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France: Overseas Chinese Communities Celebrate Chinese Spring Festival and Send Best Wishes to Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted in China
2003-01-31Each of the guests was given a yellow ribbon. It symbolised that, as well as enjoying the celebration, they expressed their concerns and best wishes for those democracy supporters and Falun Gong practitioners who are suffering persecution and have been imprisoned for their belief in China.
Letter from an Austrian Practitioner to the Chinese People during the Chinese New Year
2003-01-30"Perhaps you might have noted that all of the incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners in China are peaceful, upright citizens. They dont hit back when they are beaten, they do not talk back when scolded; that in itself ought to be food for thought."
Letter from Irish Falun Dafa Association to the Burma Minister of Foreign Affairs
2003-01-30"We believe that it was under the pressure from Jiang Zemin that Mr. Chan Wing-yuen was imprisoned by the Myanmar police, which really represents a case of injustice to human rights and does harm to the international image of Myanmar. You might not be aware that Jiang Zemin is creating human rights atrocities and has been charged in an American court with Genocide. This is not the first time the Jiang regime has tried to influence foreign states to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners."
UK: Promoting Falun Dafa at a University Freshers Fair
2003-01-29A large number of Chinese students were more than happy to accept the VCDs and leaflets that expose the horror of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. After the activities there were many remarks on how peaceful the exercises looked. Many students were astonished at how something so peaceful could be persecuted so viciously.
Letter from the European Falun Dafa Association to the Prime Minister of Myanmar
2003-01-29"We urge you to pay immediate attention to the imprisonment in Burma of a 71-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Hong Kong for peacefully displaying a small banner and do everything possible to secure his freedom as soon as possible."
Letter from the Nordic Association of Falun Gong to the Swedish Foreign Minister about HK Practitioner Imprisoned in Burma
2003-01-29"We kindly appeal to You, to bring this case forward at the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Myanmar, and to call for an immediate release of Mr Chan. The case is also in the process of being submitted to the United Nations and Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience."
Greece: A Successful Exhibition of Zhang Cuiyings Paintings was held in Athens
2003-01-28Over one hundred VIPs were invited by the mayor of Athens to attend the exhibition. President of the famous Andrea Lendtakis Foundation and former vice mayor of Athens, Mrs. Eifi Lendtakis, said in her speech: I had come to know some time ago about the persecution against Falun Gong in China. Today, I have had the chance to talk to Zhang Cuiying directly and this makes me even more determined to continue my work for human rights.
Sweden: Western Practitioners sing We Come For You
2003-01-28 -
Sweden: Lotus Dance at the Chinese New Year party
2003-01-27 -
Austrian Falun Gong Practitioners Wish Chinese People a Joyful Early Spring
2003-01-27 -
European Dafa Assistants hold Experience Sharing meeting and Fa-study
2003-01-27During the discussion, practitioners shared experiences from recent truth clarifying efforts, and gained tremendous benefits. Everyone truly realised how important it is to share their understandings on the principles of the Fa, in order to elevate practitioners as a whole.
Belgium: Practitioners continue with their Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy
2003-01-25On 17 January 2003, a group of Dafa practitioners from Belgium and Holland appealed outside of the Chinese Embassy in Brussels, calling for an end to the persecution and killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Chinese New Year Party in Sweden Little Practitioners Dance to Music of Falun Dafa Hao
2003-01-25 -
Sweden: People say Youve done well! when receiving materials from Practitioners
2003-01-24Groups of people watched the exercise demonstration and chatted with practitioners about Falun Gong and the persecution. Afterwards, many showed a great interest in Falun Gong and went directly to the library to borrow Falun Gong books.
UK Practitioner Writes to Beijing Mayor calling for Release of Imprisoned Sisters
2003-01-24"China has signed international agreements to uphold human rights, but now is the darkest period in Chinas glorious 5000-year history. Human rights are non-existent as Jiang Zemin attempts to rule the country through terror and violence. Many millions of innocent people are suffering. I am very concerned for the safety of Li Xiaobing and Li Xiaomei...."