Worldwide News
United States: Grand Premiere of Chinese New York Splendor Displays Divine Culture in New York
2008-02-02Divine Performing Arts (DPA) on Tour and DPA of New York jointly presented the first performance of the Chinese New Year Splendor in Radio City Music Hall on January 30th, 2008. The show displayed the divine culture of China in the Big Apple.
United States: Audience Comments from Divine Performing Arts' Opening Performance of Chinese New Year Splendor
2008-02-02She added, "The words came up on screen so that I knew what they meant. My son has told me a lot about the persecution in China and I believe that everyone should practice freely what they believe in. So I thoroughly enjoyed it. The show was very beautiful."
United States: Practitioners Participate in Chinese New Year Celebration at the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
2008-02-01The 27th Annual Chinese New Year Celebration was held at the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, the University of Pennsylvania, on Saturday, January 26th, 2008, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This is the tenth year that Falun Dafa practitioners in the Greater Philadelphia area have participated in this event.
Japan: Minghui School Students Perform at Tokyo Festival
2008-02-01On the morning of January 27th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners in Tokyo and students from the Minghui School participated in the festival celebrations in Meiji Park. The practitioners' performance on the stage earned warm applause and cheers.
United States: People from Different Circles Gather at Chinese Embassy in Washington DC to Advise Chinese Officials Not to Harm Others and Themselves
2008-01-31Last year, prior to the Chinese New Year Spectacular in Canberra, capital of Australia, the Chinese Embassy officials wrote to every MP, defaming the show, and telling them not to go see it. On the contrary, the CCP's attempt had the opposite effect - all of these MPs were attracted to come to see the show.
Canada: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Vancouver
2008-01-31On January 27th, 2008, Falun Dafa practitioners in Vancouver held a regional Falun Dafa cultivation experience sharing conference.
Taiwan: Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago Praises Divine Performing Arts for "Preservation and Proclamation of Traditional Culture"
2008-01-30Mr. Wang also said that the general public in Taiwan admires Falun Gong very much, for their unyielding spirit. "I hope Falun Gong practitioners will continue to persevere. We stand with you on the same ground," he said.
United States: The Mayor of the Village of Worth, Illinois says "It's a Magical Show!"
2008-01-30Mayor Edward S. Guzdziol and the city council learned about the Chinese New Year Spectacular and decided to issue a proclamation to New Tang Dynasty Television and the Divine Performing Arts company. Not only that, Mr. Guzdziol and his wife attended and agreed, "It's a magical show!"
United States: Chinese People in San Francisco Amazed by the Spectacular
2008-01-29Ms. Huang from Hong Kong said she had never seen such a magnificent show. "Everyone around me was praising the show... I liked every piece, they are so vivid and real. And the dancers seem to so easily perform difficult moves. It is really amazing."
United States: Las Vegas Publicist says "I think it's a great show!"
2008-01-29"I think it's a great show," she said about the Spectacular. "It's very educational, and I think that it's important for it to come to Vegas, because we don't have a lot of educational, cultural shows here."
United States: Director of the Vietnam Times says "I Have Never Seen Such an Excellent Show"
2008-01-28Five shows of the 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular were held in Toronto, with the last on January 20th. The beautiful performances were well-received by the audiences.
Woman from China: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance Are Great
2008-01-28She said, "I know little about Falun Gong, but I think Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are great. The dance was a realistic presentation of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. To protect her fellow practitioners, the Falun Gong practitioner in the dance was beaten to death in jail.
Taiwan: Day-long Fa Study and Experience Sharing Conference Held Every Three Months in Southern Taiwan
2008-01-27On January 20th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners in southern Taiwan held a one-day Fa study and experience sharing conference in the Kaohsiung Municipal Siao Gang Senior High School. About 1000 practitioners joined the conference and shared their recent thoughts on the practice.
A Spectator from Hong Kong: "The Persecution Is Against the Will of the People"
2008-01-27"When I saw the piece about the persecution of Falun Gong it seemed was too short. It should be longer, and the people in Mainland China should see it. Jiang Zemin (former head of the CCP) did something against the will of the people. All overseas Chinese know that. More people should know it."
Taiwan: The Divine Land Marching Band Performs in Honour of Firefighters Day
2008-01-26January 19th, 2008, was National Firefighters Day in Taiwan. The Fire Bureau in Taipei hosted a series of activities to celebrate the event. The Divine Land Marching Band in Taiwan and the NTDTV Drum Team were invited to perform at the celebrations.