Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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Inspiring Goodness in Others While Teaching Performing Arts
2010-06-02As far as clothing--I learned grace and beauty from Shen Yun dancer's performances; when students encounter conflicts I ask them to be considerate of others before they say anything. I ask them to look inward; when being treated unfairly, I ask them to let it go with a smile. Within a short period the students had fundamentally changed.
Cultivators Are Indeed One Body
2010-06-02A miracle happened after the many efforts of the practitioners. One former practitioner who was in the terminal stage of cancer and who was in a coma regained consciousness amongst the efforts of fellow practitioners. She is now once again healthy, lives her everyday life like a normal person, and has resumed cultivation.
Cultivation Is About Removing Ordinary Human Attachments
2010-06-01In my humble opinion, this is the main reason why many cultivators suffer from tribulations for a long time. Unless a cultivator can recognize the importance of identifying their human attachments, they are likely to never find, or look for, the root cause of their suffering.
Distinguishing Between Attachments and One's Real Self
2010-06-01 -
Human Notions Involved in Collection of Funds among Practitioners
2010-05-31Teacher said in Teaching the Fa at the Founding Ceremony of the Singaporean Falun Dafa Association, "Actually, cultivation itself is not hard; to abandon the ordinary human thinking and attachments is what's hardest." Only those who dare to let go of the human mindset and attachments can become true cultivators.
Facts that Cannot Be Concealed
2010-05-31In addition to the miraculous healing effects, Falun Gong practitioners have also demonstrated a general elevation in moral character, which has directly benefited society. Some people say that today's China is experiencing "a period where morals are most lacking," yet Falun Gong stands out like a miraculous flower in the desert.
My Whole Family Is Now Immersed in the Buddha's Light
2010-05-29. On the third day of listening to Master's Jinan Lecture, my child told me that he felt something turning in his lower abdomen. His chest no longer felt constricted, and he even easily ran up and down the stairs. He was so happy and kept saying, "Master cured me. I am getting better and better, day after day. I feel that I have improved rapidly. Everything looks nice to me. Everyone seems nice to me. I feel that I am in Heaven!"
Falun Dafa Is Good; The Practice Will Bring Good Fortune
2010-05-29A blind, homeless man wandered around the market during the cold winter. He did not wear enough clothes. I bought socks for him and got a winter jacket from home for him. He was so grateful that he did not know how to express himself. I told him to remember, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Dafa and Master taught me this, and you could thank our Master."
Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Cultivation and Validating the Fa
2010-05-28So as long as some form is beneficial to spread Dafa, we should make use of it. For example, we use the Internet to break the CCP's information blockade in order to widely distribute the facts about Falun Gong, while Shen Yun Performing Arts uses Chinese classical dance as a form to save people.
Reflecting on My Cultivation Path
2010-05-28I knew that I'd found the path of cultivation to return to one's original, true self. Since then, I used every possible opportunity to study the teachings. Sometimes, I got up in the middle of the night to study. When my child played in the yard, I just sat on the side and read the Dafa books. I felt my steady heart and really experienced the true meaning of happiness.
Western Practitioner: Cultivating Like a Turtle Crossing the Highway
2010-05-27Thus, in cultivation practice, there is really no standing still: if we are not advancing, we are in retreat. When I thought I was just huddling in my shell, I was in fact going backwards into humanness, retreating from my goal of returning to my true home.
Improving Oneself While Reciting the Fa
2010-05-27Because my level is limited, I could not fully understand the Fa principles of Fa-rectification while reading Zhuan Falun. So I started to recite Teacher's articles, and I right away understood many things that I did not understand before. Actually we should not worry about how slow or fast we recite the Fa. As long as we keep on reciting the Fa, we will benefit.
My Experience Cultivating and Helping Master Save Sentient Beings
2010-05-26I thought: Since a practitioner's body is purified by Master, how can I still consider myself disabled? Plus, we are cultivating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. How truthfully am I behaving by doing this?
Chinese Communist Party Forces High School Student to Make an Impossible Choice
2010-05-26They are pressuring him to sign a statement claiming that his illness was not healed from practicing Falun Dafa, and if he refuses he will face expulsion from school or worse. They have harassed him and his family multiple times, including detaining Jianguo and his sister after a follow-up visit to the hospital.
The Righteous Thoughts of a Falun Dafa Disciple
2010-05-25Practitioner A turned around and asked her, "Are you looking for me?" The woman was surprised and replied quickly, "No, no." She immediately turned around and walked away. The evil factors behind her were eliminated by the Dafa practitioner's righteous thoughts. Later, she learned that the woman was a neighbourhood CCP official