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Photograph Evidence of the Western Practitioners' Police Detention and Beatings in China
2001-11-27 -
Madrid, Spain: UN Delegates Are Not Fooled by the Chinese Governments Lies
2001-11-27 -
Seven More Falun Gong Practitioners Die Tragically at the Hands of Chinese Police
2001-11-27 -
French Dafa Practitioners who Participated in Tiananmen Appeal Return to Paris
2001-11-27 -
AFTONBLADET [Sweden]: “They kicked us in the face”
2001-11-26I had a concussion of the brain. In the police bus the policemen started to kick us in the face. I managed to raise an arm to shield my head.His right arm was bleeding and he was dizzy due to the beatings. The Swedes hooked each others’ arms to firmly stick together.“We know that Chinese women can be raped and severely assaulted by the police, so we tried to stick together, says Anne Hakosalo, 33.
FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU [German newspaper]: Chinese Truths - Beijing Attempts Censure of Falun Gong Reports
2001-11-26When Ms. Lietsch pointed out that she neither took photographs nor conducted any interviews, one of the policemen replied: "If you only LOOK in that direction you are breaking the law."
POLITIKEN [Danish newspaper]: Followers of Falun Gong Mistreated
2001-11-26A Swedish demonstrator [..] managed to make a call from the police station using his cell phone. He said, “I was subjected to brutal mistreatment in the van. They punched, kicked and stomped on me. My arm is bleeding.” Moreover, he said that several of the women were dragged by their hair.“We are not against any government. We promote tolerance and kindness,” said[..], another detainee.
THE STAR [Irish newspaper]: Student Arrested in Chinese Demo
2001-11-26In just eight years since its [Falun Gong's] public introduction in 1992, it has grown to become the most popular form of body and mind meditation ever in Chinese history.It emphasises physical cultivation and the cultivation of one’s moral character in daily life, according to the principles of Falun Gong’s founder, Li Hongzhi.Falun Gong’s effectiveness in improving health has quickly made it popular throughout the entire world and has largely been spread by word of mouth.
LE COURIER [Swiss newspaper]: FALUN GONG : 35 Westerners Defy Beijing
2001-11-26What made these Westerners drop their jobs and their families to go and confront the Chinese police, whose reputation freezes the blood of the Chinese? The four from Zurich explained their action on a diskette they sent to friends. More than two years of attempts by numerous Governments and humanitarian organizations have had no effect on China. The massive persecution of Falun Gong has even worsened since the attacks of 11 September have monopolized international attention: 311 proven deaths (probably 1,000), 50,000 persons held in gulags, 1,000 in mental institutions, thousands of rapes and sadistic torture … in all, 70 million practitioners risk being denounced, being fined, losing their jobs, their homes, their family life or their freedom.
The Tiananmen Protest by Western Practitioners Was Also Significant for Swedish People
2001-11-26 -
THE EVENING ECHO [Ireland]: Cork man arrested in China
2001-11-26 -
Ukraine: Hunger Strike To Urge China to Stop Persecuting Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and to Reveal the Truth to People
2001-11-26The Chinese embassy in Ukraine has kept sending fabricated rumours about Falun Gong to the Ukraine government. The country of Ukraine used to be a communist country and has had a good relationship with China. However, I think that true friends should point out each others mistakes! And if a friend has killed someone, he should be condemned and sent to prison! Therefore as early as the beginning of the persecution, I started contacting our president, parliament and national media, urging them to condemn China for its inhumane persecution.
Swedish TV Station Makes On-the-spot Report of the Eight Swedish Falun Practitioners Returning From Beijing
2001-11-25 -
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Beijing Prisoners for 23 Hours”
2001-11-25Nobody did anything to her. With a shaky voice she related her cell stay in the cellar of Beijing's police headquarters'. "It looked like an animal cage." There it became clear to her that "those who are being tortured don't even have a slim chance at all."
Expressen (a Swedish newspaper): “The Police Trampled on My Head - Report from Swedish Falun Gong follower detained in China” [Excerpts]
2001-11-25"In the square a large number of policemen quickly surrounded us. They dragged me into a car and punched me several times in the face with their fists. They then trampled on my head and kicked me all over my body. Several of the other practitioners were also assaulted. The women were dragged by the hair," he told TT.