Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

2017 European Fa Conference | 2016 European Fa Conference | 2015 European Fa Conference | 2014 European Fa Conference | 2013 European Fa Conference | 2022 European Fa Conference | 2023 European Fa Conference | Local Fa-conference

  • A Good Environment is Important

    I went to stay at my mother's house for the Chinese New Year holidays. With strong righteous thoughts, I took Dafa flyers and VCDs with me. My first day there, I went out to distribute flyers. Everything went smoothly, because my mind was righteous. But after that, I became slack and started to watch TV and do housework. My mind was occupied by everyday people's things. I forgot to study the Fa and made excuses for not doing the exercises.
  • Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": Brightening the World, One Petal at a Time

    "I stand before you today to give the most difficult speech I’ve ever had to give. Because at this moment, even as we speak, millions of children in China are suffering. They are suffering because they and their parents are upholding one of the very basic human rights, the freedom of belief. Their freedom came under attack more than four years ago in 1999, when the former Chinese leader, Jiang Zemin, banned Falun Gong."
  • Illnesses I Suffered for 20 Years Disappear in Just Half a Month of Practising Falun Gong

    The only thought I had was to quickly read the book more and learn the exercises. Half a month went by quickly and I learned how to do the exercises. Then I suddenly remembered about my tumour. I touched it to see how big it was, but it was no longer there. It had disappeared mysteriously. All of the other illnesses that I had, such as heart disease, also disappeared. I have saved a lot of medical expenses for our country. This is the true story of how Falun Dafa has given me a second life.
  • Speech from the International Conference on "Genocide in the New Era": Rule of Law vs. Rule by Law in China

    "If one truly exercises a Constitutional right such as the freedom of press, the freedom of conscience, the freedom of expression, and the freedom of association, this person will end up in jail, if not dead. The cases of Falun Gong practitioners we have heard here are typical examples. They don’t cheat, they don’t steal, they don’t commit any criminal wrongdoing; instead they have been trying to follow their ancient teachings of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance to be good people. But in today’s China, it becomes wrong to be right, and it is right to be wrong."
  • On Having a Correct Understanding of Supernormal Abilities

    "If I can understand, I will believe and if I cannot understand now, I will not believe and will not do it." This is a manifestation of poor enlightenment and disbelief. In many circumstances, the evil exploits precisely this gap of "disbelief." Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners should not stay in the evil forced labour camps and jails, because there are so many tasks waiting to be accomplished on the outside. Dafa practitioners should and are able to righteously walk out of the evil's den.
  • I will continue Exhibiting my Paintings and bringing Goodness to Different Places around the World

    "Falun Dafa practitioners in China are losing their jobs, families, and even lives in order to protect their righteous belief in the best human qualities. Hereby I sincerely ask once more for all kind-hearted people, governments and media to reach out a helping hand and stop Jiang Zemin from persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Let’s end this tragedy now. Let the Chinese people enjoy the same freedom of belief as people in the rest of the world and enjoy their belief in Truth, Compassion, Forbearance."
  • Using Goodness to End Hate and Evil in the World

    "This ongoing persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China has destroyed countless families that were happy and harmonious; a lot of children have lost their mother or father. In China, thousands and thousands of children are still suffering just like my daughter. They have no human rights, no voice and nowhere to ask for help."
  • Upholding the Most Precious Spiritual Values

    Due to firmly believing in the principle of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance”, Zhao Ming and thousands upon thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China maintain their peaceful protest under enormous pressure without resentment or hate. In a lawless country, under a campaign of nationwide propaganda launched by Jiang’s regime through the state-controlled media, they are constantly in danger of losing their jobs, education, homes families, freedom and lives.
  • Standing up Again after Being Tortured to Paralysis

    While trying to escape severe torture at the hands of thugs from the "610 Office", Yang Yuzhu was injured and severely paralysed. Without any medical treatment, this Falun Dafa practitioner miraculously stood up and was able to walk again. The story shocked the evil and let hospital doctors and others understand the power of Dafa. Many of them started to read Zhuan Falun afterwards, and it is said that some policemen took the confiscated Dafa books home for study as well.
  • Dafa Practitioners' Words and Actions

    In a hurry, I apologised to the store owner and her two apprentices, "I am very sorry. I didn't know you were sleeping. I spoke too loud. It is all my fault. Please do pardon us!" After my sincere apologies, the atmosphere became relaxed. Their faces didn't look as upset as before. They didn't expect that Dafa practitioners were different from ordinary people at all. They felt a little bit embarrassed and said: "Never mind. We have some faults as well. We should try to understand each other."
  • Using Righteous Thoughts to Correct Our Omissions

    Since I obtained the Fa, I've been trying to improve myself. But I'm still a practitioner in cultivation. Therefore, I did things that a true practitioner shouldn't have done. I still have many attachments to give up. I did not pass every tribulation very well. My impure words and deeds had a bad influence on some people. I have not acted responsibly all the time. I caused pain to others when I wasn't willing to help them. Here, I'd like to share my experiences with my fellow practitioners.
  • The Grand Door To The Heavens Has Opened, But How Many People Will Enter?

    I came to enlighten that as Falun Gong practitioners clarify the truth and send truth-clarification materials to others it is like an invisible golden string that threads together thousands of families and all sentient beings. They are telling us that if we assimilate to the universal principles, we will be reborn. The new realms and new dimensions are bound to manifest to us. Clarifying the truth is to eliminate the confusion and guide sentient beings to a bright future.
  • A University Lecturer Changes His Mind.

    During a lecture, a student raised a question on the persecution of Falun Gong. The lecturer frowned and said, “Whenever I see a flyer on Falun Gong, I throw it in the bin.” After class, I wrote him a letter explaining why we hand out flyers. I talked about my friends in Beijing who were persecuted, telling him that under such circumstances, being a person with a sense of justice, I cannot sit back and do nothing. I was late for the next lesson, but when I walked in, I saw him smiling at me.
  • My Parents Could Not Change Me, But Falun Dafa Did

    I was especially convinced by the precision of these prophesies that mentioned the vast spread of Falun Dafa, and what it said about Master Li. So I got Zhuan Falun and read it from beginning to end in one sitting. In just a few days, I felt my temper was not bad anymore and I felt closer to people around me. My wife said that I had changed towards other people. I knew that all of this was because of Dafa. I then vowed in my heart to give up evil deeds, to return to goodness and to firmly practice Falun Dafa.
  • Who is Planting Hatred in My Daughter's Mind?

    When I was released from the detention centre she began trying to persuade me to give up Falun Dafa. I said, "How could I stop such a great practice?" My daughter stared at me and said, "You will cause trouble for our home if you continue!" I said, "You have seen the huge health benefits I have gained since I started the practice. Before, I needed your support even to go up or down one step. Now, I am full of energy and walk freely. It relieves all of you from the burden of taking care of me."