Worldwide News
United States: The CCP's Interference with the Holiday Wonders Show in Florida Fails, Mayor Issues Proclamation
2007-12-25The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) will visit Southern Florida for the first time and give two shows in the Broward Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale on December 27th and 28th, 2007. The Chinese Consulate General in Houston, Texas wrote to Mayor Jim Naugle of Fort Lauderdale, asking him not to attend the show. Mayor Naugle thought the letter was inappropriate. He issued a proclamation to the DPA and plans to watch the show.
United States: New York Audiences Moved by World-Class Singers
2007-12-24On December 21st, 2007, NTDTV's Holiday Wonders show continued at the Beacon Theatre on Broadway, New York. Ms. Christine Walevska, a world-renowned cellist, watched the show for the second time and praised two of the singers, Guan Guimin and Hong Ming, as world class tenors. Many audience members were impressed and moved by the songs performed in Holiday Wonders.
Thailand: Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance International Art Exhibition
2007-12-24The Health Department of Thailand held the 12th Spiritual Science International Exhibition recently. The theme of the exhibition was "The Power of Spirit Creates Good Health." Close of one hundred medical, Qigong, sports and religious groups participated in the exhibition. Falun Gong also participated under invitation.
New Zealand: Rally in Auckland for the Human Rights Torch Relay
2007-12-23On December 18th, 2007, after travelling for three months through Europe and Australia, the Human Rights Torch reached "The Land of the Long White Cloud" -- New Zealand.
Canada: "An Abuse of Diplomatic Privilege"
2007-12-23On December 18th, the Chinese Consulate sent a letter to Michael Benjamin, an assemblyman from the Bronx, New York, pressuring him not to go to the Holiday Wonders show. The letter prominently mentioned the "rapid progress" of U.S.-China relations, the strengthening of U.S.-China trade, and "sincere gratitude" for efforts in promoting U.S.-China friendship and cooperation, before asking that support not be given to the Holiday Wonders or the Chinese New Year Spectacular.
United States: Artists and Critics Applaud Divine Performing Arts Performance
2007-12-22On December 19th, 2007, Divine Performing Arts (DPA) presented the second Holiday Wonders show in New York. It was well received by artists and critics alike.
United States: New York Assemblyman Makes Public an Offensive Letter from the Chinese Consulate General
2007-12-22The letter focuses on Holiday Wonders and its producer, New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), telling Assemblyman Benjamin "not to support in any way the Holiday Wonders and the Chinese New Year Spectacular." Both shows are produced by NTDTV, an independent Chinese language television station that has faced repeated attacks by the CCP.
United States: High Acclaim for the Premiere of Divine Performing Arts' Holiday Wonders
2007-12-21New Tang Dynasty's Holiday Wonders premiered at the Beacon Theatre on Broadway in New York on the evening of December 18th, 2007. At the same time, a performance in Baltimore was also staged. The show received rave reviews from the audience.
Australia: Divine Land Marching Band from Taiwan Participates in Christmas Parade in Western Australia
2007-12-21Mr. Li, a tourist from Indonesia with his family, said he was happy to see such a rare performance. He said when the band played the music "The whole world celebrates", he felt he was so happy as he stood on cloud.
United States: More than Fifty Media Outlets Report on Holiday Wonders
2007-12-20Holiday Wonders, presented at the Beacon Theatre starting December 18th, has received wide attention from the public. Since the beginning of December, more than fifty media outlets (newspaper, magazine, TV, radios, etc) in New York metro and New Jersey have reported this show.
Baltimore, MD (United States): Mainstream Media Introduce Holiday Wonders
2007-12-20Fox News will interview Mr. Xiang Dong in its December 17th morning live show. Mr. Xiang is the director of the New Tang Dynasty Television Washington Office. In addition, ABC will interview Peijong Hsieh, the production manager for Holiday Wonders, in its morning live show on December 17th.
Australia: 2007 Australian Fa Conference Held in Sydney
2007-12-19On December 16th, 2007, the Australian Fa Conference was held at West Sydney University. Twenty three practitioners shared their cultivation experiences. Revered Master sent a congratulatory message to the conference, and the attendees warmly applauded it.
The Charlotte Observer (United States): Chinese holiday show will go on
2007-12-19"It was just amazing," recalls Xie, who -- like most Chinese born after the Communist takeover -- knew almost nothing about her ancestors' exquisite arts. "After I watched the show, I wanted to know more."
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in "Deck the Halls" Christmas Parade in Houston, Texas for the Third Year in a Row
2007-12-18On December 15th, the ninth annual Deck the Halls Christmas Parade was held in the Burlinghall subdivision of southwest Houston. When Falun Gong practitioners first participated in this parade in 2005, Ms. Ember Mandell, community leader of Burlinghall, was impressed by the group's serenity and beauty.
Japan: CIPFG Holds a Rally to Support Human Right Torch Relay in Tokyo
2007-12-17A former Japanese congressman said that the organ harvesting should not be tolerated. He said that Falun Gong practitioners' efforts are very meaningful and are having greater and greater impact. He said that he and his friends have gone to the Chinese Embassy to condemn the human right violations in China.