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Enlightening to Falun Dafa's Principles after Suffering from Severe Interference
2005-01-28Yielding under pressure from my family members who did not practice, I received an infusion at my brother's home. At that moment, I knew I did not have a disease, but a lack of righteous thoughts. I hoped it might provide temporary relief and help me break through this after studying the Falun Gong teachings more diligently. But it didn't help.
Trial of Strength
2005-01-28A local practitioner in charge has spent thousands of yuan (Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China) on materials containing the true facts about Falun Dafa over the past years. Recently she has been short of money and would like other capable fellow practitioners to take part of the responsibility. But she is afraid to give an impression of collecting fees. The work cannot be stopped, but she has a dilemma. I realized that the Jiang regime's policy of "bankrupting them financially" targets every practitioner.
The Chinese Communist Party's "Atheism" is Poison that Destroys the Chinese Cultural Heritage (Part I)
2005-01-27The traditional culture pays attention to where a life will finally go and reveres gods. It pays attention to "the shore on another side," or "the next life." The Communist evil spectre, on the other hand, wants people to believe only in the present life, to deny the law of cause and effect and retribution, and to only pursue gains in the material world, using whatever means and at whatever cost. Reversing good and evil, the Communist evil spirit was completely incompatible with Chinese traditional culture.
Witnessing the Hypocrisy of The Xinhua News Agency: Major News Ignored - Old Lies Re-emerge
2005-01-27The Xinhua News Agency is aware of its practically non-existent credibility, so it quotes "media from inside and outside of China" in its reports. However, interviews of the referenced media were strictly controlled or outright staged in a fashion similar to the self-immolation, which is comparable to media interviews conducted at Nazi concentration camps during the World War II, when the reporters were led to carefully constructed areas where they could obtain only forged, false images.
Falun Dafa Rescued My Son from Video Game Arcades and Internet Cafés
2005-01-27In addition, the overly stimulating nature of the games caused him to spend too many hours in heightened concentration, and the violence in some games sapped his appetite and his physical strength. He often stared at us blankly, with sore and dry eyes, and his vision became more and more impaired. He knew what it meant to continue down his self-destructive path, but there was no way to stop for him. It was like a drug addiction.
Persecution of Falun Gong Rampant at Chinese Universities
2005-01-26Based on a ranking of China's universities and colleges and a simple online search, I was disheartened to learn that 45 of the top 50 universities or colleges have professors, students, staff members, workers, and graduates who are suffering persecution simply because they practise Falun Gong. This is also true of 82 of the top 100 universities or colleges. These simple statistics clearly indicate that the higher education system has been seriously victimised by the movement to persecute Falun Gong
165,000 Solemn Declarations -- A Testament of the Cruelty and Failure of the Persecution Against Falun Gong
2005-01-26Alex Hsu, a university student majoring in computer science in Beijing. After he was abducted to the brainwashing centre, he signed the statement renouncing Falun Gong. On his way back to the campus, he started to cry. He told the reporter from the Post, "I never believed what I was writing. It was very painful. They forced us to lie. We knew Falun Gong is good, but they forced us to say it was evil." According to the same report, Hsu had since dropped out of school and gone into hiding because he wanted to continue practising Falun Gong.
Under Pressure from the Chinese Embassy, Police in United Arab Emirates Bar Practitioners from Revealing the True Facts about Falun Gong
2005-01-26This was the second time practitioners were harassed by the Chinese Embassy in the United Arab Emirates. In 2002, when Ms. Wang Yuzhi was distributing flyers to people in the United Arab Emirates exposing the persecution she suffered in Wanjia Labour Camp in China, the Chinese Embassy put pressure on United Arab Emirates authorities to have Wang repatriated to China. Later, the Canadian government intervened and rescued her, letting her depart to Canada.
A Look at the Chinese Communist Parties Efforts to Promote the Staged "Self Immolation" All Over Again
2005-01-25The aftermath was staged equally carefully. There was an "Aunt Liu" who failed in her attempts to set herself on fire. She told the whole story on TV. In concert with the hospital interviews and finger pointing by the so-called friends and family members of the "participants," the fraud that instilled the hatred in China's populace toward Falun Gong was thus produced.
Practising Falun Dafa, Curing Cancer, and Embracing a New Life
2005-01-25Before practising Falun Gong, Liu Hongji was well known for his quick temper. After practising Falun Gong his temper was gentle and he became warm-hearted and considerate. His health progressed as the dizziness and headache disappeared, his legs and feet gained strength, and his appetite improved. It has been over six years since he stopped taking pills.
The Cultivation Experiences of a Professional Soldier in Taiwan
2005-01-25Then I had a final exam. Since I did not do well in balancing the relationship between cultivation and work, I did not prepare for the final well and had to take the course over. Thus, my classmates formed negative opinions about me again. They think that I have kept running into trouble ever since I started cultivating, so they had some negative thoughts about Falun Dafa. Tests that I thought I had already passed showed up again.
Searching Inward During Conflicts
2005-01-25One practitioner stated that she did not like a certain practitioner who spoke untruthfully and behaved as an ordinary person, and while mentioning mistakes made several years ago by others, she would still be very emotional. The practitioners who were criticised might sometimes react the same way. Thus, in certain areas, practitioners have become divided into various subgroups and are not interacting with one-another.
Another Batch of "Secret Documents"
2005-01-24Around the end of December in 2004, an internal document was circulated within various branch offices and institutions of the Beijing Government. Sources said that the documents circulated in some offices did not even carry the official stamp, as though they were afraid to leave behind any incriminating evidence. The title of the document was "Organisational Plan and Resolution on Preventing 'Falun Gong' related (activities),"
Epoch Times: WPA "Compromises" Its Principles
2005-01-24The psychiatric abuse plays an integral role in this campaign of terror. On the one hand, it stigmatises the victims, by suggesting to the Chinese public that there may be something wrong with them. On the other hand, there is hardly any torture more terrifying than the abuse of psychiatry. Massive doses of psychotropic drugs rob the victims of their will and reason.
The Epoch Times: Charles Lee and Martin Luther King: Criminals or Heroes?
2005-01-23Although one was murdered and one is currently jailed in China, what the two have in common is the courage and integrity to use non-violent action to uphold justice and stand up for people's freedom at great risk to themselves. Oh, and they also share one more thing: both have been considered criminals for their actions.