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Sweden: Saluting a Hero - Falun Gong Practitioners In Malmo Hold Activities to Mourn the Death of Jilin Practitioner Liu Chengjun
2004-01-11The banners, pictures, and lighted candles to mourn this hero attracted the attention of many passers-by. Many people received flyers, asked questions, and signed their names on the signature petition form. They were angry at what happened to Liu Chengjun and could not understand why a government would persecute innocent people.
Ireland: Dafa practitioners Commemorate the Death of Liu Chengjun in front of the Chinese Embassy
2004-01-11Liu Chengjun was recently tortured to death because he interrupted a cable TV broadcast to play a video exposing the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. The Irish practitioners called for severe punishment of the wicked policemen, the murderers and the primary instigator of the persecution, Jiang Zemin. Two major Irish newspapers sent reporters to cover this important event.
Switzerland: Practitioners Clarify the Facts during the World Information Summit
2004-01-10During the World Information Summit, an ICT Development Forum was held in Geneva between the 9th and 13th of December. The Swiss Falun Dafa Association also had an opportunity to set up a Falun Gong information stand during the Forum to expose Jiang’s persecution and his manipulation and exploitation of the media to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in China and frame them overseas. Many visitors were not aware of the deceitful propaganda of Jiang's regime and were shocked to learn the facts.
Sweden: Practitioners Appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy and Consulate to call for Severe Punishment of the Perpetrators who Persecuted Liu Chengjun to Death
2004-01-10On December the 30th 2003, Swedish Falun Gong practitioners sat in meditation in front of both the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm and the Chinese consulate in Gothenburg to mourn the death of Liu Chengjun, who was tortured to death by the Jiang regime. Practitioners also wanted to appeal to bring Jiang and the vicious policemen responsible for the death of Liu Chengjun to justice.
Radio France Internationale: Human Rights Organisations Concerned Over the Death of Jailed Falun Gong practitioner
2004-01-10'Agence France-Presse quoted a statement made by the Falun Gong Information Centre in New York revealing that this person’s name is Liu Chengjun and he had been sentenced to 19 years in jail because of his involvement in broadcasting Falun Gong videos on cable TV in March 2001. He died in a hospital in Changchun city, China. According to the statement, Liu was brutally beaten and tortured repeatedly in jail. People who saw Liu before his death said that he appeared to be very weak. He could hardly be recognised because of the relentless torture.'
Holland: Practitioners Appeal for Just Punishment of the Perpetrators who Persecuted Liu Chengjun to Death
2004-01-10On January the 3rd, Dutch practitioners mourned for Liu Chengjun at the Chinese embassy in The Hague. They protested against the Jiang regime’s persecution of Falun Gong and demanded the instigators be punished. They called for the public’s concern regarding nearly one hundred Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned together with Liu Chengjun in Jilin, to prevent this tragedy from recurring.
Finland: High School Students Learn about Falun Gong and the Persecution
2004-01-10Many schools in Finland have contacted Falun Gong practitioners and asked them to come to talk about Falun Gong. Reactions from teachers and students have always been good and the teachers have asked practitioners to come again on many occasions. A teacher from one school in the county of Kirkkonummi asked a practitioner to come and tell the students in two classes about the practice of Falun Gong.
Hungary: Practitioners Mourn for Liu Chengjun in front of the Chinese Consulate and Protest Against the Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-01-09Regardless of the terrifying consequences, Liu Chengjun and other Falun Gong practitioners risked their lives to broadcast the facts and resist the illegal persecution. They safeguarded man’s basic rights to free speech and freedom of belief. Their peaceful approach in resisting the brutal persecution is a magnificent feat.
UK: Falun Gong Group is Praised at London New Year Parade
2004-01-09Nearly 8,000 people were invited to participate in London’s annual Lord Mayor’s New Year Parade on January 1st. This magnificent event was watched on television by people around the world. Falun Gong’s performance was welcomed and praised.
France: Photo report - Falun Gong practitioners Demand Punishment of Jiang Zemin and Others Responsible for the Death of Liu Chengjun
2004-01-09 -
Falun Gong Iceland Dialogue Committee Press Release: Ombudsman turns his back on the Icelandic People in favour of Government Officials
2004-01-08"The Ombudsman has basically approved all the arguments from the Government for its unacceptable actions of denying entry of peaceful Falun Gong practitioners, compiling and distributing and using a blacklist of practitioners, detention of practitioners and other wrongful treatments...This goes against the proud traditions of Icelandic democracy and the overwhelming wishes of the modern Icelandic people. This must be corrected, for the sake of Iceland and its people as well as justice for practitioners involved. We call on the Ombudsman to re-consider his conclusions as urgently as possible."
Germany: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold a Petition to Support the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin in Strasbourg
2004-01-08On the morning of the 17th of December 2003, around 40 Falun Gong practitioners from France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, and Switzerland, gathered in front of the European Parliament to hold a peaceful appeal to bring Jiang Zemin, the prime culprit of the campaign of persecution against Falun Gong, to justice in a court of law.
Czech Republic: Celebrating New Year’s Day and Clarifying the Truth
2004-01-08On New Year’s Day, we introduced Falun Dafa and clarified the facts in a well known district of Prague. At every intersection, tourists gathered and practitioners handed them materials. There were also some people who had not learned about Falun Gong, but when they heard the facts they were shocked and wished practitioners success.
EFGIC: Electric-shock Torture, Sexual Assault Rampant in “Re-education” of Falun Gong in Chinese Labour Camp
2004-01-08They first locked the practitioners in a room and then, one by one, took them to another room to try to force them to sign a letter renouncing Falun Gong. Those who refused to do so were electrocuted with cattle prods and beaten with batons. Outside, loudspeakers boomed threats against Falun Gong practitioners throughout the camp. The report says the electric buzz of the cattle prods, the shouting of the torturers, the screaming of the practitioners combined with the threats belted out from the loudspeakers covered the camp with a sense of fear and terror.
Germany: Deputy Chief of Public Security for Hubei Province in China, Zhao Zhifei, Faces Another Lawsuit (Part II)
2004-01-07In November 2003, 41 Falun Gong practitioners from Europe, North America and Australia sued sixteen Chinese officials in Germany. Among them, Zhao Zhifei, Deputy Chief of Public Security for Hubei Province, was sued overseas by Falun Gong practitioners for the second time on charges of Genocide, Infliction of Cruel Torture and Crimes Against Humanity. This article reveals how persecution in Hubei Province destroyed an innocent family of Falun Gong practitioners.