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The Whole-hearted Sincerity of a Swiss Western Practitioner Towards Chinese People
2003-03-02A middle-aged Swiss practitioner wrote a long letter to the Chinese people to explain the truth about Falun Gong. She had never learnt Chinese before but willingly spent eleven days imitating the letter according to Chinese translation, carefully creating each character stroke by stroke.
Italy: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Explain the Truth of the Persecution at a Summit on Freedom of Religion and Belief
2003-03-02After the summit, the students surrounded the practitioners and asked for Dafa materials as well as the persecution video. The philosophy teacher who organised this summit asked to learn the exercises. Those who attended the summit expressed the wish to help more people come to realise the facts of this persecution.
Sweden: Article 23 Helps a Tyrant to do Evil
2003-03-02On the morning of the 26 February 2003, some Falun Gong practitioners from Stockholm gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden to protest against the Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong.
Fax: To Rescue German Falun Gong practitioner Lin Wenrong Imprisoned in China
2003-03-01Based on information provided by people who know about her recent situation, the police arrested and detained her just before the Spring Festival, upon her arrival in Wuhan. Currently, no-one knows her whereabouts. The reason for her detention is that she is a Falun Gong practitioner.
Sweden: Falun Gong practitioners Appealed Against Article 23 at the Chinese Consulate in Gothenburg
2003-03-01Because the Chinese Consulate is situated in an industrial area, many cars and trucks passed us. On passing, the drivers kindly showed their support by giving the thumbs up sign, waving in a friendly manner and beeping their car horns.
Belgium: Practitioners Appeal Against Article 23 at the Chinese Embassy
2003-03-01On February 26th 2003, practitioners gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Belgium to peacefully appeal against the horrifying Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong.
Congratulations from the Austrian Falun Dafa association to the Establishment of the Romanian Falun Dafa Association
2003-03-01"The hearts of all Austrian Falun Dafa Practitioners are very close to their Romanian fellow practitioners...The Austrian Falun Dafa Association wants to congratulate the founding of the Romanian Falun Dafa Association and we wish you all the best..."
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Participate in Mind, Body and Spirit Fair in Amberg
2003-02-27Many of the people at the fair were particularly interested in Falun Gong and asked about the local practice sites where they can learn the exercises free-of-charge. During the course of the day, the environment became more and more tranquil and peaceful.
Letter from a European Practitioner to the Hong Kong Authorities
2003-02-27"In China, human rights violations committed during the period of the persecution of Falun Gong are so serious that, Jiang Zemin, the leader of this tragedy, has been sued in the US for committing genocide. Unfortunately he seems set to extend the persecution into Hong Kong and endanger the liberties of the Hong Kong people by implementing Article 23."
Finland: Practitioners meet with the Foreign Minister in Parliament
2003-02-25One of the Finnish practitioners talked about the urgent need for this meeting, outlining the recent of spate of deaths of practitioners in China at the hands of the Jiang regime, as well as the unwillingness of the Chinese government officials to accept worldwide appeals to end this persecution.
Spain: Information Day on the Island of Tenerife
2003-02-25By noon we had unexpectedly handed out all the leaflets, so we hurried to have more printed. We gave out over 2,000 leaflets in a single day. Many residents asked about the local practice sites where they can learn the exercises for free, and some of them even learned the exercises on the spot.
One Visit Leads to Another
2003-02-25I was invited to my local Amnesty International group in Mönsterås in the southeast of Sweden, to tell them about Falun Gong. There were eight ladies of different ages in the group and they told me that they had heard and read some things about Falun Gong, and now they wanted to find out the true facts.
Ukraine: An Israeli Practitioners Experiences During a Stay in Ukraine
2003-02-23At the airport, when I was reading Zhuan Falun, someone approached me and asked, What is this? Falun Dafa? I replied that it was and showed him that it said Falun Dafa on my coat. He called his wife and told her with much excitement, Look, look, Falun Dafa!
French Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong during Chinese New Year on the Island of Martinique
2003-02-23Martinique people showed great interest in Falun Gong and felt shocked to learn that Falun Gong practitioners in China are not allowed to practise the exercises, and are suffering inhuman persecution. The largest newspaper in Martinique, France Antilles published two announcements about Falun Gong activities (left).
Russia: Report on the Medical Effects of Falun Gong from Moscow City Business Committee
2003-02-23A medical investigation and study on some Russian Falun Gong practitioners was conducted by an Investigation and Study Team, composed of Professor Guluoji (MD), a well known legal medical expert in the Legal and Medical Office of the Russian Federal Internal Affairs Department, and Mr. Simingtani, the Chief Examination Doctor in the Investigation Office of the Justice Department.