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Swedish and Danish MEPs Send Letter to Hong Kong Government Expressing Concerns Over Article 23
2003-03-23"The proposed legislation concerning article 23 of the Basic Law has shocked the international community. This legislation appears to far exceed the requirements of protecting nation security at the expense of individual freedoms. ... More worrying are recent comments from the vice premier Qian Qi Chen on National television when he stated the Hong Kong must pass the article 23 legislation so that Falun Gong can be banned in the territory."
Epoch Times: UN Meets With Falun Gong Investigative Organization and Receives List of Persecutors In China
2003-03-23'Today's submission is another step in the recent actions of Falun Gong practitioners, lawyers and international organizations to prosecute Jiang Zemin and his accomplices for the persecution of Falun Gong.'
Lithuania: A Letter to the President from Zhang Cuiying during her Art Exhibition
2003-03-23"I would like to express my lofty respects to you and your people. Please kindly accept the gift of a painting, entitled The Beauty, which I have created...It is my heartfelt wish that Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance brings to you and the people of Lithuania everlasting happiness."
Geneva: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue Large-scale Appeal at the United Nations to Rescue Charles Li
2003-03-23On March 20 2003, more than 500 Falun Gong practitioners continued their large-scale appeal at the Palais des Nations, which is the main United Nations building in Geneva. At 11:30 a.m., a press conference was held to appeal for the rescue of American citizen Charles Li.
Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal for the Rescue of their Relatives in Front of the United Nations
2003-03-22These three Falun Gong practitioners came to Geneva to appeal to kind-hearted people and governments of the world to support Falun Gong, to help end the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and to rescue thousands upon thousands of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China, just like their family members.
EFGIC: International Coalition Prepares Lawsuits in Multiple Countries Against Former Chinese Leader, Jiang Zemin
2003-03-22On March 18th, during the United Nations 59th Human Rights meeting, a Swiss attorney announced plans to launch a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin for torture, crimes against humanity and genocide if the former Chinese leader ever visits Switzerland...And that, the Swiss attorney says, is just the beginning.
Photo Report: Practitioners Appeal Opposite the United Nations Building in Geneva
2003-03-22 -
FDI: Members of U.S. Congress Demand China Release American Falun Gong Practitioner
2003-03-22In a joint letter addressed to the U.S. Ambassador in Beijing, Congressman Lantos and Congresswoman Eshoo called for the immediate release of Dr. Charles Li, an American Falun Gong practitioner from California.
Reuters: China Convicts, Expels U.S. Falun Gong [Practitioner]
2003-03-22'"China's legal system is just another tool utilized to persecute Falun Gong practitioners," the Web site quoted Li's fiancee, Yeong-ching Foo, as saying. "Choosing a lawyer would only serve to legitimize this show trial," Foo added.'
Forum on Rescuing Falun Gong Practitioners' Family Members Held in Geneva
2003-03-21The forum was initiated by an NGO with its headquarters in Geneva and was held at the United Nations Building. The organisation hoped that through the forum, more countries, international organisations and people with a sense of justice would pay attention to the serious violation of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights and help rescue detained Falun Gong practitioners.
Great Public Interest in Parade Through Geneva
2003-03-21The local people showed great interest in the parade on the 17th of March as it passed through the streets of Geneva, stopping to talk to the practitioners, to take leaflets and to watch the parade as its shining banners moved slowly along in the bright morning sunshine.
Mission to Investigate the Criminal Conduct of Organisations and Individuals Involved in the Persecution of Falun Gong, Begins Outside the United Nations in Geneva
2003-03-21For the third time this week, Falun Gong practitioners appealed at the Palais des Nations against the persecution of Falun Gong in China...Representatives from different organisations voiced their support and condemned the extremely serious human rights violations happening in China at present.
UK: Report from a Universitys Weekly Falun Dafa Radio Program
2003-03-21This weeks show featured two articles written by practitioners, which gave an account of the dramatic health improvements they achieved through practising Falun Dafa. The listeners were also told about the persecution of Falun Dafa in China and how they could help bring justice in China by writing to their MPs etc.
U.S. Newswire: Scholars Send Letter to Bush in Support of Charles Li
2003-03-21'Authorities in China say that he will be charged with interfering with satellite communications, and could face up to 15 years imprisonment. Dr. Li is a medical doctor and lacks the technical skills to perform such acts and was not even in China when they took place. He adamantly denies the charges. The only reason for the arrest is that Dr. Li is a Falun Gong practitioner, which China treats as a crime.'
EFGIC: News of Seven Falun Gong Deaths Breaks Through Jiang Regimes Information Blockade
2003-03-20'For more than three years, the European Falun Gong Information Centre has received -- on a daily basis -- dozens of reports of arbitrary detention, forced-labour, extortion, torture, death and other forms of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China...This release presents what has been confirmed in the last few days about seven more Falun Gong practitioners who have lost their lives in this persecution.'