Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Studying the Falun Gong Teachings Is the Foundation for Doing the Three Things Well
2006-09-20I felt like I was suffering great hardship and developed a very bad temper causing me to shout and even physically lash out at others. It is our infinitely compassionate Teacher who has saved me, who gave me the bliss of having a chance to cultivate in Falun Gong. I obtained a new life and began living a life anew as a moral person.
Im Still Here Thanks to Falun Dafa
2006-09-19On June 5th my asthma acted up and because I was coughing so violently I took my husband's homemade prescription specifically made for helping asthma symptoms. Unfortunately, I overdosed and was sent to the local hospital. The local hospital couldn't handle my case so they sent me to the city hospital in an ambulance. As soon as I got in the ambulance, the doctor put an oxygen mask on me because I was losing consciousness and my body was becoming stiff.
Discarding the Notion That Big Projects Equal Big Tests
2006-09-17This mentality seems simple and logical, but it is very dangerous. Many of our practitioners who have done a lot of Fa-rectification work were persecuted because they had not overcome this notion and were taken advantage of by the evil. When we calm down and think about it, we will find that this is not only a human notion that refuses to part with the principles of the old universe, but also a strong attachment hidden in cultivators.
A Young Practitioner's Sharing on Memorising the Falun Gong Teachings
2006-09-17At first, the progress of memorising Zhuan Falun was very slow. I could only memorise one section per day. I continued memorising the Fa at this pace until I had to take the high school entrance exam. By that time, I had finished memorising the first six lectures in the book. In the fourteen days before the exam results would be publicised, I recited the Fa day and night at home and was able to finish reciting all nine lectures
Brain Tumour Disappears after Starting My Cultivation in Falun Dafa
2006-09-14An expert in the ophthalmology department of a large hospital suggested I have X-rays taken in the brain surgery department. It turned out that I had a brain tumour. The doctor said that this kind of surgery would cost one hundred thousand yuan or so; moreover, the surgery could not be guaranteed to succeed. It would be better to go home and eat something healthy—in other words, to wait for death.
First Look Inwards, Then Fix the Machine
2006-09-13Some fellow practitioners looked inward at themselves first to search for their own issues and see if there was any problem with their xinxing or their character. Then they tried to fix the machines. This way, sometimes the machines would fix themselves because we cultivated ourselves. However, some other practitioners only looked at the machines instead of looking inward at themselves. Even when they finally fixed the machines, the machines might still have some minor problems. Some machines broke down completely and caused losses.
Cultivators in the Mountainous Countryside of China
2006-09-13These practitioners are highly disciplined and they measure themselves against the standards of the Fa in whatever they do and with whomever they interact with. Be it their neighbours or relatives, they are courteous, kind and gentle to others and are willing to lend a helping hand to the needy. Their actions and deeds became a role model for the people in the surrounding villages.
Why I Support My Wife's Practice of Falun Gong
2006-09-11After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999, because I had seen my wife's changes in both body and mind, and I knew that she cultivated Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, I always supported her in her practise. Sometimes, I helped her. Our two children and I also read the treasured book Zhuan Falun and all of us have quit the communist party and its organisations.
Western Practitioner: Treating Oneself as a Cultivator
2006-09-10In recent months I moved to a new area and got involved in many Falun Dafa related projects. Because of having various skills, I became incredibly busy and felt myself getting stretched further and further. I was working on so many things that most weren't getting done well and some weren't getting done at all. Meanwhile, my Fa study became less and the quality was poorer because I could not stay focused. This battle went on for too long before I started to really look inside and assess the situation.
My Unusual Experience of Coming to Practise Falun Gong Whilst Been in Prison
2006-09-10Tang Yaqi was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp within twenty days of finishing her forced labour. This implied that they wouldn’t release her after she completed her term. At the moment when Tang Yaqi left our ward, I collapsed. I had a hard time seeing that she would not be set free and felt anxious for not having other practitioners be with me. Since I had only started cultivation one month prior, there were many cultivation things I didn’t understand. But in less than twenty minutes, another practitioner came in. You can’t imagine how happy I was.
A Teacher in China Turns an Unruly Class Around with "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance"
2006-09-08A schoolteacher, who is also a Falun Dafa practitioner, became the director of the most notorious class in the whole school. Other faculty referred to this brave teacher as "the one that jumps off a cliff with her eyes open" as the students in this elementary school class had been infamous for fighting, stealing, and skipping classes on a regular basis. Three years have now past. So how are the teacher and her students doing? Find out by reading the following essay from one of the students:
Taking Advantage of Every Chance to Expose the Illegal Persecution
2006-09-07When I was detained in the detention centre, I met many police officers. Now two of them have withdrawn from the CCP, and many have read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party . I have met all kinds of people, such those that replace the liquefier, collect rags, decorate houses, and collect the fees for water and electricity. I have talked to Buddhists visiting me and even a tattooed young lady with no hair. Whoever I meet, I clarify the truth to them and deliver the truth clarifying materials and the Nine Commentaries.
On Teacher's Poem "Tathagata"
2006-09-07While I was studying Teacher's poem "Tathagata" (from Hong Yin II), I gained a new understanding of the poem and on how to use properly and freely the wisdom given to us by Falun Dafa to save sentient beings and help former practitioners that stopped practising.
Western Practitioner: Cultivating Through Music
2006-09-06A few years later, though, I began thinking more and more: I played music for so long back then. How can I use this skill to validate the Law and save sentient beings? I thought about forming a band to play music and clarify the truth, but that didn't seem practical at the time and I didn't really want to promote modern music anyway. Yet I had some classical percussion training--I just didn't know how to use it.
Police Officer in Chinese Detention Centre Reveals What He Witnessed
2006-09-06In fact, many practitioners suffered from brutal beatings when they were arrested by the police in Beijing. The vicious police officers spared no one. An older woman in her 60s was severely beaten by cruel police officers when she was arrested. After a few days, when she was sent here from Beijing to be detained, her right eye was still black from the beatings. Many of my fellow officers shook their heads in disgust at the brutality they witnessed from other officers.