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Geneva: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue Large-scale Appeal at the United Nations to Rescue Charles Li
2003-03-23On March 20 2003, more than 500 Falun Gong practitioners continued their large-scale appeal at the Palais des Nations, which is the main United Nations building in Geneva. At 11:30 a.m., a press conference was held to appeal for the rescue of American citizen Charles Li.
Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal for the Rescue of their Relatives in Front of the United Nations
2003-03-22These three Falun Gong practitioners came to Geneva to appeal to kind-hearted people and governments of the world to support Falun Gong, to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to rescue thousands upon thousands of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China, just like their family members.
Photo Report: Practitioners Appeal Opposite the United Nations Building in Geneva
2003-03-22 -
Forum on Rescuing Falun Gong Practitioners' Family Members Held in Geneva
2003-03-21The forum was initiated by an NGO with its headquarters in Geneva and was held at the United Nations Building. The organisation hoped that through the forum, more countries, international organisations and people with a sense of justice would pay attention to the serious violation of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights and help rescue detained Falun Gong practitioners.
Great Public Interest in Parade Through Geneva
2003-03-21The local people showed great interest in the parade on the 17th of March as it passed through the streets of Geneva, stopping to talk to the practitioners, to take leaflets and to watch the parade as its shining banners moved slowly along in the bright morning sunshine.
Spreading Falun Dafa During a Trip to Geneva
2003-03-20When he heard of the human rights violations against practitioners in China, the head teacher said he would include the persecution of Falun Gong in the school project report.
Falun Gong Practitioners from Around the World Hold Large-Scale Appeal Activities in Geneva
2003-03-19On March 17th 2003, one thousand practitioners took part in a parade through Geneva. The parade finished outside the United Nations building in Geneva, where a press conference was held, to expose the evil persecution in China and to appeal to the United Nations to act to help stop the persecution.
Practitioners of Different Nationalities Share Experiences at the 2003 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference
2003-03-19The 2003 European Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was successfully held in the beautiful city of Geneva, Switzerland on March 16. Over one thousand Dafa practitioners representing over 40 countries gathered in Geneva to share their experiences in cultivating Falun Dafa and expose the Jiang regimes persecution of Falun Gong.
Photo Report: Sound of Compassion Concert in Geneva
2003-03-19 -
Germany: Many More Chinese Learn the Truth During Signature-Collecting Campaign in Munich
2003-03-19After seeing our huge poster, many visitors from China were stunned and came to express their support, sign the petition and ask for Dafa leaflets and Video-CDs. Some tourists from China also said that Falun Gong is good and dared to speak up for Falun Gong when someone in their travel group had opposing opinions.
One Thousand Practitioners Take Part in Parade in Geneva
2003-03-18On Monday, 2003 the 17th of March, to coincide with the start of the 59th annual session of UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, Falun Dafa practitioners from around the world held a parade across the city. The parade went from Place Neuve in the heart of the city centre to the Place Des Nations, a large square outside of the United Nations building. Over one thousands practitioners took part.
Opening Statement of Press Conference Outside UN by the European Falun Dafa Association
2003-03-18Faced with the urgency of the situation, we Falun Gong practitioners, on this symbolic day of the opening of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, appeal to the hearts and actions of every individual so that the voices of millions of innocent persons who are persecuted can be heard and so that in China and elsewhere freedom of conscience and fundamental human rights will prevail.
France: People From all Walks of Society Join New Year Celebration Dinner Party (Photos)
2003-03-18These magnificent performances, and the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, touched the hearts of the audience. They have understood the deeper meaning of Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance from another perspective, and what realms these principles may enable human beings to achieve. They have also understood that only evil would persecute Falun Gong.
Germany: Collecting Signatures Near the Federal Parliament Building
2003-03-18The site of the signature collecting is where all parliament members' cars had to pass by. Many people not only signed their names but also requested an additional petition form to take back home. Few of those who listened seriously to the truth refused to sign their names. They also promised to spread the facts of the persecution to all their friends and contacts.
Dafa Practitioners Meet with the Swedish Foreign Ministry
2003-03-18The Association told the Foreign Ministry how China is irrationally persecuting and killed Falun Gong practitioners, even kidnapping overseas Chinese who have foreign passports whilst they return to China to visit their relatives. They also talked about the Hong Kong anti-subversion law and the lawsuit Falun Gong practitioners have filed against Jiang Zemin and his accomplices.