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Ireland: Anti-Torture Exhibition in Dublin Shocks People
2004-07-25On Saturday the 17th of July, Irish practitioners held a torture exhibition in the city centre of Dublin, in front of the city’s main post office. The Tiger Bench, Bamboo Sticks and Metal Cages were among the torture methods demonstrated and made real brutal abuse that practitioners are going through in China. People who were passing by watched the exhibition intently and carefully read the materials given to them.
Sweden: Practitioners from the Four Nordic Countries Gather in Stockholm to Expose Five Years of Persecution.
2004-07-25On July 19th 2004, practitioners from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland gathered in the city centre of Stockholm to hold a torture exhibition and Falun Dafa photo display between 10am and 4pm. Practitioners also demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises in the park between the two exhibitions.
Germany: Collecting Signatures against Terrorism and the Persecution in Wuerzburg
2004-07-25On Saturday July 17th, practitioners in Wuerzburg held a signature-collecting activity in the city centre, exposing to the public the crimes committed by the Jiang regime during its five-year long persecution of Falun Gong. Many people who learned the truth came to sign our petition against Jiang’s terrorist activity and show their support for the lawsuit against Jiang in Germany.
United Kingdom: Promoting Falun Gong in Glasgow
2004-07-24On July 15th, Scottish Dafa disciples promoted the Fa and clarified the truth in Glasgow, the biggest city in Scotland. Events took place in St. George’s Square. During our activities, we found that many people already knew the facts and there were people too who had misunderstandings about Dafa, which were disentangled after hearing the truth.
France: Practitioners Expose the Methods of Torture used by the Jiang Group to Persecute Falun Gong
2004-07-24On July 17th, French practitioners gathered at one of the biggest Chinese districts and used a live theatrical approach to expose the persecution of Falun Gong conducted by the Jiang criminal gang. The Jiang regime employs various inhuman torture methods to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Candle-Light Vigil at the Chinese Embassy in Milan
2004-07-24For the past two years, practitioners have come to the Chinese Embassy every day, and the local residents all now warmly say hello to us. They all expressed their support and blessings when they learnt that today marks five years since the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong and expressed their sorrow for the practitioners who have been tortured to death.
Iceland: Activities during a Visit by the Chinese Vice-President
2004-07-23The Vice president of the Chinese Government came for a public visit to Iceland between the 9th and 12th of July. Icelandic Falun Gong practitioners, with the help of a veteran Swedish practitioner, held a peaceful appeal and a press conference outside the Chinese embassy in Reykjavik on the 9th of July.
Slovakia: Practitioners Attract the Attention of the Media to their Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in Bratislava
2004-07-23On the 20th of July, the 5th anniversary of the suppression of Falun Gong, Slovak practitioners personally visited most of the local media to tell them the truth about the situation of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Most of the media reacted positively and received information.
Germany: Activities in Bremen on World Anti-Torture Day
2004-07-23Unable to find our exhibition immediately, we wandered in the city centre, which was full of visitors. No matter where we went, everyone we met looked at the display board and it really became a mobile information desk. We were very happy to see so many German people supporting us. They smiled at us and showed their sympathy. I felt that this warm sympathy to Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China accompanied us wherever we went.
UK: The Ancient Falun Gong Exercises Come to Huddersfield Town
2004-07-23‘Millions of people took up the exercises leaving Chinese communist leader Jiang Zemin angry and feeling threatened by its influence. Falun Gong was banned and campaigners claim hundreds have been tortured, raped, brainwashed and injected with harmful drugs. Many were forced out of jobs, schools and homes. Chinese police officers were instructed to eradicate Falun Gong and no methods, it seems, were too extreme.’
United Kingdom: A Letter from a Chinese National Working in the UK to the Chinese Embassy in South Africa
2004-07-22"You may know that every one of the seven senior members of the Central Political Committee had some family members practising Falun Gong. On July 20th 1999, it was Jiang Zemin’s sole decision to persecute Falun Gong. Everybody of good sense could tell why Jiang opposed Falun Gong, because of his personal jealousy. Even Jiang himself knew that Falun Gong was not against the Chinese government."
United Kingdom: Practitioners Hold Second Anti-Torture Exhibition Opposite House of Lords to Mark Five Years of Persecution in China
2004-07-21Tuesday July 20th marked exactly five years since the Chinese Government under Jiang Zemin instigated the illegal persecution of Falun Gong. UK practitioners held a second anti-torture exhibition opposite the House of Lords in London's Westminster to expose the brutal methods used in Chinese labour camps and prisons to force practitioners to give up their belief.
Germany: Prior to the German Foreign Minister's Visit to China, Practitioners in Berlin Hold a Torture Exhibition
2004-07-21Prior to the German Foreign Minister’s visit to China, practitioners from Berlin and nearby cities held a torture exhibition in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 8th of July, calling for attention to the persecution against Falun Gong conducted by the Jiang group and to expose its attempt to intensify the persecution overseas.
Ukraine: "The Path of Falun Gong" Picture Exhibition Held in Boryspil City
2004-07-21From June 6th to June 9th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners held “The Path of Falun Gong” picture exhibition at the Country History Museum in the Ukranian city of Boryspil. It showed how Falun Dafa has spread around the world and the course of peacefully and rationally opposing the persecution taking place in China.
France: A Solemn Declaration
2004-07-21My name is Chen Zhumei and I started to practice Falun Dafa in July 1999 in France. On the 18th of July, 2000, I went to Beijing to validate the Fa and was arrested and detained for a month after being beaten cruelly by the evil police. As I did not study the Fa sufficiently, lacked deeper understanding of Dafa principles, and failed to let go of my basic attachments, I did not use my righteous thoughts in the face of hardship.