Worldwide News
Denver Westwood News (United States): Simply Divine
2008-01-15It could have been jazz, ballet or hip-hop, but my all-American daughter is a Chinese dancer, in love with the rustling costumes, blingy props and mannered, graceful steps that form the foundation of the traditional genre. Generally a group effort, the form sports a classically based choreography all its own, and it's nowhere near as easy as it looks when a willowy lineup of elegantly rouged Asian beauties mince through their steps in bejeweled headdresses and brilliant watercolored silks.
Japan: Falun Dafa Well Received at Event in Hiroshima
2008-01-14The sixteenth annual "Happy New Year" event was held at the International Conference Hall in Peace Park, Hiroshima, Japan on January 4th, 2008. This year's theme was "From Praying for Peace to Creating Peace." Falun Gong practitioners introduced the practice and the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" to the audience.
Denver Post (United States): Chinese New Year Embracing Tradition
2008-01-14"Chinese New Year Spectacular" is an international touring show that attempts to present a vivid, authentic portrait of Chinese arts unspoiled by modern propaganda. The colorful program plays the Buell Theatre tonight and Saturday. ("Chinese New Year Spectacular")
United States: Dallas Audience say that the Portrayal of Falun Gong is the Most Touching
2008-01-13The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) concluded its three shows in the Nokia Theatre at 10:40 p.m. on January 9th, 2008, as the curtain fell amid warm applause. The audience, primarily from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, couldn't get enough of the show and look forward to the return of the DPA next year.
Taiwan: Professor and Former Dean of College of Liberal Arts at Huafan University Anticipates the 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular in Boston
2008-01-12Dr. Chou Chun-tang, former dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Huafan University, attended the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular at the Boston Opera House for the first time and felt strongly about the renaissance of Chinese traditional culture. He anticipated seeing the four shows of 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular in Boston Opera House and enjoying Chinese traditional arts again.
Singapore: Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference Held in Singapore
2008-01-11The 2008 Singapore Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held on January 5th, 2008 in Singapore. Twenty-four practitioners from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore shared their cultivation experiences at the conference.
United States: Government Officials in Dallas, Texas Congratulate the Chinese New Year Spectacular
2008-01-10Ms. Li Weina, the vice director of Divine Performing Arts, expressed the company's appreciation for the proclamations. She said that the purpose of the show is to bring pure, traditional Chinese culture, unpolluted by the communist party, to a wide audience.
News of Delaware County (United States): Celebrating the Chinese New Year this weekend
2008-01-10Experience one of the largest celebration of Chinese culture in the world when the Chinese New Year Spectacular kicks off its international tour with five shows at the Merriam Theater this Friday through Sunday.
Malaysia: Supporting Thirty Million Chinese Withdrawals from the CCP
2008-01-09On January 6th, 2008, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in Malaysia held a parade and rally at Merdeka Square in Kuala Lumpur to support 30 million Chinese withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
United States: Computer Engineer in Atlanta: "The Show was Perfect"
2008-01-09Mr. Ma is a computer engineer from Atlanta. He and his wife attended the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular last year, and enjoyed it so much, that they returned to see the show again this year. They both highly praised it.
United States: Audience Moved to Tears by the Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-01-08In two performances of the Chinese New Year Spectacular in Philadelphia, performed by the Divine Performing Arts Company, audiences were moved by two dances which depicted the suffering and the spirit of Falun Gong practitioners in China. People applauded warmly when they saw that justice finally won over evil.
Taiwan: Vice President Lu Praises Divine Performing Arts' Chinese New Year Spectacular as "The Best Show"
2008-01-08Divine Performing Arts' global Chinese New Year Spectacular will arrive in Taiwan at the end of February. Recently, Taiwanese Vice President Annette Lu praised the show during a special interview with NTDTV Asia, saying, "Divine Performing Arts has the best show. I hope that the graceful Chinese culture can be passed down."
Taiwan: New Year Celebration in Court Villa Community of Taipei
2008-01-07With the new year of 2008 approaching, many companies and communities in Taiwan hold new year celebration activities. The Court Villa community in Taipei held its annual celebration recently, and practitioners took this opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa to the local population.
Gloucester County Times (New Jersey): The Show Promises to Transport Audiences Across Oceans and Centuries to Experience Chinese Culture
2008-01-07New Tang Dynasty's (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular kicked off its world tour on the evening of January 4th, 2008 at the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia. The Greater Philadelphia media reported on this largest yet Chinese New Year celebration to be staged.
United States: Philadelphia Audience Enjoys Chinese New Year Spectacular
2008-01-06NTDTV's Chinese New Year Spectacular launched touring shows concurrently in the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center in Atlanta, Georgia on January 4th, 2008. The Divine Performing Arts touring company performed in Philadelphia to an excited audience.