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  • Radio Sound Of Hope Switzerland: Going to Beijing But Not Without Human Rights

    About fifty people were gathered today in front of Zurich’s athletic arena in Switzerland in order to raise awareness about important human rights violations in China. They called for a boycott of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing because China has reneged on its promise to improve its human rights record. The Super-Decathlon, 2007, was held in the athletic arena with the slogan “Going to Beijing.”
  • The Heartfelt Voice of German Citizens: “What You Are Doing is Wonderful!”

    On November 3rd 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Leipzig and the surrounding areas jointly held an information day. They exposed eight years of bloody persecution against Falun Gong in mainland China by displaying poster boards, distributing leaflets and talking to passers by.
  • Germany: People in Hamburg Support Falun Gong

    In the tent there was a long table with books, newspapers, magazines, Video-CDs in Chinese and German, and two petitions. One petition called for the architect of the persecution against Falun gong - former CCP head Jiang Zemin - to be brought to justice in a court of law, whilst the other called for an end to the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Austria: Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition Pieces Commended in Salzburg

    From November 9th to 11th, an international art exhibition was held in Salzburg. Artists from Europe and Asia displayed paintings, drawings, and sculptures. More than ten thousand people attended. Many said that Falun Gong practitioners' works were different from the others and they could feel the peaceful and benevolent energy in them.
  • United Kingdom: Cambridge Students Enjoy Falun Gong Exhibition

    Cambridge University students organised activities to ease the tension brought about by studying and allow students to have a broader understanding of the community. Falun Gong practitioners received heartfelt support when taking part in the event last year, so the organisers invited them again.
  • Denmark: Exposing the CCP's Brutal Persecution at a Seminar on Freedom of Speech in China

    When asked by a journalist the reason for holding the seminar, Chairman Lars Hedegaard Jensen responded, "The Beijing Olympics are approaching and we need to understand the human rights situation in this country, with its fast-developing economy. We need to understand whether they are improving their human rights situation, or whether on the contrary, at the same time as rapid economic development, freedom is being suppressed."
  • Germany: European Celestial Band is a Great Success in Düsseldorf

    On 28th October 2007, following an invitation from Falun Gong practitioners in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany), the European Celestial Marching Band participated in a parade and gathering in Düsseldorf. The band, consisting of Falun Gong practitioners from many European countries, demonstrated the beauty of Falun Dafa.
  • Ireland: Citizens of Cork Call for an End to the Persecution

    Cork citizens lined up to sign the petition in support of stopping the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party. Many people read the posters on display and asked practitioners questions as to how such a brutal persecution could be happening. Others were shocked by the revelation of the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China.
  • United Kingdom: St Paul’s Church Rings in the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Art Exhibition

    The Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance International Art Exhibition was held St Paul’s Church in Cambridge on November 8th. “The benevolence of Falun Gong is truly a contrast to the evil which is persecuting them. This contrast is reflected in many of the paintings here today," said the event organiser. "We hope these paintings inspire peace and justice.”
  • Germany: Photo Montage - Exposing the Persecution in Darmstadt

    On Saturday November 3rd 2007, Falun Gong practitioners organized an information day in Darmstadt City, central Germany. The activity was designed to introduce Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) to the German people and expose the eight-year-long persecution against Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Turkey: Sowing the Seeds of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" in the Hearts of Children

    From October 4th to 11th, Turkish Falun Dafa practitioners were invited to a playschool within the Palmiye School in the city of Mersin, to teach the five sets of Falun Gong exercises to the children. The practitioners introduced the exercises along with the fundamental principles of the Falun Gong practice, which are "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
  • Belgium: Truthfulness, Compassion Tolerance International Art Exhibition Touches Belgian People

    After a day’s exhibition, the exhibition organiser was very touched: “Today I suddenly realised that the more people learn the truth, the weaker the Chinese Communist regime becomes. If people around the world all know the truth, the Chinese Communist regime would not have the ability to carry on this persecution. This is the largest significance of our holding this art exhibition.”
  • Germany: The People of Düsseldorf Condemn the Crime of Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

    On October 27th, 2007, a large scale activity marking the “World Human Rights Torch Week” was held in Düsseldorf, as similar activities were held concurrently in other major cities in Germany. These activities were to get the message across to German people that “the crimes of genocide cannot coexist with the Olympic Games in China.” The objective of the activity was to expose the Chinese Communist regime’s human rights abuses.
  • Slovakia: Touring Eastern Slovakia with a Petition Against the Persecution of Falun Gong

    From the 25th until the 29th October a petition tour took place through the cities of Presov, Vranov nad Toplou, Kosice and Svidnik in eastern Slovakia. The goal of the tour was to support the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted in China since 1999. People of all ages came to sign the petition, from young children to elderly people.
  • Italy: Rallies Held in Rome and Turin to Support the Human Rights Torch Relay

    Senator Sergio D'elia stated that the rally was very important because it let people in the free world know what is happening in China. He said that one of the reasons that human rights violations take place in China is because the international community doesn't pay enough attention to them. He pointed out that what we need to do is to let the free world know what is going on and then ask them to exert pressure on the dictators. Senator Malan proposed a resolution which would require the Italian media to report on human rights issues in China when reporting on the 2008 Olympics.