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How the Chinese and German Media Differed in Their Reporting of Jiangs Visit to Germany
2002-04-12 -
DPA: Falun Gong protests continue
2002-04-12 -
DPA: Germany Stresses Religious Rights in Talks with Jiang
2002-04-12 -
Turkish Daily News: Protests as China's Jiang meets Schroeder
2002-04-12 -
BBC Monitoring: Amnesty calls on German leaders to attack China's human rights policy
2002-04-12 -
Jiang Hears The Words He Is Afraid of: "Falun Dafa is Good"
2002-04-12In the afternoon, Jiang encountered a western man in the lobby of the hotel. He waved to Jiang and said hello. Jiang answered with a smile. As Jiang passed him, that westerner said to him in Chinese, "Ni Hao. Falun Dafa Hao." ("Hello. Falun Dafa is good.") At that moment, the simpering smile vanished from Jiang's face and was replaced with anger and fear.
Berlin: Peaceful Protest around the Clock
2002-04-12 -
Lord Moyne's Statement at Press Conference in Berlin
2002-04-12"Without moral authority of any kind, all governments will succumb. I predict that, if social unrest and problems increase, the Chinese government entities will suddenly realize that peaceful citizens, such as the Falun Gong followers, are of inestimable value."
Painting Exhibition Draws Attention of Media and Society in Germany
2002-04-12 -
Stories From Belgian Practitioners' Petition Signature Collection Effort
2002-04-12A member of European parliament, after listening, said, "I have no reason not to sign, also the EU had met numerous times, and we have passed a resolution hoping that the Chinese government would reconsider their treatment of Falun Gong."
Falun Dafa in Prague, The Capital of Czech Republic (Photos)
2002-04-12 -
Introducing Falun Gong to a School in Oulu, Finland
2002-04-12 -
Photo Report: A Falun Dafa Information Window in a City in Switzerland
2002-04-12 -
Dresden Latest News: Meditating far from the Official Route
2002-04-12 -
Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror in Germany): Jiang Avoids the Press, Rau Cautions China's President about Human Rights