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Strange Scene in Goslar (Germany) -- Manhole Covers on the Streets were Welded Shut
2002-04-30 -
Anniversary of 4.25 Peaceful Appeal: Candlelight Vigil in Front of the Chinese Embassy, Austria
2002-04-29 -
April 25, the Third Anniversary Commemoration Day in Berlin
2002-04-28 -
April 25th Commemoration Activity in front of Chinese Consulate in Munich, Germany
2002-04-28 -
Letter from UK Falun Gong Association to the UK Prime Minister
2002-04-27 -
Falun Gong Practitioners Speak Out In Geneva for Human Rights
2002-04-27 -
Norway: Distributing Truth-Clarifying VCDs to Chinese People at a New Year's Celebration in Oslo
2002-04-26 -
Photos: Relay Hunger-strike Appeal Outside Chinese Embasssy, UK
2002-04-26 -
UK Falun Dafa Practitioners Spend 24 Hours in front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-04-24 -
Dresden, Germany: Face to Face With Jiang
2002-04-24 -
Photos: Practitioners Outside the Chinese Embassy in Germany
2002-04-24 -
Police in Germany Are Touched by Falun Gong Practitioners' Actions
2002-04-24One practitioner handed literature to a policewoman, she seemed to want to say something [...] the practitioner noticed her eyes were filled with tears.
Taiwan Practitioners' Activities in Germany
2002-04-23 -
Photos from Berlin: Clarifying the Truth to Chinese Overseas Students Hired to Welcome Jiang
2002-04-21 -
Photo Report: Activities in the Mountainous Areas of Switzerland