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A Family's Terrible Fortune Is Reversed
2009-08-06In her view, we don't need to think about who or what is right or wrong. Since the government prohibited it, we must stay in line with the government thinking. Protecting ourselves is most important. It doesn't allow us to practice, so we stop practicing. It is such simple logic, but I did not do what she hoped I would.
I Became a Dafa Practitioner When the Persecution Started
2009-08-06He said, "There are some Falun Gong books (they're deluxe, hardback editions) and some exercise tapes--all ransacked ones taken the other day. I had an opportunity to save some sets. Here is a whole set for you to look at. They were going to be burned. Wouldn't you say that it would have been a pity to destroy all these good books? The CCP party members sure are so lawless, defying both the human and divine!"
Different Thoughts Produce Different Results When You Remember that You Are a Practitioner
2009-08-06I then suddenly realized that it was a flaw in my character that had caused the problem. How could I forget that I was a practitioner? I kept complaining about the weather, thinking that was what had caused my trouble. Why hadn't I thought of our Teacher? I said to my sister, "We are Dafa practitioners, and we should recite 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'
On Fame, Gain and Emotion
2009-08-05Emperor Qianlong suddenly asked the monk, "How many boats are there on the river?" The monk thought about it for a moment, and replied, "Only two boats." "Why two boats?" Qianlong asked. The eminent monk responded, "One is called fame. The other one is called personal gain."
Whenever There Is Trouble, Looking Inward Is the Key
2009-08-05When I got home, I was stunned--my husband was with another woman.My husband and the other woman were very nervous and scared. I said, "Don't be afraid. I'm different from others. I practice Falun Gong." My generosity and compassion deeply moved the woman. I told her that a woman should be responsible for herself, and for her family and children.
Firmly Eliminating Jealousy
2009-08-04I recently encountered a situation that made me see more clearly my attachment of jealousy. I have a colleague who is young and talented. He has good social skills and enjoys a good relationship with the boss, but he has little to say to me. His performance last year was excellent, and this year he is advancing ahead of me.
My Personal Experience Is a Testament to Dafa's Goodness
2009-08-04On November 19, 2004, my youngest sister took me home. Everyone was surprised and delighted to see the changes in me. I told my youngest sister and my granddaughter about Falun Gong, and they both supported me after reading the truth-clarifying pamphlet I had brought.
You Can Succeed If You Don't Give Up
2009-08-03"I don't think you sincerely believe in Buddhas. Communists are atheists that persecute people who believe in Buddhas. For that reason, communists and believers of Buddhas are in direct opposition. That's what I meant when I said that you are not a genuine believer of Buddhas or Gods."
My Changes after Practicing Falun Dafa
2009-08-03Another good thing is that I require myself to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in my daily life. I also taught my children to follow this principle. My grandson was very naughty, and nobody could handle him well before. I taught him to study Dafa. His behaviour became much better. Now he is clean, polite, and cares about others.
"Divine Thoughts" and "Human Thoughts"
2009-08-02According to the principles of higher realms, human principles are not in line with the characteristic of the universe. When a cultivator, at a critical moment, lets his human thoughts control him and thus betrays his fellow practitioners, what he has done is not just an issue of right or wrong; it means that he has committed a very bad deed.
My Driving Lessons
2009-08-02The practitioner that travelled with me tried a few things, but nothing worked. I felt terribly disappointed and guilty at the same time. I had been producing truth-clarification materials for four years by then, but I always depended on her whenever my printer was out of order.
Worlds in Waiting
2009-08-01Worlds in waitingeyes watching everywherefrom oceans deepestto horizons farthestand nothing to compare.
Relinquish the Pursuit of Comfort, Cultivate Diligently, and Walk Our Paths Well
2009-08-01One thing horrified me. One time we had a so-called "reform" meeting. One practitioner shouted, "My Master is innocent! Falun Dafa is righteous!" Two guards took her out before she could finish, and one poured a kettle of boiling water down her neck.
We Must Look Inside in Cultivation
2009-08-01I came to understand that a poor environment is caused by our human attachments. In other words, the environment is bad because we make it that way. Most of the time we just think about our own hardships. Measured by the Fa, I feel that I cannot look inside unconditionally.
It Is Really Wonderful to Look Inward
2009-07-31I found that although on the surface, I was studying the Fa, I was actually thinking about myself and did not consider my family's feelings. And also, I found attachments of concern and fear. I realized that I had found those attachments and that I would get rid of them. After having this thought, I felt relieved in my heart.