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To Complain Shows Looking Outwards and a Lack of Compassionate Thoughts
2003-02-12At the exercise site, many practitioners have noticed that some fellow practitioners sometimes showed complaining in their spoken language. I myself experienced this condition too. So, this is why Id like to share my personal realization on this and talk about my understanding of such an attachment as complaining.
Jiang Zemin, Article 23 and the "Final Solution"
2003-02-11In his drive to eradicate Falun Gong he has also slandered, pressurised and tried to intimidate practitioners of all the nationalities in the 50 or more countries (China being but one) where Falun Gong is practised. He has tried this with a propaganda campaign both at home and abroad, the low cunning of which is historically unmatched. He has hoodwinked his own people with these lies and effectively made it illegal for them to be good!
Realization Regarding You are a Whole, just like Masters Gong.
2003-02-10I realized then that my ideas to push my activities into the foreground had been a huge attachment, to only work in my city, in my area, and to do it well. That notion was like a wall that had separated me from working together with others, prevented me from becoming part of the whole. It finally dawned on me that the others had waited for me to finally join them and become part of the whole...
A Falun Dafa Practitioner's Brother and Sister Nobly Help Practitioners and Resist Persecution
2003-02-09Even though my sister doesn't practise Falun Gong, she helps practitioners when she can based on her own conditions. When other practitioners and I told her that what she has done will have a profound reward, she said calmly, "I offer assistance to practitioners not in order to get any reward, but because I feel it's a human being's duty. If I have the ability, I should do it naturally."
It Is Only a Matter of Time for Good Deeds to Be Rewarded and for Evildoing to Meet Retribution
2003-02-09Many people believe that good will be rewarded with good. Some believe that they are accumulating virtue if they perform good deeds, and they will be rewarded in the future. Some just feel good when doing good things, and believe that's what they should do.
Let Us Work Together to Uphold Justice
2003-02-09I was shocked at learning the news that Charles Li, an American citizen, was arrested as soon as he got off the plane in China. The reason was merely that he is a Falun Gong practitioner. I would like to share some of my thoughts here.
Cultivators Upright Conduct During Fa-rectification is Decisive
2003-02-08It is like being on a river if you stop paddling, the current will take you downriver. That is exactly how I felt when I read less than I usually did. The result was that my realizations were no longer so solidly based on the Fa and some loopholes appeared. This awareness jolted me into deliberately taking more time to read. I have now made a habit during my leisure hours to first read the Fa before I do anything else.
An Experience at the Airport
2003-02-07Although she was initially reluctant to take our materials, it felt as if it was just a very thin shell that was restraining this lovely woman from accepting the truth. When we broke through it, everything about her changed immediately. I had the impression that the whole field around her immediately became bright and infused with light.
The Righteous Mind and Righteous Conduct of a Falun Gong Practitioner in China
2003-02-06An overpass on Highway 102 is a prominent place to hang banners - all traffic heading south into central China must pass by. Thousands of cars pass by everyday. Banners such as "Falun Dafa Is Good" and "Falun Dafa Is A Righteous Cultivation Practice" can fly on the overpass for a whole day before someone removes them.
The Power of Benevolence is Enormous -- The Transformation of a Person in an Internet Chat Room
2003-02-06During our chats, no matter how he treated me, I always kept a compassionate heart and shared with him many details of my life. One time, we chatted about Falun Dafa until dawn (previously he was not willing to discuss the subject).
Letter from Falun Dafa Practitioner Lin Shenli to His Younger Brother Lin Mingli in a Forced Labour Camp
2003-02-05Although many fellow practitioners are still being persecuted and Falun Dafa is still being slandered, I truly believe the principle that evil can never overpower righteousness, because the origins of all living beings are from "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Kindness is the nature of living beings. Truth and Righteousness can never be defeated.
Sweden: Practising Speaking Chinese and at the same time Revealing the Truth about Falun Gong
2003-02-04I noticed that if I got to know the Chinese people better before we touched on the subject of Falun Gong, they were more open-minded and were able to understand the truth easily. A typical case was when I met with two girls. We sat and talked for almost an hour before I told them that I practise Falun Gong, and they were not afraid but instead rather curious and had many questions.
Signature-Collecting Activity on a the Street in Scotland
2003-02-01Being aware of human rights violations from the media, many passersby came to our stand right away to enquire enthusiastically, and more than 200 people signed their signatures that day. One local person said, Youve done a good job exposing this evil to the public. Surely one day this evil will be brought to account.
After Knowing the Truth
2003-01-31I didnt understand Falun Gong when I was in Mainland China after seeing the propaganda on TV and some bad words about Falun Gong told me by my friends. Over here, Ive got the chance to get touch with Falun Gong practitioners and I feel that you are all nice people. Besides, what Teacher Li has said truly makes sense. It isnt like what was said on TV. Its not easy for you to do these, so Id like to help you as much as I can.
Discussing The Attachment for Ease and Comfort
2003-01-30The desire for ease and comfort is manifested at every moment in practitioners daily lives, but cannot easily be observed. So we are most easily influenced by it, and thus fall behind with our cultivation practice. Only maintaining a clear mind can we see it clearly and then relinquish it.