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Sweden: Not Missing Any Chance to Explain the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-02-21One night at work I was listening to a radio program that was has an audience of approximately 500,000 listeners. During the program, the host announced that they would give listeners the chance to call in and talk about matters that concerned them. Immediately, I realised that this was a good opportunity to explain the facts of Falun Gong to the Swedish people.
A Few Words About Fear
2003-02-21Owing to selfishness, we unconsciously have misgivings and worries because we have learned to protect our own interests. It comes from the narrow-mindedness and insignificancy of selfishness. We are naturally nervous and cautious when the mentality of fear emerges because this selfishness does not come with the broadness and open-mindedness of selflessness, let alone perfect calmness.
Many of my teachers say that Falun Gong is good. They practise Falun Gong and they are not stupid.
2003-02-21The town I live in is rather small and seldom are Chinese to be seen here. Yet one day all of a sudden, when we stand in the park and practise I see a thin and visible figure slowly walking towards our direction. Its a young woman with an Asian look. I call her and ask if she is Chinese. To my surprise she answers, Yes.
Practitioners Escape Persecution With Righteous Thoughts
2003-02-19She said to the officer, "You should arrest thieves and other people who violate the law. We Falun Gong practitioners cultivate 'Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance' and try to be good people. You should not arrest us." Whatever one's thought is at that moment can bring about different consequences. After hearing this, the security officer understood and released her.
Using Righteous Thoughts to Survive and Triumph During My Hunger Strike in a Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-19Those thugs would use foul language to defame Teacher in order to incite me to talk, but I would not budge and thus avoided falling into their traps. My staunch belief and faith was the only thing that mattered now. Each time that I was clear-minded, I would clear away interferences, and recall and study the Fa like a baby sucking milk. I felt that the Fa was so profound, instilling in me boundless confidence and helping me to break through many interferences and attachments.
My Bicycle Journey to Beijing to Appeal for Falun Dafa
2003-02-18I had never spoken out in front of so many people before, so I did not pull out my banner right away. Time passed by quickly while I hesitated, trying to decide whether or not to raise my banner. When I looked at my watch, I saw that it was nearly noon. At that time, there were many tourists on the square. I thought to myself that I shouldn't miss such a good opportunity
The Story of My Righteous Little Cousin
2003-02-18My little cousin though, did not yield to this emotional blackmail and firmly answered, "I want Falun Dafa. I can't give up Falun Dafa for the reason of my friends. However, I don't believe I will lose my friends just because I practise Falun Dafa!" Just as she said, several days later, her classmates came up to play together with her. They folded paper together with her to make paper-cranes and even asked her for Falun Dafa books.
Hooligan Changes His Mind Due to Righteous Thoughts
2003-02-16I told him the facts about the staged Tiananmen Self-Immolation incident, and the facts of how Falun Dafa practitioners suffered inhuman persecution for speaking out the truth. At first, he made some bad comments about Falun Dafa. I asked him to stop saying that before he had learned the truth about Falun Dafa, and he agreed. I told him the facts from my kind heart and with righteous thoughts. After a while, he apologised to me for what he had done.
Completing my Masters Degree Thesis During Cultivation in Fa-rectification
2003-02-16My fellow practitioners also saw that my schedule was a bit tight, so they reminded me not to have the heart for doing things. Schoolwork was also very important. We should also do well in the human level. It also validated the Fa. So, I started to think about it calmly. Why should I go out? Did I have an impure heart? How to balance the relationship of cultivation, Fa-spreading, and studying?
The Difference
2003-02-16My son said: "[shouldn't we] send forth righteous thoughts to rescue the little girls Mom?" I was shocked at that moment and found the difference between my son and me. He had not been contaminated by the dye vat of everyday peoples society and could think of others first. By contrast, my selfishness was revealed entirely.
Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions of a Young Falun Dafa Practitioner
2003-02-15On his own, he has kept up with clarifying the truth in China. He clarified the truth to his friends and classmates. The teacher in charge of his class was very verbally abusive to him and even beat him, so he said with a calm assurance, "Falun Dafa teaches people to be good, and I have been learning Falun Gong for so many years." Xiao Gang wiped away his tears and did not give in.
A Call to China
2003-02-15I made some notes of a few simple and clear points to remind me. No matter what would happen, I would keep calm. I wanted to let the Chinese citizens realise that we were aware of what the Chinese government did to Falun Gong practitioners. We were making it clear that they should not assist in the persecution of innocent people.
Spousal Tribulations, Falun and the Lust Test
2003-02-15One day I saw the girl (with whom my husband had had the affair) across a crowded shopping street and was overcome with compassion for her and for him. They seemed so lost in delusion but still trying to find a way out, albeit in a deviant way. I saw that all sentient beings are indeed suffering.
Every Name Has Its Power
2003-02-14At 1 a.m. on February 6, 2003, my mother, Yang Yueli, called from Beijing and told me that she had safely returned home after having been detained for 400 days and nights. Due to the endless effort of the Global Mission to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners, the intense pressures from international organisations and overseas media, and with the help from millions of kind-hearted people all over the world, the Chinese regime finally released my mother who was detained groundlessly just because she practises Falun Gong.
I Wont Complain About my Fellow Practitioners Anymore
2003-02-14When something happened to a fellow practitioner, other practitioners would sincerely solve the problem for him. I could see that those practitioners considered other practitioners affairs their own affairs. When a problem arose, they did not try to educate and oppress practitioners but would solve the problem with him from their hearts.