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Falun Gong Practitioners Call on European Union to Urge Myanmar Government to Release Chan Wing-Yuen
2003-02-02Several Falun Gong practitioners from Belgium, Hong Kong, and Taiwan held a peaceful appeal in front of the European Union Minister Council Building and called on the European Union to urge the Myanmar government to release Chan Wing-yuen, who is illegally imprisoned.
A Practitioner's Letter to Chinese Embassy Officials Regarding Mr. Wing-yuen Chan
2003-02-02"Please tell me, exactly which part of being peaceful, courageous, and believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance is a crime that warrants persecution and imprisonment?"
FDI: Dr. Charles Lis Friends and Family Appeal for His Immediate Release
2003-02-02Dr. Li's fiancée, Ms. Yeong-ching Foo, appealed for his unconditional release. "Charles is a loving and caring person." Ms. Foo said. "He was going to spend the Chinese New Year with his parents." His so-called "crime" is that he happens to practise Falun Gong.
Please Help Rescue My Fiancé, American Dr. Charles Li
2003-02-02I cannot believe that the Chinese government would want to arrest such a kind and honest person. Of course, I worry for Charles safety. I care for him very much. But I know he has done nothing wrong, and I believe he will come home soon.
Fa Guang Radio Station: Falun Gong Broadcasts a Video in a North-eastern Chinese City about the Truth behind the Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation
2003-02-02'The programme lasted over thirty minutes and covered all the channels on the local cable TV...The report was broadcast to Mainland China as well as to the Chinese community in Paris.'
Dow Jones: Sydney Women Says Chinese Police Treated Her Like "A Spy"
2003-02-02"They treated me as if I was a high-level spy," Chen told The Associated Press over the phone. "I was not allowed to leave the hotel room or to make any phone calls. They confiscated all my stuff."
ABC (Australia): Australian Accuses Chinese Police of Harassment
2003-02-02Ms Chen, a member of the Falun Gong spiritual group [...] says eight undercover police followed her everywhere she went in Chengdu...[later] she was then held at her hotel after she tried to book a flight back to Sydney via Hong Kong.
All Dafa Practitioners In The UK Send Greetings to Master Li for the Chinese New Year
2003-02-01 -
New Year Greetings from Nordic Falun Dafa Association to Master and all fellow practitioners
2003-02-01"The Nordic Association of Falun Dafa would like to extend the most heartfelt New Year greetings to our Master. We will do even better and be more diligent in studying the Fa, clarifying the facts and sending forth righteous thoughts. Happy New year!"
Video: Swedish Dafa Practitioners Send Chinese New Years Greetings to Master and All the Dafa Practitioners around the World
2003-02-01With the approach of the Chinese New Year, January 30th 2003 was named the first Falun Dafa Day in the Swedish city of Lerum. Dafa practitioners in Lerum on behalf of all Swedish practitioners would like to send Chinese New Years greetings to Master Li and to all the practitioners around the world. Falun Dafa is good!.
Press Release (Ireland): Happy Chinese New Year!
2003-02-01"The Chinese spring festival is a traditional family celebration in the Chinese Year. Similarly to the Irish Christmas period it is when family and friends come together...celebrate the coming of the New Year...Yet due to Jiang Zemins persecution of Falun Dafa in China many happy families have ben broken up and many family reunions will be incomplete. In Ireland there are many tragic examples."
EFIC: 15 Falun Gong Practitioners Dead in China from Police Brutality, Torture or Forced Labour
2003-02-01On January 12th, 2003, the Municipal Procuratorate forced Qunyings family members to sign the autopsy report. The report did not list the time of death, the cause of death, or the time or steps taken to rescue her. Caidian District judiciary branches and the legislative committee of Caidian District demanded that Qunying's whole family admit that she committed suicide.
Croatia: Falun Gong in the City of Rijeka
2003-02-01"Your master is truly a master. Other qigong masters just teach the movement and never explain the principles. Your master teaches the highest principle of the universe. He unselfishly taught this precious knowledge. Falun Gong and your master are wonderful."
French Government Officials and Parliament Members Send New Year's Greetings to the France Falun Dafa Association (1)
2003-02-01 -
Reply to a Question from MEP on the Effect of Article 23 on Dafa Practitioners
2003-02-01"In addition, the Union has on several occasions undertaken formal demarches to express concern about report of torture and ill treatment of followers of the Falun Gong movement who have been arrested, and has urged China to review harsh sentences imposed on them."