Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Thoughts Based on the Fa Are Divine
2007-02-05I will no longer quarrel with other people, or retaliate when they raise their voice and become angry, like I did several years ago. Previously, I had been using my human thoughts, and human emotions, which led to a bad outcome. Now, I am no longer afraid that the person I am trying to persuade will show disrespect to Falun Dafa. When the disrespect appears, I use my compassion and serenity to patiently clarify the truth.
"Searching Within" - A Great Tool
2007-02-04Ever since Teacher unveiled the profound teachings of Falun Gong, the Fa, he has always told us that regardless of what issue we have encountered, we need to look at ourselves and find what problems we have in ourselves -- searching within and cultivating ourselves. As I calm down, I ask myself, what are my loopholes, my shortcomings?
My Cultivation Experiences Selling Tickets for the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular in Toronto
2007-02-03I met with an acquaintance of mine last Saturday afternoon as I was leaving the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular. I asked her what she thought about the show, and she answered with a smile, "Very good!" Then she pointed toward the crowd of people leaving the show and said in a surprised voice, "Wow! So many people came here to watch the show!" For me, getting these people here to watch the show was a very good process of cultivation.
Comfort Wears Down The Will
2007-02-02After reading fellow practitioners' articles on removing fundamental attachments, I have been looking unceasingly for my own fundamental attachments. I found them by chance when I chatted with my neighbour. I said, "I only seek a harmonious, commonplace, and peaceful life." On the surface, such request is not of a high level, but for a Falun Dafa practitioner it reveals a deeply hidden attachment and is dangerous.
Letting Go of Our Ego When Encountering Conflicts
2007-01-31When our local practitioners get together they often talk about their understandings during cultivation, such as issues regarding passing tests. One complained about how his family member treated him, and who said what, and how that hurt him, or some other things that made his life miserable and hindered his cultivation. It seemed that he did this for the purpose of gaining others’ understanding and sympathy.
I Finally Learnt How to Truly Look Inward
2007-01-31I felt that I was always correct and only my opinion was right, and I could not see that there was a problem with me. Sometimes I even claimed that I would look inward, but in fact I had not truly done so. Actually, the "looking inward" that I did was merely a kind of formality, and I did not know much about truly looking inward; I only said "look inward" to others for the sake of saying it. The purpose of this was to protect those hidden attachments of mine that I had not realised, and it was an excuse to cover them up.
Discovering my Sneaky Jealousy
2007-01-29When I read articles by fellow practitioners about jealousy in the past, I felt that I had no such problem because I took everything lightly in my work and life and did not seek fame or material gains. Recently, however, I had a dream that enabled me to realise my deeply-hidden jealousy.
How Falun Gong Renewed my Health
2007-01-26I said that I was not afraid: "I don't listen to the propaganda, if only I benefit, then I don’t fear anyone." However in my mind I thought, "What I said was an exaggeration." Later after I saw that all those good people who followed "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" were arrested, sentenced, or force-fed, I started to see the CCP in it's true colours. It was indeed a wolf in sheep's clothing.
My Sister-In-Law's Full Recovery Demonstrates Falun Dafa's Wonders to Our Friends and Relatives
2007-01-24She also said that a friend of hers who worked in a hospital told her that such an illness could not be cured, and if she continued to stay in the hospital, her life would be doomed and her family's savings exhausted. Everyone in her family knew the outcome, but nobody wanted to think about it.
By Practising Falun Gong, a Late-Stage Lung Cancer Patient Gets a New Lease on Life
2007-01-23People told my husband, "Why don't you grant her wish? She is dying. Let her do whatever she wants!" With my husband supporting me, I slowly walked to the Falun Gong group practice site. It was most curious that an unintelligent and uneducated person such as I would be able to learn Falun Gong's five sets of exercises by imitating them.
All My Happiness Comes from Falun Dafa
2007-01-22For the first half of my life, I struggled between having enough to eat and being forced to do physical labour. After I got married, I suffered immensely from various illnesses and lived under constant pressure from my family. I felt like a hopeless walking corpse. I would like to share my experience of the endless misery I suffered to finally being given a new life and a bright future from practising Falun Gong; just like a full moon after the dark cloud has passed.
A Lesson Learnt from the Attachment of Seeking Comfort
2007-01-22I also used the excuse that we need to conform to the way of society as much as possible to conceal my attachment. I did not want to address it or bring it up with other practitioners. As a matter of fact, I protected this attachment, for which I paid dearly. Here I want to share my experience with fellow practitioners so that they can draw a lesson from it.
Looking Inward
2007-01-21A few days ago during experience sharing, we were repeatedly discussing how to solve a conflict between two practitioners. The two practitioners had big conflicts cooperating with each other, and there was also a relationship involved. We spent the whole evening discussing it but were not able to resolve it. We felt that something was not right. How come we kept criticising others? Let's look inward!
Do Not Provide a Hiding Place for Acquired Notions
2007-01-21I would find topics to talk to her about and try to keep her staying longer, consciously or not. Even if I did not have the ability to help her, I would try my best to seek other possibilities, etc. On the contrary, if an unattractive girl comes to ask for my help, I would have no such feeling and would not do the same thing. I would follow all protocols for handling business and refuse her without any hesitation if I could not help.
A Simple Illustration of "Non-Omission"
2007-01-19I hesitantly handed the bag to the woman and said, "Here, I have a plastic bag. It has holes too, but you can try it." She took my bag and wrapped it around her bag of soybean milk. It turned out to be quite effective in stopping the leakage. After a while some milk began to leak out again, but the amount was much less than before. I thought that if we had had a third or fourth plastic bag, even if each one had holes, together they could have stopped the leakage completely.