Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • VOA: China Again Tightens Control of Online News and Information

    China already has one of the most sophisticated systems in the world for censoring online content. Beijing employs Internet police, and uses high-tech equipment to block content the government considers immoral, such as pornography or politically sensitive, such as discussions of democracy, or the island of Taiwan.
  • I Am Not Afraid Anymore

    Since then, I have never been afraid again. When my attachment of fear shows up, I use righteous thoughts to eliminate it. In these years I have posted words in support of Falun Dafa anywhere possible in our area. In the beginning, when we finished our tasks, people who had been influenced by the anti-Falun Gong propaganda of the Chinese Communist Party would cover them up, but we would post them again. Thus, our righteous thoughts and righteous actions helped stop the persecution. Now when we post the words, "Falun Dafa is Good," and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are Good," no one will cover it any more.
  • Mother and Nine-Year-Old Daughter Return to China from Canada to Display a Banner on Tiananmen Square In Support of Falun Gong

    When the taxi driver heard we were heading to Tiananmen Square he said, "Only people from other places of the country want to be there. The people in Beijing dislike the heavy smell of blood there." I asked him about the situation of Falun Gong. He said, "There are some people who get rich when they report Falun Gong practitioners to the authorities. If they look at you and think you might be a practitioner, they can drag you to a police station and get a 200 yuan reward. I don't do those evil things. It will bring retribution." I was deeply moved. There were still sensible people who wouldn't go along with the evil Party when they live in a place full of lies and deceit.
  • My Story of Being Monitored, Pressured, and Harassed by Chinese Communist Party Spies

    Since then, the media throughout the world have regularly exposed the ugly behaviour of the CCP's spies outside of China. Many of these exposés have occurred during Falun Gong practitioners' activities worldwide. Examples include spies operating during France's Quitting CCP Month, which have been reported to the Federal Security Bureau. Some CCP spies have filmed activities in Perth, a remote city in Australia. These incident show that the monitoring, harassment and persecution of Falun Gong and dissidents overseas are incontestable facts, and also prove the CCP's evil nature.
  • Reference Material: Mr. Hao Fengjun Talks about the CCP's VIP Welcoming Shows

    He recalled, "Hu was walking in the front, and we followed him. I saw many people waving to Hu on the both sides of the street. They were mostly between 40 and 50 years old, with some older ladies. I was surprised to find that those people were all veteran police staff members that I knew, and they were not from the community. Because I knew them, I asked one of them, "Hi, How come you are here too?" He replied, "Oh, we were told to come here to welcome Hu." I asked him again, "Do you live here?" He said, "No way, do you think I've got the kind of money to live here?" Mr. Hao concluded to the audience at the forum that such phenomena are prevalent in China.
  • A Former Detainee Exposes the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the Qingdao City Forced Labour Camp

    The hardships this Falun Gong practitioner has gone through are far greater than what I have just described. While I am writing this story, my heart is bleeding and I can barely muster the courage to continue writing his story. I am so ashamed of our country. Is this the way that our society treats those people who do not give up their beliefs? His belief is in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance! In the future if I have time, I will give a detailed account of how he and another Falun Gong practitioners were tortured.
  • An Overview of the Agencies That Persecute Falun Gong

    The 610 Office, officially called, "The Leadership Team to Deal with the Falun Gong Problem," is an arm of the Communist Party system. Following the establishment of the Central Committee 610 Office, each province, city, county, and township has formed a corresponding organisation, which has full control over any issue that has to do with Falun Gong.
  • The Moon Is Full And My Heart Is Stirring

    The world's affairs are numerous, complicated and ever-changing, people's lives are bittersweet and unpredictable. It is hard to live a smooth life as everyone wishes. As long as one lives, one's life is accompanied by the bitter and the sweet, the gathering and the parting. On the night of this Mid-Autumn Festival, the moon was full, bright, and at its best, but my heart was not. I looked at the sky and wandered under the lonely moon, my heart was filled with pain and anguish.
  • A Discussion on "Marriage" - Part 3

    In traditional Chinese culture, the relationship between husband and wife always placed great emphasis to the meaning of the word "respect." Marriage symbolised the goodness that culminates in the union between the two sexes, thus resulting in continuous societal consensus that a husband and wife should mutually respect one another as one would respect a guest. This was how the tradition was born and later passed down.
  • A Fourteen-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Tells Her Story

    In 1996, at the age of five, I began to cultivate in Falun Dafa. Since then my parents and I have continued with our cultivation, which in turn greatly benefited my mind and body. Before I began practising, I suffered from pneumonia and bronchopneumonia and was often hospitalised. My right arm still shows the needle marks from many injections. Since I started practising Falun Dafa, my health has improved and I no longer need to be hospitalised or take medicine. My mother endured severe rheumatism and was bedridden at that time. After she started practising Falun Dafa, she regained her health within one month.
  • The Role of the Chinese Communist Party's State-owned Businesses in the Persecution of Falun Gong

    However once orders came down from upper levels, police arrived at their door, and members of the national security staff arrived, the evil of the communist part manifested in the people at the state-owned enterprises. Sometimes they were forced to help the evil to persecute practitioners. Sometimes they did not rationally understand or behave according to the law. Knowing that once practitioners were arrested they would face torture, detention, even loss of life, managers would still participate in the persecution for the sake of their own short-term interest. They have completely become puppets of the evil.
  • The Compassionate Act of a Young Policeman, and Other Short Stories from China

    Not long ago, a site for studying the principles taught in Falun Gong in Northeast China was reported to the authorities. As a result, the local police strategically planned to illegally arrest the Falun Gong practitioners who were to attend. A young policeman by the name of "A" decided to warn the practitioners and gave the coordinator of the study site plenty of time to disperse the practitioners there. When the police arrived, the place was empty, not one out of the ten practitioners was arrested.
  • A Lady in China Shows her Support Towards Falun Gong

    In early 2000, when her daughter was still in middle school, the school organised a public event for the purpose of slandering Falun Dafa and ordered the students to participate by writing essays criticising the practice. The mother told her daughter, "We cannot write that. If the school asks why you don't have it, tell them that your mother did not allow you to write it. They can talk to me if they have a problem with it. We have not read Zhuan Falun and we do not know much about Falun Gong. We cannot just listen to one side of the story."
  • Commentary By a Well Known Lawyer In China: The Release of Only Mr. and Mrs. Huang Is Insufficient

    The release of Mr. and Mrs. Huang is certainly good news, but behind this release lies a serious issue. That is, the human rights and human dignity of Mr. and Mrs. Huang and their relatives has been denigrated. Furthermore, the principles that support the rule of law have been violated. Before his release, Mr. Huang Wei was detained for over one year and was on hunger strike for tens of days accumulatively. Mrs. Huang persistently refused to eat any food and only drank liquids from the first day she lost her freedom until her release.
  • Reciting "Falun Dafa Is Good" a Patient Recovers from Diabetes

    Everyone knows that diabetes today is incurable by modern medicine. The only choice I had left was to wait for death. At the same time, my 79-year-old mother was diagnosed with cancer of the womb, another incurable disease. Fortunately, a Falun Dafa practitioner told my mother and I to recite in our hearts "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good." We often did this, and then the miracles happened! My diabetes disappeared and I became stronger and stronger. Soon I could walk normally again.