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Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions: Walking Out of Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp in Excellent Health after a 20-Day Hunger Strike
2005-03-26Since the persecution started, the forced labour camps have used force-feeding of practitioners as a brutal form of torture. This form of torture has caused severe physical damage and even death to many practitioners. However, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Henan, after a hunger strike of 20 days, didn't become sick and thin. Instead her face was glowing with health. Although she is a mother of two children, she looks younger, more like a 20-year-old. How did she do it? How did she perceive or mentally respond to the persecution? Here is her story
Falun Dafa Gave Me a Second Life - Torture Is Unable To Change My Belief
2005-03-26The police arrested me in Tiananmen Square. I was sent to a security office in Beijing. I saw an over sixty-year-old grandmother whose life was in danger as a result of a beating by police. She said that her husband was the bodyguard for Li Xiannian, former Chinese president. She had served as a guard for the Red Army since she was thirteen years old. She did not expect to be beaten just for following Falun Dafa's principles of "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." She just wanted to be a good person. Aren't the police supposed to serve the people?
The Misdeeds of Xue Hongjun, a Part of the Staged Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident
2005-03-25Many people have long held the opinion that the Tiananmen self-immolation incident of January 23rd, 2001 was a politically motivated plot staged by the Jiang Zemin regime to defame Falun Gong. The Chinese authorities have recently brought up this incident again in order to deceive people. The government falsely claims that Xue Hongjun (one of the actors in the incident) was a veteran practitioner of Falun Gong. This article reveals Xue Hongjun's character from several different angles in an effort to expose the lies and rectify people's perceptions.
Appeal Letter to the Heilongjiang Province Superior Court
2005-03-25Squad leader Cui Hongmei, Xia Fengying, guard Zhou Ying and Deng Yu led twenty criminals, dragging us into the watershed, washrooms and prison cells, where we were tied with our backs to the sides of the beds. Sixteen practitioners who refused to wear prison uniforms as they hadn't broken any law, were tied up and hung with both hands, one hand up and one hand down, tied behind the back and hung up, their feet hovering above the ground. This continued until the practitioners agreed to give in to their commands.
Gao Rongrong: Severely Punish Those Who Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners, Restore Justice to the People, Part 1
2005-03-24 -
Township Government Officials Bring Falun Gong Practitioners Presents for Chinese New Year
2005-03-24Everyone in the township now knows that Falun Dafa is good and "Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance" is good. The policeman who used to be the most ruthless in his treatment of practitioners now avoids them. When he can't escape, he speaks up first and tells the practitioners that now he knows that Falun Dafa is good, that Falun Dafa practitioners are all good people, and that he no longer participates in the persecution of Falun Gong.
A Righteous Senior Citizen: "Young Man, Let's Distribute the Materials Together!"
2005-03-24I heard someone calling out from behind me, "Young man! Wait for me!" I turned my head and saw the man who had read the poster hurrying toward me on his bicycle. I smiled and asked, "Uncle, is there anything I can do for you?" The elderly man said, "Do you still have the posters here with you? If you do, give me one, please." At that time it was not easy to get hold of such materials, thus, in order to let more people know the truth, I usually only put them up as posters and did not distribute them freely. However, since he requested one, I gave him a copy.
Former County Level Cadre: A Gradual Change in My Thinking Led Me to Quit the Chinese Communist Party
2005-03-23It was precisely because I was obedient that some of the leaders in my work unit thought highly of me. Two years after I started work, I was appointed to a position taking charge of the so-called "education of political ideology" and "management of cadres." I therefore became a full-time member of the CCP administration. Not only was I deluded by it, I also devotedly educated other people, and filled them with the CCP's evil principles.
Pointing out Problems Frankly is Beneficial to Fellow Practitioners
2005-03-23Frank advice is sometimes painful to hear. However, if practitioners accept and cherish the opinions of other practitioners, they will benefit from it. Certainly, the practitioners who make such critical remarks must cultivate themselves, and they shouldn't think too highly of themselves when their opinion turns out to be right. Another thing to consider is that all of this practitioner's opinions may not be correct, and one has to look at each thing on its own.
We Should Be Impervious to External Changes and Continue to Cultivate Ourselves
2005-03-21We Falun Gong practitioners in China are supposed to use every opportunity to help more people understand and accept the truth about Falun Gong and to do the three things well so as to help Teacher save more people in China. Unfortunately, we have seen that many fellow practitioners in some areas of China have become less rational and have even compromised their attention to security because of their attachments. Some practitioners have radically interpreted Teacher's lectures to meet their attachments.
Cultivation Story: Learning to Sit in the Lotus Position
2005-03-21When I started to practise Falun Gong in 1997, I could not sit in the lotus position (both legs crossed). I could only sit in "half-lotus" with one leg crossed, and my knee was high in the air. I admired those veteran practitioners sitting with both legs crossed. My younger brother was practising Falun Dafa too. Whenever he came to see me, I asked him to sit on the knee that was sticking up. However, once he sat on my knee, my body leaned to the left.
The Hunt for Dark Energy
2005-03-21In order to find out what this mysterious energy really is, astronomers need to compare astrophysical observations that are at first sight completely unrelated. At a session on dark energy at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, University of Pennsylvania astrophysicist Licia Verde outlines how the hunt for dark energy will draw on the avalanche of recent and forthcoming data on surveys of objects throughout the universe.
"Harmonious Societies" Are Founded on Respect for Basic Human Rights and Values
2005-03-20A harmonious society is first expressed as coherence and harmony between its members. A virtuous structure and a good moral foundation in a society allow conflicts to be resolved easily, resulting in civilised relationships between members. Therefore, respect and protection of basic human rights is an essential path that should be followed to ensure that people in a society can live in harmony.
A Village Witnesses the Inhumanity of the Persecution
2005-03-20People in the village heard about this plot and were very angry: "With heaven, earth and your conscience, more than one thousand pairs of eyes have witnessed her healing. Creating rumours against Falun Gong like this will end up with punishment from Heaven." Someone said Jiang Zemin caused this! "If he were not around, she could have still practised every day and would have stayed both healthy and happy."
More Public Officials Receive Karmic Retribution for Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-03-20Li Xiaofu was the director of the Hailin City second detention centre. He held a hostile attitude toward Dafa and often insulted the founder of Falun Gong, Teacher Li and Falun Dafa. He brutally tortured Falun Dafa practitioners. All practitioners detained there were ruthlessly beaten, tortured, humiliated and insulted by him. He was eventually fired for his involvement in a criminal case.