Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Having found Falun Dafa a Family in North Korea Feel the Benefits
2007-11-05Xingcheng did these things every day and kept "Falun Dafa is good!" in his heart. Soon, his serious stomach problem disappeared. Every day he felt he had so much energy. He often walked 50 kilometers instead of riding. His neighbours all commented that his changes were nothing short of miraculous.
Can Not or Will Not?
2007-11-05Later on I was unable to get up in the morning for the exercise practice due to some personal reasons. Sometimes when I did get up, I didn't finish practicing the exercises. At other times, I skipped sending forth righteous thoughts at midnight in order to get up in the morning to practice the exercises. I struggled for a while, but could not make myself do both. Then I started to look for excuses and neglected both.
Treating Fellow Practitioners with Compassion
2007-11-05At that very moment I felt the compassion of a genuine Falun Dafa practitioner, which was peaceful, unintentional, in accordance with Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, beyond the realm of ordinary people's emotions, and not moved by ordinary people's attachments. She helped me to see that my complaints and accusations were against Falun Dafa's principles and wrong, and I was able to see them as shortcomings in my cultivation. I stopped complaining and was moved to tears.
Astounding Results from Practising Falun Gong
2007-11-03When she went back to hospital for a checkup, all the tests returned back as positive. The doctors looked at her rosy complexion and couldn't help but ask, "How did you recover and so quickly as well?" Beaming, she replied, "I am cured because I practise Falun Gong," to which he exclaimed, "I have never seen anything quite like it!"
Gradually Maturing in Our Cultivation
2007-10-30My younger brother is a doctor of Chinese medicine and very well known locally. Many patients go to him for treatments. He often tells his patients to practise Falun Gong. He says, "My elder sister suffered from so many diseases and I treated her for so many years and was not able to cure them. She practises Falun Gong and has recovered from all of them. The best thing for you would be to start practising Falun Gong."
Finding True Peace in the Heart -- a Young Doctor's Story
2007-10-29"I finished reading the entirety of Zhuan Falun in one night. The calmness I felt at that moment made me realize that this was what I had been looking for all my life. At that moment, I decided to start practising Falun Dafa." said Huijun.
When You Feel Hurt, It Is Always Due to a Human Attachments and Emotion
2007-10-25Why were we so indignant? Why did we have resentment? Why did we have hatred in our hearts? Why did we feel bullied? Why can't we be more forgiving? Why did we show displeasure? Why did we find it hard to forget the conflicts? Why...?
An Ordinary Family's Story of Practising Falun Gong in China
2007-10-23As an intellectual, he dismissed Falun Gong as superstition at first. However, he didn't have the heart to turn down my dad's advice. He was bedridden, so he read Zhuan Falun in bed. Teacher was very compassionate and made Grandfather increasingly well each day. Finally he could get out of bed to learn the Falun Gong exercises. When he was practising the third exercise, he felt incredibly comfortable from head to toe. He said he had never felt so great.
"Falun Dafa is the Only Genuine Science"
2007-10-22Not long after that, I called her to see how she was doing. She said that she had read the book but she could not totally believe it. However, she felt the exercises were good and decided to give them a try. About one year later, I called her again. She told me that every day during her lunch break she would practise all five sets of the exercises according to the instructions on the video tape, and that she has been completely cured. She said that "Falun Dafa is the only genuine science".
Bedridden for Eight Years, Sickness Free Three Months after Practising Falun Gong
2007-10-21While selling fruits at an early morning market, I met a person I used to know but hadn't seen for many years. She was quite surprised that I had changed: healthier, stronger, more energetic, friendlier, and more tolerant. I had a good chat with her about the turning point of my life: Falun Gong.
How I Understand the Concept of Righteous Thoughts and My Experiences Connected with Them
2007-10-20I started to practise Falun Gong at the end of 1998. The first day I had planned to learn Falun Gong I awoke at 5:00 a.m. and immediately went to the practise site. When I did the five sets of exercises that morning I was thrilled. It was a kind of wonderful feeling that I had never experienced before.
Saying "Falun Dafa is Good" Saved My Life
2007-10-19I live in Jixi City of Heilongjiang Province in China and I am 69 years old. In early May of 2006, when I was on the brink of death, simply saying "Falun Dafa is good" saved my life. I have practiced Falun Dafa ever since.
From Hearts and Minds Uplifted: Conflicts Lasting Decades Are Resolved after Family Practises Falun Dafa
2007-10-18I was reading Zhuan Falun at the time. I understood that only Falun Dafa could resolve the deeply rooted conflicts in my family, so on several occassions I recommended the book to my father. Finally my father started reading. Right away he changed. His 58 years of bad temper improved greatly. He started being tolerant, even during conflicts with my mother. His spirit improved, and all of us benefited. There were fewer conflicts in the family.
A Miracle in Medicine
2007-10-17On March 22nd, 2007, the Gastroenterology Department at the hospital where I worked received a female patient who was about 20 years old. Her anus was entirely swollen, and she was restless due to the pain. She fainted once from losing too much blood when she was bleeding. She was diagnosed with a swollen rectum, serious anemia, low blood protein, external piles, low blood calcium, and Hepatitis B.
Falun Dafa Saved My Father--Our Entire Village Now Understands the Truth
2007-10-16On August 6th, 2007, my father's situation worsened. He was hospitalised for three days, but there was no sign of improvement. His oesophagus was blocked, so no food or fluid could pass through it. He lay in bed all day long. The doctor advised us to prepare for his funeral, so we placed an order for his coffin when we returned home.