Worldwide News
Hong Kong: Call for Action to Rescue Fellow Practitioners Illegally Detained by the CCP
2007-02-11Hong Kong Falun Gong practitioners and representatives from rescue groups appealed to the Hong Kong Legislators and the Hong Kong government, and also called on people from all walks of life to help rescue two Hong Kong practitioners, Ms. Lin Lixia and Ms. Zeng Aihua, who are being illegally detained in mainland China.
Israel: Truth Clarification at Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2007-02-10Display boards in the hall exposed the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP during the past seven years. Pictures of the persecution victims were heart-wrenching. University students were shocked by the CCP crimes of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit.
Singapore: The People Say, "We Support You!"
2007-02-10I told him as far as he knew it and told his friends about it, he was doing a good thing. He said, "Yes, I did. I passed on truth-clarification materials to my friends and to my customers. I do exercises. How can they treat such a great practice like this? It is too cruel!...Lee Kuan Yew is very cruel to the people he doesn't like. We all know it.
Malaysia: Appealing to Chinese Students in Malaysia to Quit the CCP
2007-02-09Eighteen million Chinese people have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations. To support the trend, the Malaysia Quit the CCP Service Center hosted a rally in Nilai Township where two international colleges are located.
United States: Promoting Falun Dafa at a Chinese New Year Celebration in Sacramento, California
2007-02-09Time flies and Chinese New Year of 2007 is approaching. In Sacramento, the capital of California, there is usually an united celebration by a dozen local Chinese organizations. This year is their 10th celebration. Each year, one organisation hosts the celebration and others support the event. Local Falun Gong practitioners are invited every year.
Hong Kong: Parade to Support Quitting the CCP Warmly Received
2007-02-08The Hong Kong Service Center for Quitting the CCP and some other civil groups held a parade on the afternoon of February 3rd, 2007, supporting the 18 million brave Chinese people in mainland China who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organisations.
United States: Rally in San Francisco Draws Attention to 18 Million Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party
2007-02-08On February 3rd, 2007, the Service Center for Quitting the Party in northern California held a rally in San Francisco's Chinatown to support the movement in which 18 million people have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Attendees also condemned the CCP for harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit.
Malaysia: Practitioners have been Protesting the Persecution in Front of the Chinese Embassy in Jakarta for over a Year
2007-02-07Practitioners protest the persecution of Falun Gong in front of the Chinese Embassy and send forth righteous thoughts every night. It has been over a year since the daily protest began in December 2005. In the last year, practitioners have overcome a lot of difficulties and created a good cultivation environment.
Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Perform at the Farmers Festival
2007-02-07On January 27th, 2007, the annual Farmers Festival in Neihu District, Taipei City was held in the city hall with more than 800 people attending.
United States: Chinese New Year Spectacular Delights Large Audience in Houston
2007-02-06The Spectacular focuses on traditional Chinese culture and helps people understand the real meaning of life. The wonderful performances with excellent costumes and vivid backdrops moved the audience. Many of them were so joyful and touched they had tears in their eyes.
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom: Religious Freedom in China Is Deteriorating
2007-02-06Another witness who testified at the hearing was Zhang Erping. He briefed the situation of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China. He also highlighted how Shenyang police tortured Ms. Gao Rongrong to death.
United States: Falun Dafa Club Raises Awareness of the Persecution at Discoverfest in California
2007-02-05From January 31st to February 1st, California State University, Fullerton held a 2-day Discoverfest to welcome new students. The university's Falun Dafa Club participated in the event and clarified the truth of the practice and the ongoing persecution in China to students and faculty members.
Voice of America (VOA): Two Canadian Investigators Urge Public Not to Go to China for Organ Transplants
2007-02-05Two Canadians, the former Secretary of State for the Asia-Pacific region and a well-known human rights lawyer, recently called on countries around the world to discourage their citizens from going to China for organ transplants because such organs may be seized from unwilling Falun Gong practitioners or detained prisoners.
United States: People Moved by "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" Art Exhibition in Atlanta, Georgia
2007-02-04The "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" Art Exhibition was held at Georgia Tech for almost a month. The exhibition's final day was January 30th, 2007. Visitors to the exhibition were deeply moved by the spirit and meaning of the artwork.
Canadian Press: Canadians should be told Chinese organ transplants unethical, advocates say
2007-02-04OTTAWA (CP) - A former member of Parliament and a high-profile immigration lawyer are calling on the Foreign Affairs Department to issue an advisory warning Canadians off of travelling to China for organ transplants.