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France: Appealing Opposite the Chinese Embassy for the Release of Charles Li and Lin Wenrong
2003-03-09Practitioners requested the unconditional and immediate release of American citizen Charles Li and German student Lin Wenrong. Both have been imprisoned whilst visiting family in China, solely because they practise Falun Gong.
Ireland: Letter from Practitioner to MP on International Womens Day
2003-03-09"Chinese laws and codes explicitly prohibit the jailing of pregnant women. However, with the instructions from the central government that No measure is too excessive when dealing with Falun Dafa, the Chinese police not only regularly jail pregnant practitioners, but also use their pregnancy to force them to choose between their unborn children and their practise of Falun Dafa."
France: Celebrating the First Anniversary of Fontenay-sous-Bois Falun Dafa Day
2003-03-08Fontenay-sous-Bois is near Paris in France. Last year it announced March 2nd as Falun Dafa Day. One year later, Mayor Jean-Francois Voguet sent a letter to Falun Gong practitioners to declare once again his support for Falun Gong.
Germany: Letter from the Falun Dafa Association to the Foreign Minister
2003-03-08"We are asking the Federal Government to request the unconditional release of all Falun Gong practitioners in China during discussions with the Chinese Regime. We hope that as long as even one practitioner is held by force, the Federal Republic will spare no efforts in the rescue of individual cases, including our relatives and friends, from the brutal labour camps and prisons in China."
Germany: Teaching the Exercises and Revealing the Truth in Bielefeld Fitness Centre
2003-03-08On the afternoon of March 1st, sixteen people came to the free Falun Dafa exercise class, including two coaches from the fitness centre. The effects we received were quite remarkable. People left with a deep impression about the goodness of Dafa and we made an appointment for the same time next week.
Austria: The First Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was a Great Success
2003-03-07At the conference, practitioners talked about their experiences in revealing the truth about Falun Dafa to the Chinese people, and their understanding of righteous thoughts and righteous actions. It was a great opportunity for Austrian practitioners to share experiences and progress together. The atmosphere was solemn, sacred and peaceful.
Germany: Practitioners from Hamburg Write to US Consul General about Charles Li
2003-03-07American citizen Charles Li flew to China on January 22nd and was arrested at Guangzhou airport shortly after landing. He now faces a sentence of 15 years imprisonment because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. This outrageous treatment of foreign citizens shows the Jiang regime's complete disregard for human rights and international laws.
UK: University Starts a Weekly Radio Programme About Falun Gong
2003-03-06A PhD at Manchester University (UMIST) was invited to talk on the show. His fiancée has been imprisoned in Beijing because she practises Falun Gong. When the students heard the news, they all felt astonished. They could not believe that these kinds of things are still occurring in the world today.
Letter from the Irish Falun Dafa Association to an MP
2003-03-06"Starting on July 20th 1999 those who cherish Falun Dafa and hold the principles Truth, Compassion and Tolerance deep in their hearts have been wrongfully thrown into prisons, labour camps and mental hospitals. The authorities, with the goal of forcing innocent people to give up their faith, have used a catalogue of torture methods."
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Bonn Calling for the Immediate Release of Ms. Lin Wenrong
2003-03-05German Falun Gong practitioners organised a peaceful appeal in front of the Chinese Consulate in Bonn, calling on the Jiang regime to immediately release German practitioner Ms. Lin Wenrong. Lin was arrested during a visit to China to celebrate Chinese New Year with her relatives.
Germany: Activities to Rescue our Friends During an Information Day in Hamburg (photos)
2003-03-05We collected many petition signatures to rescue Falun Gong practitioners who are imprisoned in China, including Xiong Wei, who previously studied at Berlin Industrial University. She was sent to a forced labour camp for distributing leaflets about the persecution of Falun Gong in Beijing.
Germany: A Letter to Imprisoned Practitioner Lin Wenrong
2003-03-04"Though I dont know you, I feel we are closely connected. We are both Falun Gong practitioners, and the meaning of this is so great! I want to write this letter to tell you that all Falun Gong practitioners living in Germany are trying their best to rescue you."
Welcome Note from the Hungarian Clearharmony Website
2003-03-03The Hungarian Clearharmony website is published voluntarily by Falun Gong practitioners. Its aim is to reveal the facts about Falun Gong, to give our readers first hand information about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, to display the voices of support for Falun Gong from all over the world, and to let our readers know the efforts made by Falun Gong practitioners to stop this persecution.
Italy: Spreading the Fa in Padova
2003-03-03More and more Italian citizens are establishing positive understandings about Falun Gong. There are less and less people being fooled by Jiang Zemins lies in Italy. The practitioners commented that they would hold similar activities on a regular basis in the future.
Letter from Friends and Practitioners in Germany Asking the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong to Look Into the Case of Lin Wenrong
2003-03-02"In view of the holocaust that is happening in China, we are urgently calling on you to investigate those involved in the torturing and murdering of Falun Gong practitioners in Wuhan, such as their commanders, criminals and responsible units. We hope that those who have committed crimes against Falun Gong will be sent for trial. The criminals have committed murder, torture, genocide and crimes against humanity."