Worldwide News
India: Falun Gong Recognised at National Schools Association Celebration
2007-12-08The National Schools Association of India recently held their 50th anniversary celebration. Principals from high-achieving private schools across India gathered in Bangalore to attend the celebrations and awards ceremony for the highest achieving schools.
Australia: Rally Held at Campsie Park in Sydney to Support the 29 Million Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party
2007-12-08On December 2nd, 2007, the Global Service Center for Quitting the Party held a rally at Campsie Park, Sydney to support the 29 million withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many democracy organisations and local people attended the rally.
United States: Celebrating 30 Million People Quitting the CCP and Its Affiliated Organisations Three Years After the Publication of the Nine Commentaries
2007-12-06On December 2nd, 2007, the Boston Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held a rally in Boston. The rally was to celebrate 30 million people quitting the CCP and its affiliated organisations and the widespread distribution of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party three years after it was publicised.
United States Baltimore City Council Issues a Proclamation to the Washington DC Falun Dafa Association for Hosting the Holiday Wonders Show
2007-12-06The Divine Performing Arts' Holiday Wonders Show will be held in Baltimore on December 18th. On the afternoon of November 30th, the Baltimore City Council issued a proclamation to the Washington DC Falun Dafa Association, the hosting organisation for the show. The president of the council said that she hoped every resident of Baltimore would have an opportunity to see the show and experience authentic Chinese culture.
Taiwan: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held In Taichung City - 7500 Practitioners Attend
2007-12-05On December 2nd, 2007, a Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference was held at Chung Hsing University in Taichung City, Taiwan. Seventy five hundred practitioners attended the conference and 22 practitioners shared their experiences.
New Zealand: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate In Christmas Parade In Rotorua
2007-12-05On November 24th, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from New Zealand were invited to take part in the annual Christmas Parade in Rotorua.
Taiwan: "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition Held at Kaohsiung Medical University
2007-12-03Since the beginning of 2007, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" International Art Exhibition has visited many art museums and cultural centers in Taiwan. On November 19th, the exhibit started a 2-week installation at Kaohsiung Medical University.
Canada: Canadian Court Severely Restricts ACLA's Intervention in Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin
2007-12-03According to the The Epoch Times, the Ontario Supreme Court ruled on November 23rd, 2007 that the All-China Lawyers Association (ACLA), which had sought to intervene in the torture lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, would have five restrictions in its involvement, including being forbidden to submit evidence or make arguments in the case. The ruling dealt a serious blow to Jiang Zemin's attempt to have the case dismissed through those under his control outside of China.
Thailand: Clarifying the Truth at the Grand Palace
2007-12-02Some tourists walked over. Pointing at a fellow practitioner, I told the police officer, "We just show them our display. We are peaceful. We hope they will learn these facts and won't be deceived anymore." He said, "Great! You can do that. No problem. Don't the Chinese people know this?" I replied, "Many of them don't. The CCP has spent so much money blocking the Internet so that people won't find out these facts. So we hold activities like this to inform people, awaken them, and encourage them to quit the CCP so that the Chinese people will live happily."
Bombala Times (Australia): Human Rights Torch nearing
2007-12-02I have one message for the Chinese Communist Party. "You are the ones who are killing and torturing your own people. You are the ones who promised to stop. We want nothing other than the torture and persecution of these good people to stop. The world is watching and seeing all the things you are doing."
Australia: Falun Gong Participates in Christmas Parades in South Australia
2007-12-01Before the end of November 2007, Falun Dafa practitioners participated in local Christmas parades in Adelaide, Norwood and Glenelg City, bringing the beauty of Falun Dafa to local residents.
Australia: Practitioners Gather Outside the Supreme Court in Sydney to Protest the CCP's Interference With Australian Judicial Proceedings
2007-11-30Ms. Li believes that Chen Shaoji, took advantage of his position, by ordering and inciting officers in the legal system and the general public to hate Falun Gong. He also ordered, supervised, controlled, assisted or instigated police officers to brainwash Falun Gong practitioners, thus subjecting Falun Gong practitioners in the Guangdong area to severe persecution. Chen Shaoji cannot shirk responsibility for his involvement in crimes against humanity which occurred in Guangdong Province. According to international law, when a crime involves torture and crimes against humanity, no one has immunity.
Ottawa Citizen (Canada): What we know about organ harvesting in China
2007-11-30We had callers phoning hospitals across China posing as family members of persons who needed organ transplants. In a variety of locations, those who were called asserted that Falun Gong practitioners (reputedly healthy because of their exercise regime) were the source of the organs. We have recordings and telephone bills for these calls.
United States: Practitioners Bring Traditional Chinese Culture to the Hollywood Christmas Parade
2007-11-29The parade started on Hollywood Boulevard and then went on to Vine Street. It ended on Sunset Boulevard. Falun Gong practitioners' procession consisted of the Divine Land Marching Band, waist-drum team, float, traditional Chinese dance team and flag team.
Canada: Divine Land Marching Band Attends Christmas Celebrations in Several Communities in Ontario
2007-11-29The Divine Land Marching Band attended seven Christmas parades last weekend in cities in Southern Ontario, Canada. On November 24th, 2007, they were invited to Christmas parades in Markham, Barrie and Brantford, Ontario. Each of these cities lies within about an hour's drive of Toronto, the provincial capital.