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Practising Falun Gong Cured My Many Illnesses, Including a Congenital Heart Defect
2007-01-05I am a 62 year old middle school teacher. I suffered from many illnesses before I began practising Falun Dafa. For almost 26 years I had suffered from illnesses such as congenital heart disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, cervical vertebra ossein proliferation, Meniere's syndrome and an attachment to sleep. I had worn three pairs of special glasses for older people before I was just over 40 years old. Towards the end everything was blurry when I read. I also had rheumatoid arthritis and other persistent illnesses.
70-Year-Old Man Learns to Prepare Materials on His Computer
2007-01-02I used to wait for fellow practitioner A to provide me with materials clarifying the truth about the persecution, and I would then make copies to distribute. Once this practitioner, upon handing me the materials, told me that I would have to prepare the materials by myself the following week. In fact, I had been thinking of learning to prepare materials on the computer for a while. I immediately asked the practitioner to help me. He introduced me to practitioner B, who would help me with technical training. This is how I started to learn to prepare materials on the computer.
Finding My True Self
2007-01-02One day, a fellow Falun Gong practitioner told me that another practitioner would like to set up a site to produce materials exposing the truth about Falun Gong, and wanted to check with me to see if it was alright. I agreed. Later, when I met the practitioner who set up the site, I realised that we had met once before. At that time, he was accusing another practitioner of doing something wrong. Seeing his attitude towards other practitioners, I had a bad impression of him. Nevertheless, I did not realise that I was not tolerant with him at that time.
My Understandings about the Family Environment
2007-01-01When a cultivator encounters a conflict at home, that is an opportunity to raise his or her level and understanding, so it is a good thing. As long as we consider ourselves to be cultivators, follow the Falun Gong teachings by looking inward, find our own gaps and attachments and are always considerate to our family members, these conflicts can easily be resolved. The process of resolving a conflict is the process of raising our levels and improving our family environment.
My Illiterate Mother Can Now Read the Entirety of Zhuan Falun
2007-01-01Despite correcting her many times, she still could not remember. Never discouraged, she kept reading. She read the words she recognised, and guessed the ones she could not read. Once, as we read the whole book of Zhuan Falun, she managed to read every word correctly. We were all happy for her. What a demonstration of Falun Dafa's power!
A Colon Cancer Patient's Good Fortune
2006-12-31Ms. Deng immediately decided to forgo the surgery. Instead, she wanted to learn Falun Gong. That day was market day, and Ms. Deng’s husband saw Xiao Fang at the market. She was indeed full of energy and her face had a healthy glow. He asked her how she had become well. Xiao Fang’s husband told him, "It is Falun Gong that cured her. It was a miracle! She started to change, even just after one hour of practise. Don’t believe what the TV says. It is all lies. Look at Xiao Fang! She is a living example. Who can make this up?"
My Sharing on "How to Study the Fa Well"
2006-12-28Another aspect of my cultivation is that when I have conflicts with others, I look within according to the Fa, but some of the related Fa I have yet to understand. Normally I find the answers in Master's other lectures when I study the Fa. Through continuous Fa study I realised this rule: Whenever I come across something that I can't understand, I relax and just continue studying the Fa and I find the answers in the Fa. This is my experience of understanding the Fa from the perspective of Fa
Recalling the Days When Master Li Gave Falun Gong Lectures in Wuhan, China
2006-12-28I still remember one lady who was so excited that she shared her experiences with me when we were in the restroom. She had suffered from lumbar disc protrusion, which could not be cured by any conventional means. However, this severe illness disappeared after she began practising Falun Gong. She specifically pointed out that she felt energised, as Teacher said in Zhuan Falun,
Don't Miss Out On This Precious Opportunity, Something Which Comes Once in Tens of Thousands of Years
2006-12-27I was fortunate enough to attend the seventh Falun Dafa seminar held by Master Li, the founder of Falun Gong. It took place at the Mingfanggong Auditorium of Jilin University, Changchun City. My memories of the time are deeply imprinted in my mind. I can never forget the grand occasion. Every time I recall this memory, my eyes fill with tears. It motivates me to walk more steadily on my cultivation path.
Has Fa-Rectification Entered a New Stage?
2006-12-27I personally feel that the Fa-rectification process since 1999 can roughly be divided into the following several stages: from the time prior to Master's publishing of the "Knowing Heart", to Master's publishing "Towards Consummation," then a new stage at "Beyond the Limits of Forbearance," and another at "Eliminate the Dark Minions With Righteous Thoughts." The release of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party ushered in another stage, and when Master published, "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" at the end of October, I think this was the beginning of yet another new stage.
My Understanding of Altruism
2006-12-25At times, when a practitioner had not yet finished what he had to say, I had already started to point out his shortcomings. My show-off mentality eventually grew to such a state that whenever I met a fellow practitioner, I tried to find his attachment in order to show how well I understood the Fa. I knew my state was not right as soon as I arrived home. I knew it was a show-off mentality, the attachment of complacency and the attachment to reputation.
The Key to Everything
2006-12-25Three days later my mother apologised to me, "I found the key. It was in my sewing kit." I said, "You need to think about it. Nothing is accidental for a Falun Dafa practitioner." Mother said, "I did not look inward and only looked for others' faults. I wanted to find others' faults, even if I was wrong."
The Evil Is Nothing When Faced with Strong Righteous Thoughts
2006-12-24Once I was distributing VCDs about the truth of the framed "self-immolation incident." A man dressed like a Communist Party official looked at the VCD, and pointed his fingers at me, "Oh, you dare to distribute this. I will [report you to the police so they can] arrest you." I was not affected and told him with a smile, "What do you do? Do you have the right to arrest people just because you feel like it? Even if you are a policeman, I hope you will not do something like this as it will do you no good." He became silent, lowered his head, and went on shopping.
Master Is Always Looking After Us
2006-12-24I started practicing Falun Gong in June of 1996. Someone introduced me to Falun Gong and gave me the book Zhuan Falun. In the table of the contents, one line captured my attention, which reads "Zhen-Shan-Ren is the Sole Criterion to Discern Good and Bad People" I read through this paragraph seriously and was greatly moved. It was really remarkable that someone could write such a book in this day and age! He is go great! I then had a wish in my heart that I would only practice Falun Gong in this lifetime.
Finding the Lost "Me"
2006-12-23My earlier writing shocked me. I was able to recite up to the Sixth Lecture in Zhuan Falun and most of the articles in Essentials for Further Advancement after a few months of practising Falun Dafa. Now when I look at how well I studied the Fa and carried out such righteous actions, I question how well I am now cultivating! It was the true "me" who did all that.