Practitioner Forum, Benefits from the Practice
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A Miraculous Recovery from Cancer Helps My Family to Believe in Falun Dafa
2007-09-05After several days, his face began to glow with a fair and rosy complexion. He actually started to slightly believe in Falun Dafa, However, he still wouldn't let go of his notions. He decided to have a second operation. Before the operation, my son and daughter said, "We should start to practise Falun Gong with Mom."
Interview with a Skilled Vocalist: What is the True Meaning of Life? (Part One)
2007-09-01"I was considered a successful musician in China's music circles. With the passage of time I simply lost interest in my success. In fact not only did I lose interest but I also felt disgusted when receiving high honours and large sums of money. I was no longer interested in all that I had gained through a struggle that I called 'Vanity Fair.' I felt devoid spiritually and asked myself frequently--When can I get out of this whirlpool that is 'life'? Is this all we are here for?
Steel Plate in Lower Back Vanishes and Another Miracle Occurs in Binchuan County, China
2007-09-01The practitioner taught him to sincerely recite, "Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" every day. A week later, the older gentleman's liver no longer hurt. The man looked healthy. His family member had previously urged him to do the exercises and study the Falun Dafa teachings, but he didn't listen. Since his recovery however, he now studiously listens to the Falun Gong lectures through an MP3 player every day.
What I have learned from my cultivation
2007-09-01Today, I would like to share with you my experiences in Fa rectification cultivation. It was in June of 2004 that I moved to London with the thought of participating in the twenty four hour peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy, in addition to helping distribute the Chinese Epoch Times newspaper. At that time, we did not have as many newspapers as we do today. By using knapsacks and a cart, several practitioners could manage to take the newspapers to China Town.
An Entire Family in China Benefits from Simply Believing that "Falun Dafa Is Good"
2007-08-31When we went to the hospital, the doctor said that because he had had a stroke that they needed to check whether he had any brain hemorrhaging. The results showed that nothing had happened, and the doctor said it was a miracle. He returned home with only a few stitches, and now he is in good health. The blood tests all returned normal. The most obvious change is that his face is now glowing with a rosy complexion.
A Brief Sharing on Dealing with Other Opinions
2007-08-30Like other practitioners, I have understood the principle of letting go of oneself for a few years, but at the moment when a tribulation occurs, I might at times deal with it like a person who doesn’t understand this principle. After struggling through the tribulation, and looking back for some enlightenment, it is interesting that often what I got enlightened to was the same principle of letting go of oneself, known many years ago. Maybe this is because we cultivate layer by layer, and the layer that is cultivated and clear-minded will be separated from this human side and whatever that is left is again not clear and needs to cultivate anew.
Recognizing my attachments in cultivation
2007-08-30I first read Zhuan Falun when I was about 10 years old. I did not read it in one go, and I hardly understood the content, but I did not doubt a word of what was written. My mother also did the exercises, but due to her language barrier did not read the books so much. The main thing that held back my mother was fear. Recently, I have seen this in myself, which I had never thought of before. I found it could be categorized into two types which are 1. Fear of what people may think of you, this is the attachment of reputation 2. Trying to protect oneself and not thinking of others. I often got scared for no reason, but then came a stage when I realized that “fear” itself is not a part of me.
News of my Miraculous Recovery Resounds Throughout the Countryside
2007-08-29As a result of my deteriorating health one of the villages doctors came to treat me. When the doctor arrived could not find a single blood vessel for an infusion, so he had no choice but to give up. He said to my family: "There is no hope, please go ahead and plan her funeral." My family prepared burial clothes for me and bought a coffin for about 500 yuan. They were waiting for me to take my last breath.
Lost in Delusion
2007-08-29I can clearly see and interpret the bird's foolish attempts to defend his imagined territory against an imagined enemy (actually himself). Blinded by the reflection of the woods in the window glass, the bird cannot look beyond the window into my world--to him, the world of the enlightened beings. I know that if the bird only had a better level of understanding and stopped to think and look inward, he would quickly recognise himself in the reflection.
Letting Go of Fundamental Attachments and Validating the Fa with Wisdom
2007-08-28"I’d like to share today three experiences I had that I hope will be helpful to fellow practitioners on their path of cultivation and saving sentient beings. The first is about finding a fundamental attachment, the second is about trying to validate the Fa through academic research, and the third is about coordinating a small truth clarification project."
Stepping Forward Instead of Just Following Others
2007-08-28Where before I was afraid, I can now feel Master is taking care of things, and if I can have faith in Dafa and just do my best in all situations, the true purpose will be revealed. Ultimately, coming to the UK has given us the opportunity to really step forward rather than just following others. I will try my best to catch up with exercises and Fa study and become truly diligent.
How My Life Has Changed from Practising Falun Gong
2007-08-25As I was selling fruit in a morning market, I saw an old friend who I hadn't met in quite some time. She was very surprised, "I heard you have been ill for many years. How can you have recovered so quickly? It is a miracle!" She also said she could not believe it was me, since she observed that I was patient and tolerant while selling my fruit. "You used to be so competitive and fierce in selling your fruit, always wanting to get the customers. However you have now completely changed!"
Suffering Disappears Thanks To Falun Gong
2007-08-21In addition, I developed an unknown disease that caused my body to swell. I tried Western and Chinese medicine, as well as folk remedies. I took more medication than a truck can carry, but nothing helped. Being a very proud person, I thought often about the best way to end my life because there was no point in living if I could not live in dignity. I wanted to end the torture of living with illness! Then, by chance, I heard about Falun Gong.
By Sincerely Reciting "Falun Dafa Is Great" My Husband's Eyesight Was Restored
2007-08-12After we got home, I told my husband that perhaps his eyes would get better if he recited "Falun Dafa is great" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are great." My husband had faith in me, as I once had illnesses all over my body, all of which vanished after I began to practice Falun Gong. He started to recite these words every day.
From Incurable to Healthy
2007-08-03At my aunt's door, I was surprised to see that she was walking steadily. She warmly welcomed me. I asked which "deity's" heart she had touched who gave her the panacea as a cure. She told me that last year she spent all the money she had, and had absolutely no money to buy any panacea. It was because she started to practise Falun Gong that her diseases were cured.