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  • France: Introducing Falun Gong at Place du Château Rouge in Paris

    On October 1st, Falun Gong practitioners in France held an activity to introduce Falun Dafa and expose the persecution. Many people expressed support for Falun Gong and opposed the illegal persecution taking place in China. They also denounced the Chinese Communist Party for its shameless human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners.
  • Germany: Benefit Performance During the Oktoberfest to Rescue Orphaned Children of Falun Gong Practitioners in China

    On the afternoon of October 1st 2005, a benefit performance to rescue the orphaned children of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners was held at Marienplatz in Munich. As the event was held during the famous Oktoberfest, Marienplatz was packed with tourists from all over the world. The performances won much applause from the enthusiastic audience.
  • Falun Dafa Association Announcement

    Since 1999 when the dictator Jiang Zemin initiated the bloody persecution of Falun Gong in China, the CCP has relied upon state power and an array of CCP terrorist mechanisms under its control to suppress innocent Falun Gong practitioners to the greatest extent possible. Under Jiang and the CCP's menace, many province- and city-level officials have acted as ringleaders or collaborators in the torture and killing of Falun Gong practitioners. Using their official positions, they have participated in this persecution to varying degrees, not only as initiators, co-conspirators and ringleaders, but also as aiders, abettors, and other types of accomplices.
  • France: Press Conference Exposes Chinese Authorities’ Refusal to Co-operate with French Authorities’ Investigation

    On Thursday the 29th of September, at a press conference held in the office of William Bourdon, a famous lawyer in France disclosed that the related Chinese authorities refuse to co-operate with a Commission Rogatoire Internationale and a notice sent to them by Noria Faucherie, a law-officer from Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris.
  • Sweden: Appealing to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong at the Chinese Consulate

    Falun Gong practitioners unfurled two very large banners outside the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg. One banner read “Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners” while the other consisted of photos of Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted to death in China. Practitioners also demonstrated the exercises.
  • France: Drawing Attention to the Orphaned Children of Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners on Human Rights Square

    On September 25th, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in France held large-scale activities to draw attention to the orphaned children of Falun Gong practitioners. The event, which received strong support from the public, was held on the Human Rights Square (Paris des Droits de l’Homme au Trocadero) opposite the world-famous Eiffel Tower.
  • Germany: "The CCP is Exactly the Same as the Saddam Hussein Regime!"

    After earnestly looking through the pictures exposing the CCP’s persecution, a young man from Iraq said that he knew about it very well and understood very much what practitioners in China had suffered because he was persecuted in Iraq as well. He said, "The Communist Party of China is exactly the same as the former Saddam regime."
  • Germany: Spending a Nice Mid-autumn Festival in Dresden

    Many kind German people found out how the Chinese Communist Party brutally persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. Some people asked for petition forms and leaflets to take for their families and friends. And still many people wanted to learn Falun Gong and practitioners happily invited them to the local exercise practice site where they can learn for free.
  • Ukraine: Bringing the Goodness of Dafa to the Automobile Workers Festival

    Dafa practitioners used coloured paper to make lotus flowers as a symbol of tranquillity and peacefulness. Many kind-hearted children and adults were delighted to learn how to fold paper lotus flowers. The practitioners called on kind-hearted people to express concern over the Chinese Falun Gong practitioners persecuted by Jiang and his Communist regime.
  • Finland: "I Want to Let More People Know About the Persecution Happening in China"

    Falun Gong practitioners in Finland went to the train station to promote Falun Gong and tell people about the persecution against the practice in Mainland China. They collected petition signatures to call for an immediate end to the brutal torture of Falun Gong practitioners, which has been going on for the past six years in China’s prisons and forced labour camps.
  • Russia: People in St. Petersburg are Concerned about the Persecuted Dafa Practitioners

    Falun Dafa practitioners in St. Petersburg held an activity to promote Falun Gong. People signed the petition calling for an end to the persecution after they heard about the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party, which is directly responsible for the persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners and many other persecutions over the last 50 years.
  • Sweden: Falun Gong Participates in Uppsala Health Fair

    The practitioners had unlimited access to the stage and continuously displayed the graceful and vitalising exercises. Many people came to watch and the organiser came to personally thank the practitioners for being there; she said that the beautiful practice had been an important contributor to the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere at the fair.
  • Second Czech Republic and Slovakia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Successfully Held in Prague

    The Second Czech Republic and Slovakia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was successfully held in Prague on October 2nd 2005. Falun Dafa founder Master Li Hongzhi sent a message saying that he hopes the conference is a success. Falun Dafa practitioners from fourteen countries attended this conference.
  • United Kingdom: Falun Gong Practitioners’ Merciful Call to Staff in the Chinese Embassy on the 1st October, the National Day of Mourning

    "We are Falun Gong practitioners who often petition in front of the Chinese Embassy...It has been almost three and a half years since UK Falun Gong practitioners started the silent vigil on the 5th of June 2002. We see one another across the road 24 hours a day. Regretfully we have not been able to communicate verbally face to face."
  • Ireland: Foreign Minister Plans to Raise the Death of Gao Rongrong in the EU

    "I have asked my officials to request the EU Presidency to raise the case of Ms Gao Rong Rong and the circumstances of her death with the Chinese authorities at the next session of the EU-China human rights dialogue which is due to take place in September. The EU-China human rights dialogue, established in 1996, is the formal framework through which the EU raises its concerns about individual human rights cases, including those of Falun Dafa practitioners and more general issues, such as the protection of freedom of religion and expression, which have a particular impact on practitioners of Falun Dafa."