxious about her health, but dared not to ask what disease she had caught.
  • How Reciting the Falun Gong Teachings Improved my Cultivation

    It was Master's merciful arrangement that totally changed my state. During the summer break of 2004, I had a practitioner-colleague come over to my home for a gathering. I mentioned my situation to her, explaining, "My heart is just like a boat that is unable to reach the shore. I always wanted to get closer to Master, get closer to Falun Dafa, yet I am not able to make it." I felt such agony. I only wanted to cry.
  • Passing the Test of Positive Circumstances

    What can we see from here? No matter if it was the bad environment that made the practitioners "transform" or the test of cultivating in a favourable environment that made the practitioners slacken in their resolve to be diligent, the key point is that we still have human attachments.
  • How a Teenage Falun Dafa Practitioner Memorised the Book Zhuan Falun

    School started early this year, so I had to take a giant step forward and commit to memorising twenty pages a day. I didn't have time to watch TV. I had memorised Zhuan Falun in its entirety by the morning prior to the first day of school. It took me 42 days to memorise the whole book, from July 9th, 2005, until August 19th, 2005, done with Master's help and support.
  • Removing All Elements that Impede Our Advancement in Cultivation

    Often, a person who speaks may not mean what he says, but the person who listens will take offence. When that happens, the environment will become tense, directly affecting one's emotions. This often happens when people start to joke. At first, the jokes are clean. But, when everyday people's corrupted notions creep in, the jokes begin to change flavor. They soon become cynical, infuriating, and ridiculing. The worst thing is when 'adult' jokes enter into the conversation, which greatly spoils a Falun Dafa practitioners' image.
  • Manhattan, I Hope That We Will Meet Once Again!

    Before I had a chance to react to her hug and her words, she had left. I suddenly understood. She was someone who had undergone much searching and refused to give up the search for the true meaning of life. Today, however, she found her answers and sense of belonging in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Not long after, to my surprise she came to our exhibit again. This time she brought two of her girlfriends with her. She gave me a big hug once again.
  • UN Human Rights Commission's Special Rapporteur on Torture Visits China

    Manfred Nowak, the UN Human Rights Commission's special investigator on torture arrived at Beijing on November 21st, 2005 to probe torture in China. Nowak is the first UN special investigator to visit China. Amnesty International stated that torture is widely used in China to persecute religious groups and Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Epoch Times: Blacklist Reemerges in South Korea Before Hu Jintao's Visit

    Zhang Qingxi, secretary of the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association and a professor in the department of economics at National Taiwan University, was delayed for two hours at the Inchon International Airport customs before his entry into South Korea. The customs officers clearly told him it was "because of his ties to Falun Gong."
  • Detention Centre Director Withdraws From Chinese Communist Party

    In September of 2005, members of the local office of the National Security Department, in order to execute orders from their supervisors, arrested a practitioner in the street without any justification. This practitioner was taken away to the local detention centre. After he spoke to the director of the detention centre about Falun Gong and the truth about the persecution, the director said, "This is bad! Please help me quit the Chinese Communist Party when you are released."
  • Before and After my Husband Started Practising Falun Dafa

    Soon, he had read all of them and learnt the exercises. He asked me to wake him up every morning to do the exercises. Before he was quite lazy, and never got up before 8:00 a.m. The most important thing is that he quit drinking and gambling as soon as he started reading the Fa. Through him I saw the supernormal power of Dafa and Master's benevolence. It was not coincidence that my husband started to practise as soon as I started the family-based materials production site.
  • Some of my Understandings about Getting Rid of Attachments

    Since I first enlightened that getting angry is an attachment, and determined myself to get rid of it, it's been over a month that I haven't argued with my wife. My relationship with my wife has been very good so far. No matter what happens, I look inside and try to dig out my shortcomings and attachments. Before, I would get caught up in the conflict, and instead of looking inside, I would blame my wife and find excuses for getting angry at her. Now I can see that I wasn't cultivating myself at all when that happened.
  • Continuously Letting Go of Self While Assimilating to Falun Dafa

    At first I met up with two practitioners. I gave them Teacher's articles. They told me that although they no longer did the exercises and studied the Fa they would not renounce Falun Dafa. Alas, they did not know what was happening elsewhere. "How great it would have been if you had come earlier. We would have not wasted an entire year." I was encouraged and decided to create an environment for group Fa study. At that time, the first Fa study group was established with the three of us. After that, I began to visit some of the elderly practitioners.
  • Overcoming Sleepiness to Study the Falun Gong Teachings

    For example, when we feel thirsty during Fa-study, we will stop to get some water. When we feel cold or hot during Fa-study, we will stop to add or remove some clothes. These things seem like very normal things to do. But for a practitioner, it is not normal. Sometimes, when I was in a very good state and studying the Fa, suddenly I would feel thirsty. When I stopped to drink some water and returned, my focus would be gone. Why had this happened?
  • Epoch Times: Female Protester Attacked in Spain

    "I had the impression I had been knocked out, I couldn't see anything. Then, I felt I was thrown and I fell on my wrists. At that moment I felt an intense pain in my shoulder. When I got up I saw that man standing over me with other Asian men"
  • "Where did you go to cure your illness?"

    When others saw me, they all asked me with great surprise, "Where did you go to cure your illness?" I replied, "I did not take any medicine, did not get any injections, did not go to any hospital, I simply recovered because of practising Falun Gong." Since then, I have also gotten rid of my bad habits, such as playing cards, smoking and drinking. Everyone witnessed my changes. Anyone who had such an experience would consider it to be miraculous.