Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice
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Feedback from the Activities Held in New York
2005-01-23A Falun Gong practitioner told me, “A Caucasian woman cried when she saw the torture exhibit. She sat with the practitioner acting as a victim suffering from the ‘Tiger Bench’ torture, and asked her husband to take a photograph for her.”
The Amazing Experience of a Chinese American Starting to Practise Falun Gong in China
2005-01-23The physical exam surprised me: the small, bean-sized growth was gone; her ovaries were no longer swollen; the empty, the swollen feeling in her stomach had disappeared; and the swollen fibroid tumour had shrunk, with only a needle-sized hole left behind. There was a little blood on it, almost as if a size-12 needle had been used to aspirate the fluid, leaving only a little scar behind. In order to verify these findings, we did a B-supersonic test. The results showed a normal uterus, two normal ovaries, and a normal stomach.
Reading Zhuan Falun Once is More Beneficial than Studying Ten Thousand Other Books
2005-01-22I once had a terrible addiction to smoking, and even though I tried often to quit, I never gave up my habit of smoking a pack a day. Upon opening Zhuan Falun, my craving for cigarettes diminished greatly, and I only smoked five cigarettes that first day. On the second day, this number lessened to three cigarettes, and by the fifth day, I had given up smoking completely. Zhuan Falun is really an extraordinary book!
Short Stories of People In China Supporting Falun Gong
2005-01-22A policeman in a town of Hengsui City of Hebei Province in China has returned the copies of Zhuan Falun that the police took away since the persecution began. He returned the books to practitioners after he realised the truth about Falun Gong. His action made it possible for many new practitioners to have a book to read and solved the problem of having a shortage of books.
Using our European Falun Dafa Website as a Tool to Inform People About Falun Dafa and the Persecution
2005-01-22Clearharmony was to be a website to echo the righteous voice of Falun Dafa practitioners and the support from Europe, to reveal the evil nature of the persecution, to let the people in Europe know about Falun Gong and to provide them with a chance to position themselves well for their future.
The Cultivation Experiences of Falun Dafa Practitioner Lao Zhao
2005-01-22I noticed that Lao Zhao was still very thin though his facial complexion was quite good. Being curious, I asked him the reason for his weight-loss. He just nodded his head, saying nothing and looking gloomy. His wife next to him could not help but tell me, “This year in 2004 he was confronted with another test between that of life and death, the process of which was marked by hardships.” I was surprised at this because his previous tribulation was quite horrifying. I was curious about his second test.
The Officials Who Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners Cannot Escape the Punishment of International Law
2005-01-21Since the persecution against Falun Gong and those who practise Falun Gong started, a significant number of lawsuits have been filed against members of Jiang's regime who participated in the persecution, and many of the perpetrators have been found guilty. These criminals cannot escape the punishment of international law. We believe that in the near future, the laws of China will also punish them.
Three People Start to Practise Falun Gong in Southern Germany
2005-01-21After having lived in Ukraine for thirty years, as soon as she first heard about the persecution against Falun Gong, her past experience allowed her to immediately understand that the same approach has been taken by the Chinese Communist Party to slander Falun Gong via various media channels.
A Woman's Severe Endometriosis Disappears after Practising Falun Dafa
2005-01-21Soon after her father-in-law passed away and as her daughter grew older, Ms. Guo discovered that she was now truly worn out and terribly ill. In fact, her endometriosis had progressed so much that she could not continue her job. Whenever the terrible pain came, she could not even stand or sit. She had to lie down, moaning with pain for days.
Chinese Media Reveal That Almost Half of Foreign Investment Withdrawn
2005-01-20On the 27th of December in 2004, the Voice of Germany issued a report entitled, "China Fervor Has Reached the Stage of Ignoring Profit." It says German Banking analysts have found that many companies are starting to doubt that the risk/return ratios justify sustaining investments in China. When asked, most German companies refused to disclose the amounts of the profits generated by their business ventures in China. Companies based in other countries also avoid this question.
Residents of Shuangcheng City in Heilongjiang Province Support Falun Gong and Oppose the Persecution
2005-01-20In one township, a police chief and his assistant attended the city's meeting on how to deal with Falun Gong. On their way home, they saw Falun Gong practitioners hanging banners. The assistant said: "Look! How dare they, hanging banners in broad daylight, let's arrest them." The police chief replied: "Let it go! When Falun Gong is redressed, those who suffer will be us."
Examples of Fabricated News in China
2005-01-20Hunan Province planned to select the 100 most advanced towns based on strong industrial and agricultural indices. When investigators came to Jiepai Town, the town's leadership bought tons of rice weed from nearby villages and ordered workers to burn them in each chimney. Seeing the heavy smoke, journalists from the investigation team thought that the industry index of Jiepai Town was among the highest in the province, and they selected Jiepai Town as one of the 100 most advanced towns. Leaders in Jiepai Town were pleased.
Attorney Gao Zhicheng's Open Letter to the National People's Congress
2005-01-19On the 31st of December, Beijing attorney Gao Zhicheng of Beijing's Chengzhi Law Office published a copy of the letter he sent to the National People's Congress. Mr. Gao addressed such questions as: Are Falun Gong practitioners treated as Chinese citizens? Should they be granted protection under the Chinese Constitution? Are they granted the rights of a Chinese citizen?
The Price of Shopping at the Dollar Store
2005-01-19I stood in front of an iron cage prop watching a female Falun Gong practitioner acting as an enslaved victim forced to make toys. She carried wounds and scars revealing the prison guards’ violence, and looked weary and sad. Another Falun Gong practitioner acting as a prison guard stood outside the cage prop, staring fiercely at the enslaved Falun Gong practitioner.
Cultivating Selfless Compassion
2005-01-19To my great astonishment, I realized that my cultivation status had serious problems. What was wrong with me? What kind of attachment had caused me to deviate from the Fa? That night Teacher's article, "My Version of a 'Stick Wake-up'," was published on the Clearwisdom website. I felt as if a stick had hit me heavily. First, I realized that my orientation towards letting people know the truth about Falun Gong and the perseuction wasn't correct.