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2002-04-26The Birth of Chinas First-Ever Civil Rights Movement?-Historic, Peaceful Appeal Painted as Attempt to Overthrow the Government-Falun Gong Made Unwitting Pawn in a Political Power Struggle
Photos: Relay Hunger-strike Appeal Outside Chinese Embasssy, UK
2002-04-26 -
Overwhelming Support of Falun Gong from the German Public
2002-04-26Looking at the heavily guarded hotel with the amount of police stationed there, in contrast to the peaceful environment of the Dafa practitioners, the local citizens were rather displeased at the overwhelming security set-up for Jiang's visit. They were more annoyed when they learned about the persecution of the Dafa practitioners by Jiang's regime.
AP: Rights group says 2,000 arrested in northern Chinese city's crackdown on Falun Gong
2002-04-26 -
Peaceful Practitioners, Petrified State President
2002-04-25Two German media reports from the Wolfsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, April 13, 2002 (Wolfsburg Common News) on the subject of Chinese President Jiang Zemins visit to Germany
RSF Condemns Crackdown on Journalists in China
2002-04-25 -
UK Falun Dafa Practitioners Spend 24 Hours in front of the Chinese Embassy
2002-04-24 -
Lord Mayor of the City of Goettingen, Germany, Welcomes Practitioner and Acclaimed Artist Zhang Cuiying
2002-04-24 -
Reports on Falun Dafa in the Israeli Media 2002-04-24 -
Dafa Practitioners in France Brief Former Premier on the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2002-04-24 -
Dresden, Germany: Face to Face With Jiang
2002-04-24 -
Photos: Practitioners Outside the Chinese Embassy in Germany
2002-04-24 -
Police in Germany Are Touched by Falun Gong Practitioners' Actions
2002-04-24One practitioner handed literature to a policewoman, she seemed to want to say something [...] the practitioner noticed her eyes were filled with tears.
German Press Release: Asians and People Dressed in Yellow were Not wanted
2002-04-23Chinese Secret Service broke German Laws during Jiang Zemins Visit and Treated Peaceful Falun Gong Practitioners illegally
FDI Press Release: German Police and Chinese Security Personnel On Full Alert During Jiangs Visit