Practitioner Forum, Open Discussion, Benefits from the Practice

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  • Fa-Rectification Cultivation Gives Us More Strength Than We Think

    I enlightened that on the road of cultivation, if I only care about personal consummation, I will always worry about whether I can hang on, and whether I will fall. As a result, my energy will be gradually consumed. However, if on the path of Fa-rectification cultivation we cultivate for others and for all sentient beings, we may find that we have more strength than we think! Not only can we pull others up on the way, but we can also help ourselves to reach the destination!
  • A Deaf & Mute Practitioner Silently Validates Dafa

    For the past three years, besides studying the Fa and practicing the exercises, this practitioner spent much of his time performing physical work for families in difficulty, those lacking people to do necessary hard labour. When he saw people needing help with planting rice shoots, he would volunteer to help. If he saw people needing help to carry heavy loads, he would also help. He would help fix the roads if he saw that they needed it. There were countless tasks like this that he contributed to.
  • The Legal Systems of Western Countries Will Bring Those Who Have Persecuted Falun Gong to Justice

    Ever since October 2002, when Jiang was sued in the United States for crimes against humanity, genocide, and torture, Jiang and his regime's brutal persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, has been exposed to the world, causing wide-spread concern. Each country's government and various organizations are condemning the persecution and calling for an end to it through diplomatic or legal channels.
  • Impressions After Watching New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV) Exclusive Interview with Falun Gong Founder

    NTDTV attracted the attention of many overseas Chinese people for having hosted the Inaugural Chinese New Year Global Gala in New York's Manhattan Center. Then it broadcast an exclusive interview with Falun Gong founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. This was the first time since 1999 that the Falun Gong founder has accepted a media interview. Addressing people who are not practitioners, the Falun Gong founder spoke on a few topics of interest to many people. Clearwisdom reporters interviewed some NTDTV viewers and asked them to talk about their impressions after having watched the interview.
  • Chinese Government Media Silent on NTD TV Interview With Mr. Li Hongzhi

    Jiang Zemin's group never passes up a chance to attack Falun Gong, but it's remaining silent when the media around the world are reporting Mr. Li's interview. It seems that the contents of the interview struck at the Jiang regime's biggest weakness: he ordered the persecution of millions of innocent people out of jealousy and paranoia. Jiang Zemin's own statement that "I just don't believe I can't fix Falun Gong" is a transparent show of his resentment.
  • Let Go of Oneself and Assimilate to the Fa

    I understand that because of Dafa’s choice Fa-rectification exists and with it the hope that our lives can be saved. Otherwise, everything would have been destroyed. Dafa’s choice is the foundation for the birth of the myriad things in the cosmos, and is also the precise reason why our lives are generated, renewed and saved. Harmonizing Dafa’s choice is the overall meaning for the generation and existence of our lives.
  • Jiang's Group Wreaks Havoc in France, Tramples on Freedom, Equality and Fellowship

    The latest incident in France is a replay of the Jiang regime's reprehensible behaviour in Germany and Iceland. They are using economic interests to entice and threaten democratic governments. Of course, the relevant members of the Chinese government delegation must also bear responsibility for this act that sold out conscience for personal gain. Their actions are helping Jiang's dictatorship to persecute good people. France is a democratic country, and the actions on the part of a few French officials are going against the trust placed in them by the French people
  • Cultivation and Getting a Driver’s Licence

    I started learning to drive over a year ago. At first I thought it would be very easy. But it was no simple matter and it took me one year to get a driving license. At the same time, the process of my cultivation went completely beyond my expectations. I failed the first test after five minutes because I did not see a traffic sign. Later, it came to mind that the result of the test just reflected one of my problems when doing Dafa work. That is, I had the tendency to regard Dafa work as some ordinary work and tried to finish it in a hurry.
  • Russia: We Cannot Wait Anymore

    On Dec. 31, the last day of 2003, I went to work with a whole bag of introductory newspapers and books about Falun Gong. I intended to leave the bag at my work site so that I would have immediate access to them whenever I want to distribute them in the future. A security guard told me that Dec. 31 was not a working day. She even called her superior, and insisted on not letting me in. I asked if I could drop the bag of newspapers and books in her office, and pick it up after the New Year. She said no.
  • England: Things that we should not have

    I understand from the Fa that only when we cultivate till we are without omissions can we reach consummation. However, under the influence of human concepts, I found myself unconsciously dividing attachments into two - “bad" attachments and “not so bad" attachments. For the latter ones, I found myself not as determined, and intentionally making mistakes in eliminating attachments because of my weak main consciousness and the effect of thought-karma.
  • Commentary: On Freedom of Belief and Freedom of Speech; Unjust Laws Cannot Be Considered to Be Laws

    Liu Chengjun was one of the Falun Gong practitioners who tapped into the Changchun City cable TV system. During this incident, Liu Chengjun and other Falun Gong practitioners successfully tapped into eight channels and broadcast [documentaries about Falun Gong] for an uninterrupted 40-50 minutes to an audience estimated to be more than one million. This heroic incident brought strong reactions from not only within China but also around the world.
  • Television Programs Should Speak The Truth

    The Chinese television media are maintained and supported by the hard-earned money of the Chinese people, and the media should speak for its people. At the same time, the media should play the role of supervising government officials. However, the fact is that the majority of Chinese media is television and it is completely controlled by the dictator Jiang Zemin. Jiang sold his "three representatives theory" on prime time television and turned the daily "news report" into his own personal show.
  • A Trivial Matter

    When I received the paycheck in early August, I noticed that the company had forgotten to account for my leave. I had received an extra day’s pay. I went to the foreman again. After he listened to my explanations, he asked, “What is your hourly pay?” I said, “Ten Euros.” He said with a smile, “Mine is 20 Euros an hour. It is fine, forget about it!” Then, he returned the paycheck to me. I insisted, “Please talk to the people in the office.”
  • Continually Breaking Through My Own Barriers

    I’ve experienced tough times after obtaining Dafa. One time after I came back from Fa-study, my husband was so angry that he produced a 30cm long fruit knife. He cut my clothes and threatened, “You are lucky that you ran away. If you had been too slow, I’d have killed you with this knife.” After this, things became better. Now I’ve become more flexibility in spreading the Fa and practising the exercises. I used to feel afraid after Fa-study and think in my mind, “Oh, I’ll be scolded when I get home.” However, after changing my mind: I said to myself that I cannot be afraid. It’s sacred for us to learn Dafa. We’ll have a high level in the future. What am I afraid of?” When I have righteous thoughts, I am no longer afraid.
  • Some Thoughts On the Issue of Special Agents

    If there are special agents around us or some fellow practitioner is suspected of being a special agent, we should all look inward to see whether it is due to our own field not being benevolent enough, not peaceful enough, not righteous enough, or not harmonious enough. If this is the case, we should strengthen our Fa study, continue to send forth righteous thoughts, and communicate more with fellow practitioners to form a firm and solid body.