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Poland: Six Hours in Warsaw
2002-07-03 -
Taipei Times Editorial: The disappearance of freedom
2002-07-03It is sad to see this persecution of Falun Gong [practitioners] spreading in the international community. It is a shame to see democratic countries bowing to the Chinese bully in this way. Unfortunately, far too many people have become so used to seeing China getting its way that they hardly notice its abuses.
Turkish Daily News: HK rejects more China critics on eve of ceremony
2002-07-03 -
Dow Jones: Falun Gong Asks HK To Explain Why [Practitioners] Were Barred
2002-07-03 -
South China Morning Post: HK freedoms lost, says Falun Gong
2002-07-03 -
Taipei Times: Falun Gong says 90 on blacklist
2002-07-03 -
BBC Monitoring (SCMP): Hong Kong TV coverage of Jiang axed over Falun Gong fears
2002-07-03 -
Stltoday: Artist-activist seeks better treatment of Falun Gong devotees
2002-07-03 -
Time Magazine Reports Falun Gong Practitioners Satellite Overriding
2002-07-03 -
BBC: China Is On Alert Over Even Stronger Flood Menace Coming This Month
2002-07-03 -
Lithuania: Reporters not interested in China's propaganda
2002-07-03 -
Germany: Chinese Students tell Practitioners: "You've been working hard! Thank you."
2002-07-03 -
Latvia: Zhang Cuiying's Painting Exhibiton Popular with Media, Public and Government
2002-07-03 -
Lithuania: Children are very Happy to Learn about Falun Dafa
2002-07-03 -
CNN: Falun Gong kept out of Jiang's sight