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UK: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Candlelit Vigil at the Chinese Embassy to Commemorate Fellow Practitioners who Lost their Lives
2004-07-29On the evening of July 23rd, UK Falun Gong practitioners held candlelit vigils in front of the Chinese Embassy in London and the Chinese Consulates in Manchester and Edinburgh to commemorate fellow Falun Gong practitioners who have been tortured to death in Mainland China, and to call upon kind-hearted people to come together to stop this persecution.
Ukraine: Practitioners Gather at the Chinese Embassy to Appeal for an End to the Five Year Persecution
2004-07-29On July 20th 2004, practitioners from Kiev and Ukraine gathered at the city’s Chinese Embassy for a peaceful appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong. Practitioners exhibited several detailed pictures, which illustrated the brutal torture methods used to force practitioners in China to give up their belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
Germany: A Vigil at the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg to Draw Attention to the Attempted Assassination of Falun Gong Practitioners in South Africa
2004-07-29On June 30th and July 2nd 2004, practitioners from Hamburg and Bremen gathered in front of the General Consulate of the People's Republic of China to protest against the attempted assassination of a Falun Gong practitioner during the Chinese Vice-Chairman's state visit to South Africa. In addition, it was their intention to inform the Embassy staff about this grave and unscrupulous event. We find it terrifying that the regime would hire killers to violently achieve their goals.
United Kingdom: Exposing the Jiang Regime’s Crimes of Genocide in Edinburgh
2004-07-28This Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th July, practitioners from around Scotland, the North of England and as far south as London held an Exhibition of methods used to cruelly torture Falun Dafa practitioners. The exhibition was staged to show the severity of persecution suffered by Dafa practitioners in China.
Germany: Practitioners Appeal for the End of the Jiang Regime’s Five-Year Long Terrorism Against Falun Gong
2004-07-28On July 17th 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Central and Northern Germany gathered in the square at the symbolic Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to mark the fifth anniversary of the Jiang regime’s relentless persecution of Falun Gong. They appealed to the general public to help to end the killings in China. Many tourists stopped to take a look.
United Kingdom: Dafa Practitioners Hold a Live Anti-Torture Exhibition Opposite the Houses of Parliament
2004-07-28On July the 18th 2004, the fifth anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong, UK practitioners held an anti-torture exhibition in front of the Houses of Parliament. By having practitioners act out methods of torture 'live', they aimed to make vivid the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China and appeal for an end to the persecution.
A New German Falun Gong Film is Available to Download
2004-07-28An new German-language Falun Gong movie can be viewed and downloaded from by clicking on “German Videos”. The film “Falun Gong. A Peaceful Meditative Practise is Being Brutally Persecuted” is a co-production by Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan, Switzerland and Germany. It documents the history of Falun Gong using impressive imagery, many facts and information from reliable sources.
Finland: Despite Five Years of Brutal Persecution, Falun Gong Practitioners' Belief in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance stays Firm (Part 2)
2004-07-27To let more people know what is going on in China, Falun Gong practitioners in Nordic Countries organised on Sunday 18th July, a live Anti-Torture Exhibition in Helsinki to expose the torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners in the Chinese labour camps and prisons. They also demonstrated the peaceful practice of Falun Gong.
Germany: Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Consulate in Hamburg City Centre on the Anniversary of the Five Year Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-07-27The practitioners decided to hold city centre information day activities. At times there was very heavy rain but the bad weather did not prevent the people from finding out about Falun Gong. They were friendly and willing to hear more about the persecution and the lawsuit against Jiang and his clique.
Austria: Five Years' Brutal and Bloody Persecution, Five Years' Peaceful and Unremitting Appeal
2004-07-26On 17th of July, 2004,three days to the fifth year of the persecution against Falun Gong in China, practitioners from Austria and southern Germany held activities in Salzburg to let more people know about the brutal persecution, and call for help to stop it as soon as possible.
Switzerland: Anti-Torture Exhibition held in the Capital Berne
2004-07-26Many people said that it is unbelievable, in the 21st century, in Mainland China, which is said to be ‘in the best period of its human rights situation’, Jiang Zemin has used the entire state machinery to commit such brutal crimes against its citizens who believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. Many bystanders encouraged practitioners to carry on.
United Kingdom: Falun Dafa Practitioners Protest on 23rd of July in front of the Chinese Embassy against the Five Years of Brutal Persecution
2004-07-26On July 23 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners in England held a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy in Manchester to mark the five years of ruthless persecution by the Jiang regime against Falun Gong. The Falun Gong practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, practised the five-sets of Falun Gong exercises and explained the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong in China to the people of England who passed by using banners and posters.
France: Practitioners Expose the Torture Methods used by the Jiang Regime in their Persecution of Falun Gong (2)
2004-07-26On July 17th, Falun Dafa practitioners staged a live anti-torture exhibition in Chinatown, Paris. Practitioners then moved to Human Rights Square opposite the Eiffel Tower to clarify the facts about Falun Gong to tourists from around the world. Many representatives from the media, including Taiwan’s Central News Agency and Radio France Internationale, covered the activity.
Ukraine: Promoting Falun Gong in Chernigov City
2004-07-26Nobody refused to accept the newspaper; a few people even ran to me to ask for some. They were shouting “Falun Gong” on their way to me; they said you would know what Falun Gong really is simply by reading the newspapers. Some people also greeted Master. Because I didn’t take many of the information booklets with me, everyone who got one said they would read from the beginning to the end, and then pass it on to others.
Switzerland: A Letter from the Swiss Falun Gong Association to the Swiss Federation President and Minister of the Economy.
2004-07-25We think that this shooting incident is an act of terrorism. We feel profoundly shocked by the brutal methods employed by the Jiang group to eradicate Falun Gong inside and outside China. In March, 2002, Jiang Zemin issued an order to shoot at Falun Gong practitioners. However, South Africa is not part of China. This shooting incident indicates that the Jiang group employed hired gunmen to attack Falun Gong practitioners, just like China used money to buy the votes of poor nations during the UN Commission on Human Rights Meeting.