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Letting Go of the Attachment to Fortune
2009-10-20If I still felt sleepy, I would kneel down to study the Fa and later practiced the exercises. I slept for only two to three hours every night. Before I went to bed, I asked Teacher, "Master, please wake me up at 5 o'clock in the morning." When it was five o'clock, it seemed that someone was really there pushing me up. During that time, I went to the practice site every morning to teach new practitioners the movements.
Truly Looking Within and Broadening My Mind While Doing Coordination Work
2009-10-20Since each fellow practitioner's base is different with varied abilities to enlighten to things, different degrees of diligence, various times of attaining the Fa, having different levels of Fa understanding, and gaining varied cultivation levels, how could I ask others to do exactly what I want with only my own way of thinking and looking at things?
One Cannot Be Rid of Lust When Still Attached To It
2009-10-19I understand that it is simply impossible to get rid of lust and sexual desire when one holds on to this attachment at the same time. Just like a drug addict, he cannot imagine to get rid of his addiction while indulging himself in the stimulus of drugs. There is only one way of getting rid of the addiction, and that is to stop taking drugs, and keep clear from the drugs both in action and in mind.
Master Gives Me Hints Through My Husband
2009-10-19My husband doesn't practice Falun Dafa because he is not able to quit drinking alcohol. But he has supported me and my son in cultivation. All these years I have kept telling him the facts about Falun Dafa and our cultivation stories. Now he finally wants to read our materials.
My Attachments, Not External Circumstances, Made Me Irritated and Annoyed
2009-10-18Additionally, a few years ago when I had a little more belief and confidence in Teacher and the Fa, I had a little less irritation and annoyance. Now, since I have truly let go of my attachments, the irritation and annoyance have disappeared. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that our irritation and annoyance are linked to our hearts, not the external circumstances of our lives.
My Understanding of Genuine Cultivation
2009-10-18We need to truly cultivate ourselves from the surface to the heart so that all of our thoughts harmonize in the Fa. If we can achieve this state, we will not feel disappointed or desperate anymore, and would not be attached to human desires.
I Have Finally Made a Decisive Step
2009-10-17Before arriving at the detention centre, my husband text-messaged me, "I am having a sick feeling about this. You should hurry away. Listen to me." My hands got sweaty. Seeing my reaction, my mother said, "You'd better go back then." I immediately fled. Looking back, I know that everything happened because of my fear and that I had failed this test yet again.
A Retrospective Look at My Cultivation Journey
2009-10-17Because I work during the day, I had to read behind his back at night. My husband usually came home after midnight, drunk. If he saw me reading, he would either swear at me or beat me. I didn't know how to stop it with righteous thoughts, so the swearing and insults became common practice.
One Night's Experience
2009-10-16Two hours later, when I stood up, a prisoner asked me why a Falun Gong practitioner had such a good attitude. I replied that Falun Gong simply teaches people to be good, and an upright man isn't afraid of anything. One policeman took my words to continue, "Yes, an upright man isn't afraid of anything." The prisoner said emotionally and sincerely, "I will turn a new leaf in the future. I won't do those bad things. I will sell eggs to earn my living after I go back."
It Is Dafa That Has Changed Me
2009-10-16One day a practitioner reminded me, "You should learn how to use the computer and print the materials so that you can shoulder some of the workload and reduce your daughter's burden!" After hearing that, I did not feel confident. I asked myself if I was able to learn it. After I considered it again, I realized that thinking this way was wrong, that it was a human thought.
Steadfastly Believe in Master and the Fa
2009-10-15In my efforts to tell people to facts about Falun Gong, I have encountered interference from police or officials several times. There was even a safety issue. I kept righteous thoughts, was not afraid, and was vigilant as well. I was not afraid as long as I was being selfless.
We Must Have Righteous Thoughts At All Times
2009-10-15The other practitioner and I immediately knew that it was Teacher using this practitioner's words to remind us, seeing us walking and talking. No wonder we ran into her here. Practitioner B continued, "While walking on the street, don't slink along, we should behave in an open and dignified manner because we are doing the most righteous thing in the universe!"
The Story of My 102 Year-old Mother
2009-10-14"Zhen - Shan - Ren - is good" slowly came from my mother's closed lips, and the words "Falun Dafa is good" followed as her lips quivered. Gradually mother was able to speak more distinctly, "Falun Dafa is good," "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Her sunken eyes gradually opened, and she began to regain consciousness.
Some Experiences in Understanding that Our Own Improvement is Most Important
2009-10-14Just listen, not talk back, not try to defend old ideas or defend myself, but just listen, and try to find what are the true and useful points that practitioners bring up. Even when practitioners become very emotional, even when they say things that are not accurate, I know I can definitely learn some things from what they say, and I can treat it as cultivation.
The Hardships of Cultivation Are Nothing
2009-10-13In 2008, my husband voluntarily withdrew from the CCP. He told me, "I believe Falun Gong is good. However, I want you to practice at home, and not go outside to talk about it." I comforted him, saying that everything would be alright. As long as I listen to and follow Master's words, no one would dare to hurt me