Worldwide News
United States: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Chinese New Year Celebration in San Diego, California
2012-02-08Falun Gong practitioners from San Diego, California participated in the local Chinese New Year celebration held by the Vietnamese community.
Canada: Former Canadian Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) and Senior International Human Rights Lawyer Urge Canadian Prime Minister to Stop China's Export of Products of Slave Labour
2012-02-07On January 31st, Former Canadian Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) David Kilgour and international human rights lawyer David Matas jointly wrote Prime Minster Stephen Harper, urging him to ask the Government of China to stop the export of products of slave labor to Canada.
Malaysia: Practitioners Warmly Received During Chinese New Year Parade
2012-02-04Malay resident Fatimah was impressed by the practitioners' discipline. She said, “Very special! They're disciplined! I've never seen such a performance.”
Australia: “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Art Exhibit Touches Hearts
2012-02-02The “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Art Exhibit visited several townships in Western Australia during December and early January.
Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Chinese New Year Parade in Sydney
2012-02-01On January 29th, Falun Gong practitioners from Sydney participated in the Chinese New Year Parade held by the Sydney City Government, the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside of Asia.
Australia: Eye-catching Falun Gong Procession in Australia Day Parade
2012-01-31January 26th, 2012, was Australia Day. The Australia Day parade, sponsored by the Melbourne city government, drew hundreds of thousands of spectators. The Falun Gong group was invited to participate in this event and was praised as a most magnificent and colourful procession.
Australia: Visitors Learn About Falun Gong at the Health Harmony Soul Expo
2012-01-30From January 20th to 22nd, 2012, the Health Harmony Soul Expo was held at the Convention and Exhibition Centre, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Several thousand visitors attended the expo. Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate.
FDIC: Chinese Regime Continues To Call the Shots in Manhattan’s Chinatown
2012-01-29“The Chinese consulate is exerting influence in Chinatown to suppress and marginalise Falun Gong here in New York City,” says Falun Dafa Information Center executive director Levi Browde. “This is a known fact backed up by a wide range of sources, including high-level Chinese officials who have defected to the West and revealed the extent to which Chinese consular officials do this worldwide.”
Hong Kong: Practitioners Spread the Truth about Falun Gong at the Chinese New Year Fair, Citizens and Tourists Are Blessed
2012-01-27The largest outdoor Chinese New Year Fair in Victoria Park in Hong Kong was open to the public from January 17th to 23rd, 2012.
Japan: Practitioners Protest the Persecution in Front of the Chinese Consulate in Kyushu
2012-01-26On January 22nd, 2012, Chinese New Year's Eve, practitioners in Kyushu, Japan gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate, and held a candlelight vigil to commemorate the practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution by the CCP.
United States: Shen Yun Captivates the Audience at Historic Boston Opera House
2012-01-25Shen Yun Performing Arts graced the stage at the historic Boston Opera House on Friday, January 20th, 2012, for an opening-night performance showcasing five thousand years of traditional Chinese culture. The New York-based company will perform four shows at the renowned venue as part of its 2012 world tour.
India: Two-Day Programme to Introduce Falun Dafa to Primary School Teachers
2012-01-24The participants were happy to learn and experience Falun Dafa. They experienced peace and harmony through the practice over the two days. They said they had the feeling of energy being activated in their bodies and expressed their happiness at being introduced to this wonderful cultivation practice.
Taiwan: Practitioners in Yilan Wish Teacher a Happy Chinese New Year
2012-01-20On January 15th, 2012, several days before the Chinese New Year, practitioners from Yilan County gathered in Luodong Sports Park and did the Falun Dafa exercises together. They had a group photo taken and sincerely wished Teacher a happy Chinese New Year.
United States: Shen Yun Receives High Accolades from Accomplished Performers in Ballet, the Arts and Hollywood
2012-01-18“It’s very special, and I think everyone should see it, and I’m happy to see so many Chinese people here seeing it,” said Ms. Wells of the production. “I’m sure everyone around the world will want to see this show.”
United States: Shen Yun Impresses Lincoln Center Audience at Sold-Out Matinee
2012-01-17“It’s very, very, very good. I enjoyed it,” enthused Ms. Joseph-Grant at the intermission. “And I loved the costumes, the colours - it’s very colourful!”