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Stories From Opposite the Chinese Embassy in London, UK.
2002-04-19 -
Berlin Police Said: "Jiang is Afraid to See People Who Wear Yellow or Blue Clothes."
2002-04-19Jiang became more and more frightened every day, and he continued to impose diplomatic pressure on the German government. The police had to impose the curfew more strictly and more widely every day. Whenever they saw people wearing yellow and blue clothes, and yellow and blue scarves, they would keep them back quite a distance far away from Jiang.
A Letter to Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji and Other Chinese Leaders
2002-04-19As a German citizen who has undergone World War II and the post-war period, I foresee that the abuse of power will not last long, and is bound to pay its price in the future. I hope you are able to sense that the abuse of power is against peoples will, and that local authorities act of antagonism towards the Chinese people is also intolerable.
What I Saw and Heard in Berlin -- Director of German International Human Rights Organization also Wears a Yellow Scarf
2002-04-17 -
Telling People about Jiang Zemins Brutal Persecution of Falun Gong Pictures from Sweden
2002-04-16 -
Promoting Falun Dafa in an Irish Prison
2002-04-16 -
Clarifying the Truth to Western Media: A Response to an Inaccurate News Report
2002-04-16 -
Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference in Potsdam, Germany (Photos)
2002-04-15 -
Hong Kong Dafa Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil to Protest Jiang's Killing Order
2002-04-15 -
Zhang Cuiying's "The Window of the Heart" Art Exhibition in Munich
2002-04-12The beautiful paintings reflect Falun Gong practitioners' serene and harmonious inner world. Dafa practitioners' great compassion and tolerance are just like lotus flowers in this chaotic time.
Falun Dafa Introduced to Schoolteachers in Holland
2002-04-12 -
Jiang Hears The Words He Is Afraid of: "Falun Dafa is Good"
2002-04-12In the afternoon, Jiang encountered a western man in the lobby of the hotel. He waved to Jiang and said hello. Jiang answered with a smile. As Jiang passed him, that westerner said to him in Chinese, "Ni Hao. Falun Dafa Hao." ("Hello. Falun Dafa is good.") At that moment, the simpering smile vanished from Jiang's face and was replaced with anger and fear.
Berlin: Peaceful Protest around the Clock
2002-04-12 -
Painting Exhibition Draws Attention of Media and Society in Germany
2002-04-12 -
Falun Dafa in Prague, The Capital of Czech Republic (Photos)