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A Chance Encounter between the Greek Premier, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Practitioners from Europe and Australia
2003-02-03Just as I had finished preparing an album of paintings and truth-clarifying materials, the Premier came to visit us. He warmly greeted us and shook our hands. We also offered some materials to the Foreign Minister who accepted them and said that he has already heard of Falun Gong.
Norway: Chinese New Year Celebrations in Oslo
2003-02-03On the first day of the Chinese new year, practitioners from Norway and Sweden hosted a cultural event to show some of the rich Chinese culture to the people of Oslo. The performances were very beautiful and moving. During the singing and dancing, some of the onlookers even shed tears.
New Years Greetings to Master Li from Practitioners in Norway
2003-02-03 -
Italy: Falun Gong is popular in Genova
2003-02-02The activity continued for four hours, but the Italians were not fully satisfied. Some asked when we would practise the exercises again. Some simply suggested to the organiser to hold an exercise practice every week.
An Open Letter to the Chinese Embassy in Ankara and the Chinese General Consulate in Istanbul from Turkish Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-02-02"While the Chinese Lunar New Year is drawing near, we sincerely wish you a happy New Year. Meanwhile, we also hope that in the coming year, you will face the Falun Gong issue openly, correctly discern right from wrong and no longer aid the evildoers in this illegal and brutal suppression."
UK: Letter from Falun Gong Association to Prime Minister of Burma
2003-02-02"The arrest and incarceration of Mr Chan is a violation of the human rights of Mr Chan and internationally recognised norms of legal practice...We urge you to pay immediate attention to the imprisonment of Mr Chan and do everything possible to ensure immediate restoration of his freedom."
Falun Gong Practitioners Call on European Union to Urge Myanmar Government to Release Chan Wing-Yuen
2003-02-02Several Falun Gong practitioners from Belgium, Hong Kong, and Taiwan held a peaceful appeal in front of the European Union Minister Council Building and called on the European Union to urge the Myanmar government to release Chan Wing-yuen, who is illegally imprisoned.
A Practitioner's Letter to Chinese Embassy Officials Regarding Mr. Wing-yuen Chan
2003-02-02"Please tell me, exactly which part of being peaceful, courageous, and believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is a crime that warrants persecution and imprisonment?"
All Dafa Practitioners In The UK Send Greetings to Master Li for the Chinese New Year
2003-02-01 -
New Year Greetings from Nordic Falun Dafa Association to Master and all fellow practitioners
2003-02-01"The Nordic Association of Falun Dafa would like to extend the most heartfelt New Year greetings to our Master. We will do even better and be more diligent in studying the Fa, clarifying the facts and sending forth righteous thoughts. Happy New year!"
Video: Swedish Dafa Practitioners Send Chinese New Years Greetings to Master and All the Dafa Practitioners around the World
2003-02-01With the approach of the Chinese New Year, January 30th 2003 was named the first Falun Dafa Day in the Swedish city of Lerum. Dafa practitioners in Lerum on behalf of all Swedish practitioners would like to send Chinese New Years greetings to Master Li and to all the practitioners around the world. Falun Dafa is good!.
Croatia: Falun Gong in the City of Rijeka
2003-02-01"Your master is truly a master. Other qigong masters just teach the movement and never explain the principles. Your master teaches the highest principle of the universe. He unselfishly taught this precious knowledge. Falun Gong and your master are wonderful."
Letter from the Swiss Falun Gong Association to the Burma Consulate in Geneva
2003-02-01"We, who are citizens of Switzerland with its long tradition of human rights, find situations of this kind quite incomprehensible and totally unacceptable...How is it possible that in your country, which is currently making efforts to return to the international stage, displaying the words Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance can put an elderly man in prison for seven years? It is quite simply absurd and truly scandalous."
Letter from the Irish Falun Dafa Association to the Ireland Minister for Foreign Affairs
2003-02-01"According to the media the Foreign Affairs Minister of Myanmar has been issued a special visa (despite sanctions) to travel to Belgium for the ASEAN-EU joint meeting. Can the Minister for Foreign Affairs use this opportunity to question Myanmar's Foreign Minister Win Aung on the case of Chan Wing-yuen?"
UK: Jiangs Atrocities Astound the Western World - UK People Actively Join the Campaign to Rescue Baolian and Yongjie
2003-01-31Zhu Baolian, sister of UK resident Zhu Baosheng, and Zhu Yongjie, the fiancée of overseas student Dr. Xie Weiguo, have been illegally sentenced and imprisoned in China because they practise Falun Gong. Baolian and Yongjies stories have not only touched the hearts of the UK people, but also moved the Chinese people who have been able to see through the Jiang regimes lies. All kind-hearted people are awakening and seeing the truth behind the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.